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                    03/01/00                                    12:59           FAX 703 812 0488                            FLETCHER.-.HEALD
~                       .                                                             .-       --                                                                                         @loo2

                                     RADIO MARIA mc
                                     51 bT TulmmHcMT Asm
                                     LArmxu~,                                PA         19446

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                                      Dezr Applicnnt:
                                           Baeod OP infomnation     you eupplicd,   wad amsudag yotrt operations      will be w
                                       eraccdin your applfcqtiou     for recogdtluu    of ammptiona,   we h&vu determined     you
                                      are exempt ftom federal    incme tax uaQf section        SOl(a1 of the Internal     Revenue
                                      Code aa an orgaazfz~cion   described in ee&ian     591(c) (31.
                                            Becawe you are a newly c?aated oqiaaisaticw, we are aratPOW nlaksng a
                                      final   determination     of your foundation    qtatua   under section     609(a) of the code.
                                      Rowever, we have detenained         that you ~      ~maanably     wect   to be a publidy
                                      eupported    organiertion    deecribtd   in reeehYu     509(a)(l)    and 170&l 111 IA) (vi).
                                             AccordPngly,  duzhg an a&mue m&g       period   you will be treated    ae a
                                      PubLiClV eupmartsd OcganizatiM,     and noti U a private   foundation.    Thie adVMce
                                      ruling   period be&If3 rmd enda ozk the da&e ahova above.
                                               Within 90 daye after        the e33d of ym#r a&ancs ruling          period,       you mu6t
                                       esnd ua the information           seeded to detemhe        wh%her you have met the require-
                                       ruents~ of the applicable         euppOrt tout     bu      tha aduaacr    ruling      period..        If you
                                       eetablish      rhat you hmm beszl 8 publicly                 rtaa ozgar3%f4tfon,       lee ioi1a dusei-
                                       fy you au u fmction        SOS(a) (1) or 509(a) Fa) orgaaimackm           am lobg as yau cOPti;tluo
                                       to meet the requirwWto             of the 8pplicabla      mqqmrt mat.          If you do not weat
                                       the publtc'wport         zequiremente        durlnk Qo advance ruling         period,       WI till
                                       classify      you be a private       fouudution    for future    periods.      Alw,     if m clraeify
                                       you a8 a private       fmndatlon.        wt will   treat you at3 a &vatc          fouadatioa        from
                                       your                     begiuning                 date        gar       puzpooar   of   eacuioa   507(d)   end 4940.

                                               Grantore      and contributors        may rely-on     our datsnnirnat;fon  that    you are nnt                                                a
                                       private      fouddation    until      90 days after BIae end of your advance rulklg            period-
                                       If you send uo the requ$red              information.pithin         the 90 &y6,   grantor6    and
                                       contributors        may co&kue         to rcLy w ths advance determination            Until   wa mab
                                       a final      dstednati0a         of your fetmdatiad         mtatus.

                                                                 If     we publimb                    6   notice      in the Id&n81       uevmuc    Bulletin    atatiag     that     wa
                                                                                                                                                               Letter     104s     ma/a

     03/01/00        13:00 FAX 703 812 0486                        FLETCHERHEALD
       -.        -        ----                                              _-                -.                                         El003



                 If you &huge your auu2-cm at w,          your gurpoeeo,   char;rccer,   or method
          of operation,   plearc 1st ue know IQ we cpn caneider    the effect    aP the ohanga on
          your exempt etatue and foundation   status.   If you amend your otganieational
          fhe\rment or bybwt3, @la.86 6-4 lJ8 6 w     Of th8 a?lieXldl%ddacummt     02 bylaw.
          Alao, 1st ua how all change13 in your sam or addrees.
                As of b78nu8ry 1, 1984, you are U&la    for social  eecurfty tame under
           the Fedard   Ixuniraaoc coatxibutionc Act op amuatm of #lOO ox mare you pay to
           each of your amploycae during a calend&    year,  You am sot liable   for the tax
           impoasd am&r the B&era1 lheupluymat      ~px Act (FUTA~.
                     organiaatfoms        that   arc     not    priuab    hwd8tiona                am   not   mabjact      to    the   pi-
           Va'cC fOUn&tioP  exclse tax00 ult&r Chaper    43 of the Intern;rl RtWenue   Wd8.
           IIowmmr, yo\l are not automaticalLy umgt    fcom other federal taxas.        If
           you have any quct3tiuns about CSCC~~, ~loynmnt.     or other fedaral   taxan, plcaoc
           let    ua know-
                  Donors may d-et      eontributiorm      to pu es prwided      in eectiofi    170 of the
           Internal   Revenue Code,      hqueOt@, l~citaa,       -666,     traxMftrF8,      or gifts to you
           as for your uee me ckbctibla            far Fed+1    estaca mnd gift:    tax puipataen if they
           meet   the  tsppliciblc provi,cripns    of secti?    2055, 2106, and 2522 of tha Coda.
                   Doxmre      may deduct      contributions      to ‘m       oa~y CO the extent         zhat their
           contrihutionB         arc gifte,       with no coaaid+ation            received.        Tickrt l?Uchae+38 Snd
           eimilar     payplents IEL conjumalcion with                    8iPing eventa may pot Ilaceddrily
           qualify     as deductibla          contxlbutione,      d7 axding OA ti            circumstaacee-      Revenue
           Ruling 67-216,          publIshad      ia Cun?ulativt     Bulletin       1967-2,      OP pages 101, g&Me
           guidelines        regarding       when taxpyeto       mayjdrduct       paymsnts far admfoeion         to, or
           other     participatlcm         in, fundraisirrg      aotA+tiee        for   charity.

                     You are not required    ta file     Form 996, RmtuTp bf Organfeation           Zxmpt From
           IPcomt3 Tax,     if yout -8~      rcccfpts      cach,year      are normally  $25,000    or lce8.     If
           you receive        a Form 990 package      in the mail,      sitrlply attadh the label provUJed,
           check the        bm in the heaM-       to indicaeq       that yeus annual    grose   rc&pte      are
           normally  925,000           or lem,         and rignthe        tetura.           Because     you will        be tzaated       ae
           a public        charity      for   return     fil*        purwete        *ring          your entire     8dvance ruling
           period.  you should file    Fom 990 for each year 'ia           advaaoe ruaingpsriad
           that you exceed the $25,tYOO f ilbag thrwbold       Crerr F f your Lr-m     af errpport
           do not i3atittify the publk   %ugport test ti&#Cificd    in the heading of this btter-

                                                                                                              Letter      1045     bO/CG)

       S0&0 - d                      98EIZT8T0L-C       01                           wsn s131aJ3a                  9P : 80       DBOZ-s T-83d

              03/01/00                    13:oo FAX 703 512 0486                                  FLETCHERHEALD
-          ..-.--.                    -         --               -.                               -..-.-                         ..-            -__                                          moo4

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                                          If    a return           ie requilad,            it   IULIBCbe:fUad          by Cb& 15th dry of C&e fifth
                          month after the end of your anma%   8caoubt;lSbg                                            period.  A psaslty of $20 a day
                          is charged whur a return ia filed late,     imlet~s                                          tA@m is ~~~mmbfc     caum far
                          the delay,                    Mweer,           the m&mum              panalt$       chf~@         cannet         exceed            $10,000             0~
                           5   percent of your                       gram       xucsipu         for tb        y9p11, uU&evcrr                   i8 lees.               For
                          oqpnirathnt3                      vith      QZO8B      receipta                                                ia      CULY     Jla=r             tlscl,prryltr,
                           ‘i$.&$~!00          ; be,,   ,z@.y   pq     %e+am,         . u@&ae                                            Ctig           ,$Q&..t*j            ~%@&i!          1. .i,j;:l
         ; 1;., :;,:!, L “.$&...w
                                       mum petilty
                                                     for &ti org~sa                                             excceditig             si.,pte
                           $1,000,000      &El11 not uccnd       $50,000,        Tb!LspcIauy~~aleobs                chargedif   B
                           return     is not canplete.      So, gleaoa be ufatc pur rettim is coaudete &tf=e                     you
                           file   it.
                                  You am not required        to file      feds&         income tax returam u72lcae you are
                           subject      to the cw cn un?elaCed bueiaeee: income UXI&S section                      511 Of the Code.
                           If you are eubject       to this    teuc, you aad         file     an 5acoroc tax    r&urn 00 lporm
                           990-T, $xen(Bt Organisatiaa         Bunhtama       IA&E        Tax Im3srn.     IA thio    latter   w are
                           not cIetm~~$ning wbcthcr any of your prsskt                     or propsad    activitiee        an WUC-
                           lated tradeJ or buinaoa         ao defined       in o&ion          513 of the    Code.

                                 The law rcqaircs     you to make your ahuul        rcta~     available                                                       for      public
                          inepection    vithout   c&ape   for three    yes*   after    the due date                                                     of the              return.
                          Ycru are aleo required      to make aveikble      Ya+ public     izwpection                                                   a clvpy of ywr
                            exemgtion      agplicatioP,                     any      swo*ing                          E and this                exeqptioa     later   to
                            any individual           who              requeata        ouab                    0 io    perBbn         QL in        crrritkng.                  You      can
                            charge   only a ressomblc     fee Los repro&#ti.on    and ectwal poetngc costs for the
                            cr+ed    materials.    The law doss not ruqbdke    'you Co prod&    COpha of public
                            iaepcctian    dcmnaente that ere made widelb avmllable,       6uch a6 by po6UW   thea
                            on the Intsmst      (World Wide Web).    Ym r&y ba liable     far a pezmlty of $20 a day
                            for  each day you do not make thee doau~ntu available for public i~m~eian
                             (up co a maximum of $lO,OoU in the cam P' an aSxUa2 rOtuW.
                                   You need an employer ~dentifiaation!      numbw QVCIRif you have no cng?loycce.
                            If an emplopr        wad not ekered     oxa Fur application,  V+
                            vi11 aecr~gxa a aumbsr to you and ahim           u of it.    Pleaee ume that:nuslbar  Qp                                                                                      t
                            all retuars   you file     acLd in all cprra +       ce with the Intaraal     lmvcnkq
                                  If ue eaid in Ebe head-    of this   S+rccr                                          that      sn addendum                  agplieo,                the
                            addendum wkcloeed iu sp integzrl   pa;rt of t&h                                            letter.
                                          Bccauaa this     leftcr      could help UB &salvs    spy @wstionra about                                                      your Q-t
                            etatue          and faundatfon        Btetue.    you mhoul* keep it in your psment                                                          LCwd3.

                                                                                                                                                        Letter          1045          WO/CGI

                    SR/wi        ‘A                             96PBZT8ZOLT           01                              usn     s731t13a           wow                9P:80        0002~ST-833

    03/ol/Oo      13:oo--- FAX 703 812 0496         FLETCHERHEALD                                            kzloo5

      5X3-d lt1101
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         aDI0     IdA;RxA   mc

         Pbnn     672-C

                                                                                   LBtter       1045     (m/ccs)


       SQG0 ’ d                  98V0ZT8K0LT   01                 tml   S-Em38   WC&I       LP :80     0002~ST-833

Document Created: 2000-03-02 17:27:55
Document Modified: 2000-03-02 17:27:55

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