Attachment RAD HARZARD

This document pretains to SES-LIC-20000711-01144 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


          JUL—11—00 1550 From:MINTZ LEVIN                              2024347400         T—596 P.01/05 Job—878
 Rent by: JetFax MOQ10e                       5;                         07/11/00 B:21AM;JetFax_#8§1;Page 2/6
      Aacaiveq:     7111100    T 100AM j           703 470 2707   —>   WILLIAMS   MARKETING   DEPY;   Page   14

          JLL 1i ‘@0@    BR8:@SAM COMSERRCH                                                            P.276

                                                                                                Page 1 OoF 5

   This report analyzes the non—ionizing rediation lavelse for a 1.9 mater
   earth station system.              The analysais and calculations performed in this
   report are in compliance with the methodg deacribed in the PCC Office of
  Engijnesering and Technology Bullerin, No. 65 first published in 1985 and
   revised in 1997 in Edition 97—01.  The radiation safety limits used in
   the analysis are in conformance with the FCC R&O 96—326.  Bulletin No. 65
   and the PCC R4&O spsecifies that theroe are two acga:ace tiersa of expogauye
   limit@s that are degendanz on the situation in which the exposurse takes
 —.place @and/or the status of the individuals who are subject to tha exposure.
   The Maximum Feymissible Expogure (MPE) limits for persons in a General
  ~Fopulation/Uncontrclled environment are shown in Table 1.                              The Genersl
  ©Population/Unecontrolled MPE is a function of tranamit !requenc¥ and is for
   an exposure gerzod of thirty minutes or leses. The MPE limita for persons
   in an Oceupational/Controlled environment are shown in Table 2. The
   Occupational MPE is a funotion of tranamict frequency and is for an expopure
  period of six minutes or legs.                   The purfogc of the analysis described in
_ this report is to determine the power fluyx density lavels of the earth
—__@tation in the fayr—~field, near—field, transirion reqion, between the
 * gubreflector or feed and main reflector surface, at the main reflector
~ssurface, and betweer the antenna adge and the ground and to compare these
  levelse to the specified MPESs.

      Tabla 1. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled EBxposuyre (MPE)
      Frequency Range (MKz2)                           Powser Densgity (mWatte/om**2)
               30—300                                              t      0 .2
             300—1500                                       Frequon=¥(MHZl‘(0.8/1200)
            is00—100, 600                                            .a

      Table 2. Limits for OGcecupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE)
               30 —300                                                    1 .0
              300—15§500                                    Froduoncgtuflz)*(6.0/1200)
            1500—100,000                                                    .0

. _ Table 3 contaings the parameters that are used to calculate the varioun power
  i deneiries for the eayrth stations.

          JUL—11—00 1550 From:MINTZ LEVIN                                              2024247400               T—696 P.02/05 Job—878
 Rent hy: JetFax MQ1Qs                              &;                                  07/11/00 @:21AM; JeiFax_#851;Page /6
           Reecarvea:    ¥7};11,}00   71 G0AM;           T700   476   2TAY    —>» WILLIAMA          MAAKETING   QEPT ;      Page   16

              JUL 1i ‘@@A    @B8:iBAM COMSEARCH                                                                               P.3—6

 *                                                                                                                 Page 2 Of 5
 . Table 3.             Formulas and Parameters Uaed for Determining FPoweyr Flux Densitios
              Pazrameter                         Abbreviation                          Valua                             Unitae
              Antenna Biametaeary                    D                                 1 .9                              metargk
              Antenna Surface Araa                   ga                                IL * D**2/4                       metersg*®*2
              Faed Flange Diameter                   Df                                  19 .0                           cm
              Ahrea of Ffsesd Flange                 Fa                                ILI * DFf*+2/4                    cm**2
              Frequency                              Frequency                         14250                             MHz
              Wavelangth                             lambda                      300/frequency (MH2)                     meters
              Tranomit Power                         P                                      350 .00                      Watta
              Antanna Gain                           Gea                               46 .6                             d4a 1i
              Pi                                     II                                3 .1415927                        n/a
              Antenna Efficiency                     n                                 0 .56                             n/a

 © 1.         PFar Field Distrance Calculatien
 *The distance to the beginning of the far field can be determinad from the
 ffollowing equation : (1)
              Distrance to the Far Field Region, (RFf)                       = 0.60 *« D#+*2 / lambda                                   {1}
                                                                             =         102.9 meterp

 The maximum main beam power densaity in the Far Field can be detormined
 . from the following equarion: (2)
              On—Axis Powar Density in the Far Field, (Wf)                                   — Ges * P / 4 * II « RPf**2                (1)
                                                                                             =      117.531 Watts/metera*r*2                   '
                                                                                             =—   112703mWatts/cm**2
     ?2,      Near Field Calculation

  Poawey flux density is considered to be at a maximum value thyoughout the
  entire length of the defined Near Fileld region.   The region is contained
_ _within a cylindrical volume having the aamsa diameter as the antenna.
     Past the boundary of the Near Pield yegion the power danaity from the
     antenna decreagesg linearly with respect to increasgsing disatance.
     The distance to the end of the Near Fiald can be deteyrmined "rom the
     following equation: (3)
              Extent of the Neay Field, (Rkn)               — D*#*@2 /           (4a    *    lambda)                                    (3 )
                                                            =     €2.9       matkeor®s

 : The maximum power density in the Near Field can be determined from the
<~~ following equarieon: (4)                                                                          '
              Near Field Power Density, (Wn)                     16.0 * n ® P / II * pr**2                                              {4.
                                                                  274.370 Warte/meters*t*+2
                                                                  27.437 mWatts/om**2

 l            JUL—11—00 15:§1     From:MINTZ LEVIN                              2024347400                     T—696 P.03/05 Job—878
 v%unr by: JetFax MS1Ge                              4;                           N7/11}00            8:214M;Jeifag #ARL1;jPage 476
          Receiveads    7111700       r.8Gam;             7TaS «76 2TB7   +.>   WILLIAMS           MAAKETING   PEPT;    Page   16

             JL i1 ‘8@          GB:10AM COMSFARCH                                                                         P.4/6
                                                                                                                  Page 3 of 56
     3.       ranpsicion Region CGale                ons

     The Transition region is located between the Neay and Far Field yegionc.
     ‘As srated in Section 2. above the power denaity begins to decrease linearyly
     with increaging distance in the Transition region. While the poweyr density
      decreages inverael¥ with distance in the Transition region, the powar
 . density dscreases inversely with the square of the distance in the Pay
  — Field region.  The maximum power density in the Transition regilon will
    nor excsed that ocoalculated for the Near Field yegion. The power denaricy
     calsulated in Section 1. above is the higheet power denaity the antenrna
     can produce in any of the reqgions away from the antenna. The power dengity
     at a distance Rt can be determined from the following equation: (5)
            Transition region Power Density,(Tt)                     = KWn * Rn / Rt                                                   (5)

     4.      Region between Faed Asgsmbly and Anptenna Reflectoy
 ~Transmisfilengs fxyom the feed assembly are divrected towayd the antenna
     reflector surface, and are confjned within a conical mhape defined pby the
      tYpe of feed aaaamb&g.  The most common feed assemblies are waveguida
     .flanges, horns or subreflectors.  The energy between the fesed asamambly and
 ~reflector suyface can be caloulmted bg decerminins the power denpity at
—@"the feed assembly surface. This can be determined fyom the following
 ~equation: (6)
            Power Density at Feed Flange, (Wf) = 4 * P / Fi                                                                            {(6)
                                                                 =   4937 .771 mWatte/om**2a

     5.     Main Reflector Region
     The power density in the main reflector is determined in the saame manner
     ag the power density at the feed asaembly, in 4. above, but the area is
     now the area of the reflecator aperture can be determinmned from the following
     equation: (7)
            Power Density at the Reflector Surf@ce, (Wa)                                      4    * P / SYa                           (7}
                                                                                   it 41 it

                                                                                                  €4923.77"7 Watts/metarsa*®*2

     6.       Region between Reflector and Ground

     _Assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, the gowar denairy
_‘ batween t?;)aucannn and ground can be deternmnined from the fellowing
 ‘~ equation:
             Powey Pengity betwesen Reflector and Ground, (Wqg)                                      P / Sa                            CE
                                                                                                       123 .444 Wattsa/metors*».

                 JUL—11—00   1§:§1      From:MINTZ LEVIN                                2024347400            T—6396   P.047/05   Job—878

 Bent by: Jetl ax MS1Oe                                     §;                            07711700     B:21AM; JetFax_#851;Page /6
              Recelvad:      7}/11,00          ?2:00aM;          rPas 47e eroer    *~   WILLTAMS     MARKETING OEPT;       Page    17

                 Li 11 ‘B@        R@!iBA0M COMSEARCH                                                                         P.S576

                                                                                                                  Page 4 of 5

         Table 4. Aummary of Bxpectad Radiation levals for Uncontrolled Environment
         Region                                    Calculatad Maximum Radistion                             Hazaxd Asaesament
                                                   Powey Deng@ity Level (mWatts/em**2)
         1. Far Fileld          (RFf)          =— 102.9 meters                    11 . 753                  Poteantial Hazayd

         2. Near Field               (FRn)})   = 42.9 mecaers                     27 .437                   Potentlal Hagard

         3. Transition Region
            Rn < Rt < Rf, (RtC)                                                   27 , 437                  FPorential Hazard
 — 4. Betwseen Feed Agssembly                                                     §$2237 . 771              Porential Hazard
               and Antenna Reflector
         —5. Main Reflector                                                   a3.378                        Potential Hazard

         6.    Between Reflector                                                  12 .344                   Potrential Hazard
     ‘         and Ground

 — Table 5. Summary of Expected Radiation levels foy Controlled Environment
':;Region                                          Calculated Maximum Radiation                             Hazard Assessnent
                                                   powey Density Level (mWattg/om**2)
     O1L. Far Field (RF)                           102,3 meters                   1i . 753                  Potential Hazard

          2. Near Field              (Rn}          42.9 meters                    27 .437                   Potential Hazard
          3. Transition Region
               Rn < Rr < Rf,               [(Rt)                                  27 .437                   Potential Hazayd
         4. Between Faad Assembly                                                 €937.7711                 Potential Hazard
 >             and Antenna Reflectoy
         5.    Msin Re€lector                                                                               Potential Kazayd

 ._6.          Between Reflector                                                                            Potential Hazard
               and Ground

 . It is the applicant‘s vresponsibility to ensura that the public and
.. operational personnel are not exposed to harmful levels of radiacion.

        JUL—11—00    1§5:51   From:MINTZ LEVIN                             2024347400           T—696 P.05/05   Job—878

Sent by: JetFax MY10e                            4;                          07/11700    H:22AM; JefFpxz_#851;Page 6/f
|   Receiwad:         7711700      ?110AM;            T098 4T6 27TA7T   —> WILLTAMS MARAKETIEING DEPT;   Page 18

       L 11         ‘@@   Q@@:LiAM1 COMSEARCH                                                              P.5/6

                                                                                             TXMIRIT A
                                                                                             Page 5 of 5

         7. Conclusions
         Rased on the above analysia it i@a concluded that the FCC MPE quidelines have
         been exceeded {or met) in the ragiona of Table 4¢. The applicant proposes to
         comply with the FCC MPE limits by one or more af the following methods.
         The antenna will be roof mountsed st a minimim slevation of 2.4 meters above
         ground level and since ons dismeter removed from the center of main bean the
         levels are down at least 20 dB, or by a factor of 100, public safety will be
         angured for the near and far field yegions. The antenna trensmitter will be
         turned off during maintenance in order to comply with the FRC MPR limit of S
         mW/cm2 at the Reflector Surface.

Document Created: 2000-07-11 16:31:00
Document Modified: 2000-07-11 16:31:00

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