Attachment Eagle Eye, Inc.

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20001206-02309 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                               Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, DC 20554
International Bureau
                                                                               202418-2818 (fax)

       March 15.2002

       Mr. William T. Hatch
       Associate Administrator
       Office of Spectrum Management
       United States Department of Commerce
       National Telecommunications and Information Administration
       Washington, DC 20230

       Dear Mr. Hatch:

       Thank you for your letter of February 5, 2001, regarding the Eagle Eye, Inc. application before
       the Commission to operate half-duplex mobile earth station terminals in the 191.6 GHz Mobile-
       Satellite Service bands through the Mobile Satellite Ventures (MSV) and Canadian Telesat
       Mobile satellite networks. The Commission has issued a license granting the application to
       operate in the L-band frequency bands. This license addresses the concerns expressed in your
       letter. A copy of the license is attached.

                                                               Bureau Chief



                     Chief of the International Bureau
                     Federal commLmicaltionB CommiBtion
                     445 12* strw SW
            0        Washington, DC 20554
                     REk Eagle-Eye !nc. Ucense Application FCC Filt Nmber SE&IX-200012064B309
                     De&Mr. Abel-a
                             Baglo-Eye Inc. lies applied to the Commission fbr a licen~ to opere@ balfkiuplex mobile e8lth
                     termids (METS) in the 1.5/1.6 GKz Mobile-Satellite Se&c+ (MS) bands through the Mobile Satellite
                     Ventures (MSV) and Canadian T&sat Mublle satellite networks. As you M aware the$e are shared
d                    goveroknent/non-guveznment band8 and, tberalbre, NTIAaad a&t& &deral SeEoQGies routinely review
                     and to-t on such applications. Last year u&r consuktion with the Federal Aviation Administration
                     I itJbm8d you that in order to me8t the nquirernants for pdofity tmd llifd-*e pwmptbn ;PorM$S
                     systems’, we had established a requirement that hfdfkiupkx me shorrld be able to tetmin@ th&
                     transmissioneQvit?&l1L%euond.           Asisexpl8ineldin~detaillrltheemclosedlatt;er~Eagfe-Eye
                     Inc., the initial planed design ofthe RagleEye Intx METS would require up to 13 seoonda to k%mht*

                .-          We have examined the Eagle-Eye Inc. @plication in so= detail and requested that Ikgk-&@ Iac.
                     detecmine if tire is an approach that they could employ to reduce the total time to clear their cham&.
        0            EagleJZye Ina. has proposed arch an appraaah that is explaked in the er&d~lrre. EaglM~ Inc. statssr
    4                approach appears to be fkibble md would reduce the overall reqonse time to around 3 seco1Ic119, wlrile
                     even this spproa& doea not fblly meet the prl&ty and teal-tims premption reqabernants, N’MA, with
                     the concurrence of the FAA, q~ agree to the Eagle-Eye application provided that ti design of the METs
                            I thank you fbr worlciig with ug 011 these matters.

                    Eagle Eye, Inc.
                    45365 Vintage Park Plaza, Suite 2 10                                          (703) 478-3340 Phone
                    Dulles, Virginia 20 166                                                       (703) 478-334 1  Fax

                                                                                                       3 January 2002
                    James Vorhies
                    National Telecommunications Information Agency
                    Room 4076
                    Department of Commerce
                    Washington, DC 20230
                    Subject:         Satisfaction of pre-emption requirements contained in 47 CFR 2 footnotes
                                     US308 and US3 15; SkyBitz L-band Mobile Earth Terminal Blanket
                                     License Application, FCC File number SES-LIC-2000 1206-023 09
                    Dear Mr. Vorhies,
                    Early this year Eagle Eye, Inc applied to the Federal Communications Commission for a
                    blanket license to operate mobile earth terminals in the L-band mobile satellite
                    ahocations at 1.5 and 1.6 gigahertz’. Among other things we understand from the FCC
                    that we must show we meet the requirements of footnotes US3 15 and US308 of 47 CFR
                    2.106, granting GMDSS and AMS(R)S preemptive priority rights respectively, before the
                    FCC will act to grant the license.
                    We believe we have designed a system that can meet these requirements, in that our
                    system will guarantee to have cleared the frequency within seconds of receiving an
                    indication of preemption, by building into our system design a feature whereby all mobile
                    terminal transmissions are restricted to no more than 1.5 seconds in duration, and the
                    mobile terminal must verifying authority to transmit before each transmission. We
                    therefore seek the approval and support of the NTIA and the appropriate U. S ,
                    government agencies to operate the SkyBitz Mobile Earth Terminal in the 1525 - 1559
                    and 1626.5 - 1660.5 megahertz Mobile Satellite L-bands.
                    Eagle Eye’s Service Objectives
                    In brief, Eagle Eye is planning to introduce a nation-wide service to the logistics and
                    transportation industries providing tracking and optional remote sensor, control, and
                    security services for semi-trailers, rail cars, and shipping containers -- the relatively low-
                    value mobile freight enclosures that actually carry the goods (as distinct from tractor
                    tracking, which already exists). The industry claims substantial savings ifit can avoid lost
                    time, lost or misrouted shipments, and inefficient mobile freight enclosure management.
                    Market history has shown that to have any chance of success in the mobile freight
                    enclosure tracking environment, the Mobile Terminal and the associate service must be
                    inexpensive. Tracking costs must permit a demonstrable net savings in the cost of

                    ’ FCC Forms 159 and 3 12 filed in December 2000 and amended by letter and amended FCC Form 3 12 on 5
                    June 200 1; File number SES-LX-2000 1206-02309.

                                                      “Turning PoMon MO Knowledge”

                Eagle Eye, Inc.
                45365 Vintage Park Plaza, Suite 2 10                                                (703) 478-3340 Phone
                Dulles, Virginia 20 166                                                            (703) 4?8-334 1   Fax

                operations. Otherwise, operators will not adopt the service, and the benefits that could
                accrue to the national economy, infrastructure, and security through rapid nationwide
I               tracking will not be realized.
    b           Most companies trying to offer a solution to this market have combined a GPS receiver
                with either a cellular or satellite radio. But such solutions have proven to be costly and
                have required very large batteries to support any Iength of unattended, un-recharged
                operation. As a consequence there has been very little take-up of tracking solutions so far
                for low-valued mobile freight enclosures,
                Eagle Eye has come up with a technique for obtaining position information from a coId
                start in a manner that is significantly faster (seconds) and more power-efficient than a
                GPS receiver on power-up. We have combined this technique with a very efficient but
                simple custom packet-based software-based satellite radio and protocol to offer a
                terminal that is small, inexpensive, autonomous, offering years of battery life on a set of
                AA batteries while providing multiple fixes per day, and rugged enough to make
                economic and practical sense to the shippers for use on low-valued enclosures. Our
                prototype field trials have been very encouraging -- we believe we’ve put together a
                product that will help shippers finally gain the added efficiencies and savings they seek.
                SkyBitz production Mobile Terminals will also support local sensor reporting, local
                device control, local MT activation, and automatic switching between autonomous and
                local external power sources, features also sought by numerous markets.

                Recently Eagle Eye has found increasing interest from the safety and security
        b       communities. As an example, the U.S. Senate has just past a port security bill2 calling for
                procurement of surveillance equipment and technology for combating terrorism and
                criminal activity connected with shipments and trade. We believe we offer a useful
                answer to a number of safety and security requirements. We plan now on supporting
                them from our service introduction by providing shipment and asset tracking for high
                value or high risk items combined with local (sensor or operator-based) or remote
                emergency rapid alerting and tracking activation and related features. Applications we
                can support include vehicles, shipping containers, trailers, rail cars, boats, aircraft, heavy
                equipment, and other high value or high vulnerability assets. We are already designing to
                several large vehicle manufacturers’ requests for such services, and are in discussions
                now with the United States Government regarding several applications there. Some of
                the latter are designated urgent.
                EagIe Eye is presently pursuing a rapid development schedule targeting the deployment
                of tracking and emergency reporting terminals in the second quarter of 2002.

                * S-1214ES, “Port and Maritime Security Act of 2001” (Short Title). Title I, Set 118 of the bill establishes
                a funding program to develop surveillance technology, while Title II, Set 207 deals with the development
                of an ability to track cargo within the United States,

                                                    “Turning Position In to Knowledge *

                   -            -
            45365 Vintage Park Plaza, Suite 2 10                                   (703) 478-3340 Phone
            Dulles, Virginia 20166                                                 (703) 478-3341   Fax

            Technical Features Bearing on Preemption
            The SkyBitz System uses bidirectional narrowband frequency assignments on each beam
            of the AMSC-1 and MSAT-1 L-band satellites. We divide each frequency assignment
            into many successive timeslots for allocation among a large number (tens of thousands)
            of MTs in a proprietary, highly flexible manner. Each such time-slotted frequency
            assignments we tern1 a “Carousel”. We presently operate within assignments of a few
            kilohertz bandwidth each per Carousel given to us by the L-band satellite operator. We
            expect to begin operations with only one Carousel, but as operations expand we expect
            within months to expand to a number of parallel Carousels to accommodate growing
            Mobile Terminals transmit for a duration of 1.47 seconds per packet timeslot on the
            Carousel return link. All Mobile Terminals are programmed never to transmit at all in
            any packet timeslot unless they first receive a valid packet in the same numbered timeslot
            in the forward direction having a “Return-Enable” bit set for that timeslot. The forward
            and return timeslots are offset by no more than 12 seconds, so that there is a fixed
            maximum time interval between receipt of authority to transmit and mobile terminal
            transmission time. Transmission durations are fixed and limited to less than 1.5 seconds.
            This is true for each packet. Given this packet duration, the total possible elapsed time
            between the transmission of a notification of preemption and the cessation of all MT
            emissions will not exceed 13.5 seconds.
            In our service, the mobile terminal must extract commands from the forward packet from
            the gateway, then information from received GPS signals, process the GPS signals in the
            receiver to extract information to return to the gateway, and transmit resulting
            information along with identity, sensor, and housekeeping information within one packet.
            These steps account for the 12-second interval between MT reception and transmission.

            The 1.5 second packet duration is driven by link margin considerations. As mentioned,
0           in order to make sense as a product for the asset tracking market, the mobile terminals we
            are using must be quite small and rugged, install easily, and use low-gain antennas. They
            must operate for years from one set of batteries, and must operate reliably to and from the
            geosynchronous communications satellite in the presence of path impairments over which
            we have no control. These constraints limited us to a relatively low transmission data
            rate in order to obtain adequate margin over the satellites we use. The lower data rate
            combined with the (less than 200-bit) packet length yielded a 1.5-second packet duration,
            to yield in turn a good overall balance in margin (reliability) and throughput.
            In response to your inquiry regarding shortening the offset time between forward
            (enabling) and return (responding) timeslots, we have, on examining our processing,
            found that it may be possible to program the mobile terminal to re-activate its receiver
            again after processing but before transmission in order to check for continued authority to
            transmit, at the cost of some additional processing overhead. This would reduce
            preemption reaction times somewhat, should that be necessary.

                                            “Turning Position Into Knowledge”


    Eagle Eye, Inc.
    45365 Vintage Park Plaza, Suite 210                                    (103) 478-3340 Phone
    Dulles, Virginia 20 166                                                (703) 4783341    Fax
    In examining alternatives for accomplishing this, we found that an approach that reads a
    second later forward packet carrying another control indication would not work well.
    The additional power consumption to support the time and processing penalty to decode
    and read another packet would cause us to fail to meet our power consumption
    constraints, which are tough, and essential for market acceptance as a long-term
    unattended device meeting industry packaging constraints.
    A different approach appears to permit a more rapid reaction time while protecting
    overall power budgets and cost targets essential to designing an acceptably efficient and
    inexpensive mobile terminal. In this case, just before transmission, the MT re-activates
    its receiver to detect the forward beam pilot, whose presence would indicate a continuing
    pennission to operate. This simpler processing is substantially less burdensome in time
    and consumption, and appears workable. With such an approach, we believe we could
    reduce the total preemption reaction time to around 3 seconds, including the time from
    reception of the pilot to the end of a packet transmission, assuming worst case offsets.
    However, we note that an MT reply would then depend on successful reception of both
    the forward packet and the later pilot. Having to detect both signals introduces an added
    likelihood of missed joint detection (assuming the actual presence of the packet and pilot)
    compared to the performance of the unit as now designed. Since operational reliability is
    an important feature of our service, we urge recognition of the present 12 second offset
    time, combined with a 1.5 second limitation on MT emission time, as adequate to meet
    the preemption needs of the GMDSS and AMS(R)S services.

    In summary, we are keenly interesting in assuring that we meet the requirements for
    protecting safety and emergency operations in the L-band, and indeed hope to contribute
    to the availability of such services in a cost-effective and efficient manner within these
    bands on a continent-wide basis. We believe we offer a service that offers an opportunity
    for significant improvements in logistics and fleet management, and in the safety and
    security of mobile and remote assets and activities, fulfilling an urgently needed national
    capability while providing a timely response to existing preemption requirements,
    I look forward to working with you further in meeting these requirements. Along these
    lines I would be pleased to meet with you and others as necessary to discuss SkyBitz
    System features and solutions further.

                                                VChief Technical Officer
                                                  Eagle Eye Incorporated

                                   “‘Turnitlr Position hto Knowledge”

Document Created: 2002-03-26 15:26:55
Document Modified: 2002-03-26 15:26:55

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