Puerto Rico Coordina

NOTICE submitted by RigNet SatCom, Inc.

Coordination Notification (DPDS3)


This document pretains to SES-LIC-19980507-00546 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


RigNet Satcom, Inc.
Call Sign E980235


August 8, 2016

RigNet Satcom, Inc. (“RigNet”) hereby submits, pursuant to Section 25.221(a)(12) of the Commission’s
rules for earth stations on vessels (“ESVs”), 47 C.F.R. § 25.221(a)(12), this notification of successfully
completed frequency coordination for a remote terminal temporarily operating in Puerto Rico under its
C-band ESV license, Call Sign E980235. As specified in the Commission’s Public Notice DA 05-1671
Released June 15, 2005, the below information is provided to the extent that this notification of temporary
operations is placed on public notice.

RigNet will conduct temporary and limited ESV transmit operations at this location for a period of up to
90 days and does not seek authority or protection for such operations beyond this period. It is filing this
coordination notice out of an abundance of caution to allow the Commission the opportunity to go through
the normal public notice process, if necessary. Should any objections or comments be received from
U.S.-licensed fixed service operators within the relevant coordination distance, RigNet will suspend
operations on the subject frequencies until the issue is resolved pursuant to routine Commission

1. Name and contact information of the frequency coordinator:
    a. Gary Edwards
       19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147
       Phone: (703) 726-5500
       Email: gedwards@comsearch.com

2. Reference identification, date, and duration (if relevant) of the coordination report:
    Job Number: 160805COMSGE02
    a. Date: August 5, 2016
       Duration: 08/15/16 – 11/15/16

3. Frequency coordination method used:
    a. Coordination Contours method.

4. Interference criteria used:
     a. Transmit
            i.   Long Term: -154.0 dBw/4 kHz, 20%
            ii. Short Term: -131.0 dBw/4 kHz, 0.0025%

5. Speed of coordinated vessel, if relevant:
    a. Not relevant (stationary rig).

6. Center frequencies, bandwidths, and total spectrum coordinated per satellite:
    a. Tx: 5925.0 – 5926.0 MHz, less than 1 MHz

7. Name of satellite(s) and transponder(s) being used:
    a. Satellite: Intelsat-901 @ 18.0°W
       Transponder: 10/10
       Beam: WH/WH

8. Textual description and scaled map of the geographic area(s) coordinated:
    a. Paragon DPDS3 rig in the Roosevelt Roads (Ceiba) Shipyard, Puerto Rico
    (18° 13' 30.0" N, 65° 37' 8.4" W). See Area of Operations Exhibit.

9. 24/7 contact information for the ESV operator:
    a. Alexei Vederko
       880 S. Dairy Ashford
       Suite 300
       Houston, TX 77077
       Phone: (832) 270-0764
       Email: alexei.vederko@rig.net

10.       Call sign of the hub station if independently license:
      a. Not applicable.

11.      Statement indicating that as of the date of this notification there are no unresolved
coordination requests which would result in an exceedance of the maximum 180 megahertz of
coordinated spectrum for all ESV operations in the coordination area in Section 25.202(a)(8):
    a. Although this coordination is for temporary operations only, the frequency coordinator advises
       that there are no unresolved coordination requests which would result in an exceedance of the
       maximum 180 megahertz of coordinated spectrum for all ESV operations in the coordination
       area in the 5925-6425 MHz band. The coordinator has confirmed that operations may be
       conducted in the C-band at the specified location, these temporary operations are limited to less
       the 1 MHz of spectrum for transmissions on the specified satellite transponder.

Any further questions with respect to this matter should be directed to Carlos Nalda at (571) 332- 5626
or cnalda@lmiadvisors.com.

Document Created: 2016-08-08 15:32:41
Document Modified: 2016-08-08 15:32:41

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