Attachment Congressional A

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20020109-00023 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 F E D E R A LC O M M U N I C A T I O N S   C O M M ISSION

                                                     WASHI NGTON

  OFFICE O F                                          July 11, 2002

       The Honorable Curt Weldon
       U.S. House of Representatives
       2466 Rayburn House Office Building
       Washington, D.C. 205 15

       Dear Congressman Weldon:

               Thank you for your recent letter concerning the request by Digital Broadband
       Applications Corp. (“DBAC”) to utilize an advanced hybrid satellite network to provide high-
       speed two-way digital data and video services to consumers in the United States. Specifically,
       DBAC seeks to operate earth stations with Canadian-licensed Direct Broadcast Satellite and
       U.S.-licensed Fixed-Satellite Service satellites (as well as using terrestrial Local Multipoint
       Distribution Service spectrum, where available) to deliver its proposed service.

               DBAC’s application seeking authority to operate its proposed service was placed on
       public notice and a comment cycle was established that closed on March 14, 2002. At least one
       petition to deny DBAC’s application has been filed. We have placed a copy of your letter in the
       public record for consideration as part of this proceeding.

              I respect the serious nature of the issues raised in your letter and appreciate the
      opportunity to assure you of my commitment to facilitate sustainable, nationwide competition in
      the multichannel video programming and broadband service marketplace for the benefit of U.S.
      consumers. The Commission staff is conducting a thorough review of the application, taking
      into account the record in this proceeding and the issues involved. I assure you that the
      Commission will consider carefully the points that you raise in your letter, and will complete
      action on the DBAC application as expeditiously as possible.

               Thank you for your interest and participation in this matter.




    WASHINGTON. DC 20515-3807
           (202) 225-2011
                                                                                                                              COMMITTEE   ON SCIENCE
         1554 GARRETT ROAD
       UPPER DARBY. PA 19082                                                                                                          RESEARCH
            (610) 259-0700                                                                                             ENVIRONMENT, TECHNOLOGY AND STANDARDS

 E-mail:                                                                                                      CO-CHAIRMAN:

                                                        #ou$eof 3RepreSentatiberl                                        CONGRESSlONAL FIRE SERVICES CAUCUS
                                                                                                                            DUMA-CONGRESS    STUDY GROUP
        MIGRATORY   BIRD                                                                                                 GLOBE OCEAN PROTECTION TASK FORCE
                POLICY COMMITfEE
                                                     %kx#ington,                ?lBC20515-3807                             CONGREWONAL DlABETES CAUCUS

                                                                    April        11,    2002

               The Honorable    Michael Powell
               Federal   Communications  Commission
               445 12th Street,     NW
               Washington,   D.C. 20554

               Dear          Chairman   Powell:

                      I am writing      in support    of Digital     Broadband Applications           Corp.'s
                (‘DBAC") January 8, 2002 application             to offer   integrated       two-way
               broadband     video data service      throughout     the United      States.      Given the
               numerous public      interest   benefits     of DBAC's proposed         service    offering,
               I urge the Federal        Communications     Commission to give close
               consideration      to this application.

                        DBAC's innovative        use of satellite       and terrestrial        LMDS
               frequencies     will    enable all U.S. consumers to enjoy next-generation
               video services,      including       video on demand, and high-speed               two-way
               Internet    access and content          services.      At the same time, DBAC will
               help to breathe      life     into the U.S. technology            industry    by creating    a
               demand for new technologies,             such    as the   interactive      set-top     box and
               LMDS technologies        it is helping        to develop.       I am also encouraged        by
               DBAC's commitment to providing              an alternative        platform    for independent
               video programmers,         including     Hispanic     programmers.

                     Moreover,        DBAC's offering  will provide   much-needed                                     competition   in
               the satellite-delivered         video and data services    markets.                                      If you have
               any questions,        feel free to contact   me.

                                                                                        CURT WELDON
                                                                                        Member of Congress


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Document Created: 2002-08-23 12:05:40
Document Modified: 2002-08-23 12:05:40

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