Attachment Schedule B

This document pretains to SES-LIC-19991118-02126 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


From:        "Barker, Jim R (CAP, AMR)" <>
To:          "''" <>
Date:        Mon, Nov 1, 1999 10:27 AM
Subject:     IB1999000390 Change

Jacki, on one of the applications I submitted recently, IB1999000390, I made
an entry in the section called Frequency which is incorrect, but I didn't
realize so until after I had submitted it. The entry which lists the
Frequency Lower at 13750.0 and Frequency Upper at 14000.0 should actually be
13772.0 and 13778.0. The other information is correct. In addition, there
should be two additional entries as follows:
Frequency Lower    Frequency Upper   T/R   Polarization   Emmis Desig.   Max.
EIRP   Max. EIRP Den. Modulation
13750.0                13771.0                   T         H,V
30M0F3F        85.0              58.0             Analog TV
13779.0                14000.0                   T         H,V
30M0F3F        85.0              58.0            Analog TV

I had mentioned another application containing a section in which I was not
able to delete some entries, however I was able to resolve this on my own.
Thanks for your help.

Document Created: 2019-04-13 14:29:53
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 14:29:53

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