Attachment Petition


PETITION submitted by AmericaSky Corporation



This document pretains to SES-LIC-19940829-00744 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                     1                RECEIVED - FCC
In the Matter of                                     )
                                                     1                    JAN 2 6 2005
AmericaSky Corporation
Petition for Determination of the Public                                    Bureau / Office
Interest under Section 3 10@)(4) of the              1
Communications Act of 1934, as                       1
Amended, to permit certain Indirect Foreign          )
Ownership in Satellite Earth Station Licenses        1

To:    Chief, International Bureau

                        UNDER SECTION 310(B)(4) OF THE
                    COMMUNICATIONS ACT OF 1934, AS AMENDED

       AmericaSky Corporation (“AmericaSky” or “Petitioner”), a corporation organized under

the laws of the State of Florida, pursuant to and for the specific purposes of Section 310@)(4) of

the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, (the “Act”), 47 U.S.C. §310@)(4), hereby

petitions the Commission to issue a declaratory ruling that it is in the public interest to permit

Almendral, S .A. (“Almendral”) to hold an indirect, controlling ownership interest, in

AmericaSky Corporation, a satellite earth station licensee, through ENTEL-Chile and its

subsidiaries ENTEL International BVI Corporation and ENTEL USA Holdings, Inc.’

        Concurrent with this petition, applications are being filed with respect to the Commission
licenses of AmericaSky and of AmericaSky’s affiliate, Americatel Corporation, in connection
with this potential change in control. They include applications for potential transfers of control
of Americatel Corporation’s international Section 214 authorization and domestic Section 214
authorization and AmericaSky Corporation’s international Section 2 14 authorization and earth
station licenses.

       AmericaSky, a U.S. corporation, maintains and operates two earth station facilities

licensed by the Commission for domestic and international satellite service? AmericaSky uses

its earth stations to provide satellite earth station capacity for international traffic of other

Commission-authorized carriers. This waiver request is filed in connection with the transfer of

control of AmericaSky from its ultimate parent company, Telecom Italia International, N.V.

(“TII”) to Almendral. As described in greater detail below, the transaction and the resulting

indirect foreign ownership in AmericaSky would serve the public intere~t.~


        Section 310(b)(4) of the Act requires the Commission to deny or revoke a common

carrier license if: (1) more than 25 percent of any entity that controls the licensee is owned of

record or voted by aliens, foreign governments or their representatives, or foreign corporations;

and (2) the Commission finds that denial or revocation would serve the public interest. In the

Foreign Participation Order: the Commission stated that, because additional foreign investment

can promote competition in the U.S. market, the public interest would be served by permitting

more open investment by foreign entities whose home market is a Member of the World Trade

Organization (“WTO”). In such a case, the Commission has concluded that there is a strong

presumption that no competitive concerns are raised by indirect foreign investment by such

        File No. SES-MOD-19950804-00604 (Callsign KA407); and File No. SES-MOD-
19950804-00603 (Callsign KA4 12). Under separate cover, Applicant is relinquishing its
authority under earth station license File No. SES-LIC-19940829-00744 (Callsign E940470).
      Attached as Exhibit A is a chart that illustrates the corporate structure of the parties
immediately following consummation of the proposed transaction.
       Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the US. Telecommunications Market,
Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 12 FCC Rcd 23891 (1997) (“Foreign
Participation Order”).


entities.    The Commission expressed its reluctance to rebut this presumption except in

exceptional circumstances where it is shown that entry into the U.S. market by a foreign

telecommunications carrier from a WTO Member country poses a very high risk to competition

in the U.S market.


         AmericaSky is 80% owned by Entel USA Holdings, Inc., a U.S. corporation (“ENTEL-

USA”); and 20% owned by Entel International B.V.I. Corporation, a company organized under

the laws of the British Virgin Islands (“ENTEL-BVI”). ENTEL-USA and ENTEL-BVI, in turn,

are wholly-owned subsidiaries of ENTEL-Chile, a domestic and international long distance

carrier in Chile organized under the laws of Chile.

         Through a stock purchase agreement dated January 24, 2005 (the “Stock Purchase

Agreement”) Almendral will acquire a 54.76 percent voting interest in ENTEL-Chile from TII.

As a result of the transaction, Almendral will hold a direct or indirect controlling interest of

54.76 percent in ENTEL-Chile.’ Therefore, as shown graphically on Exhibit A, Almendral will

acquire an indirect controlling interest in AmericaSky once the Transaction is consummated.


         In applying the analytical framework established by the Foreign Participation Order, the

Commission uses a “principal place of business” test to determine whether a foreign entity’s

          Under the terms of the Stock Purchase Agreement, it is possible that all or part of the ENTEL-Chile shares
to be acquired by Almendral, will be held by a yet-to-be-formed wholly-owned Chilean subsidiary of Almendral
(the “Subsidiary”). The insertion of a wholly-owned subsidiary as the holder of all or part of the stock of ENTEL-
Chile will not affect the ultimate control of AmericaSky as described in this Petition. To the extent any ownership
interests of ENTEL-Chile will be ultimately held by such a Subsidiary, Petitioner will promptly notify the
Commission prior to the Closing.


home market is a Member of the WT0.6 The five factors balanced under that test, as they apply

to Almendral are as follows:

        1.     Place of incorporation: Almendral is incorporated under the laws of Chile.

       2.      Nationality of investment princbals, officers and directors: All of Almendral’s

               principal investors, executive officers and directors are Chilean. Almendral is

               directly and indirectly owned and controlled by a group of Chilean investors as

               described in detail in Exhibit B. There are no other 10% or greater stockholders

               of Almendral.

       3.      Country in which its world headquarters is located: Almendral’s headquarters is

               located in Chile.

       4.      Countrv in which the majority of its tangible PropertY is located: The majority of

               Almendral’s tangible property is located in Chile.

       5.      Country from which it derives the greatest sales and revenues from its operations:

               Almendral derives its greatest sales and revenues from its operations in Chile.

       Based on the foregoing, Almendral’s principal place of business on balance should be

considered Chile, which is a member of the WTO. Therefore, although Almendral’s proposed

indirect ownership of AmericaSky, exceeds the 25 percent benchmark under the Commission’s

Foreign Participation Order, there is a strong presumption that no competitive concerns arise

from this indirect foreign ownership interest because Almendral’s home market is Chile, a WTO

Member country. Further, there is no countervailing risk to competition in the U.S. market to

rebut this presumption. Therefore, the proposed indirect ownership is in the public interest.


       Foreign Participation Order 7 1 16; Market Entry and Regulation of Foreign-Affiliated


       For the foregoing reasons, indirect transfer of control of AmericaSky will advance the

public interest by furthering competition among U.S. carriers. Accordingly, the Petitioner

respectfully requests that the Commission grant its Section 3 1O(b)(4) waiver request and find

that it is in the public interest for Almendral to hold indirectly a controlling interest in


                            Respectfully submitted,

                            AMERICASKY CORPORATION


                                    Troy F. Tanner, Esq.
                                    Ulises R. Pin, Esq.
                                    SWIDLER   BERLIN  LLP
                                    3000 K Street, N.W., Suite 300
                                    Washington, D.C. 20007
                                    Tel: (202) 424-7500
                                    Fax: (202) 424-7645

                                    Counsel to AmericaSky Corporation

Dated: January 26,2005

Entities, IB Docket 95-22, 11 FCC Rcd 3873 (1995) (“Foreign Carrier Entry Order”)7 207.


              EXHIBIT A

Illustrative Chart of Transfer of Control

         AmericaSky Corporation Ownership

                 Telecom ltalia S.p.A.

                          I     100%
        Telecom ltalia International N.V.

                Ernpresa Nacional de
             Telecommunicaciones S.A.

            B.V.I. Corporation


Holdings, Inc.

      L              AmericaSky

            ArnericaSky Corporation Ownership

                  Alrnendral, S.A.

                Ernpresa Nacional de
              Telecornrnunicaciones S.A.

              B.V.I. Corporation


      100%1              20%


       L         ArnericaSky


                                                 EXHIBIT B


    Almendral, S.A., is controlled by a group of its shareholders through a shareholders
    agreement dated as of January 24, 2005. The groups of shareholders that are parties to the
    shareholders agreement hold the following percentage of ownership interest in Almendral.

    Shareholders Group                                                         Percentage of Ownership

    Fernandez Leon Group                                                         15.036%
    Hurtado Vicufia Group                                                        1 1.227%
    Matte Group                                                                  21.032%
    Izquierdo Group                                                              12.759%
    Gianolli Group                                                                6.309%
    Consorcio Group                                                               8.208%

    TOTAL MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS                                                     74.571%

    The remaining shares representing 24.429% of Almendral are distributed among numerous
    minority shareholders, none of which has a greater than ten percent (10%) ownership interest
    in Almendral.

    Each of the shareholder groups are owned and controlled by the following persons:

    Name/Address                            % Held            Citizenship      Principal Business

    Fernandez Leon Family7          15.036%                   Chile            Investment
    Isidora Goyenechea 3642, Piso 7
    Las Condes
    Santiago, Chile

    Hurtado Vicufia Family'        11.227%                    Chile            Investment
    Avenida El Bosque Norte No. 130, Piso 14
    Las Condes
    Santiago, Chile

         The Fernandez Leon family is formed by Mr. Eduardo Femandez Leon, his wife Valeria Mac Auliffe
Granello, and their children Eduardo Fernandez Mac Auliffe and Tomas Fernandez Mac Auliffe.
         The Hurtado Vicuiia family is formed by Mesrs. Jose Ignacio Hurtado Vicuiia, Maria Mercedes Hurtado
Vicuiia, Maria Victoria Hurtado Vicuiia, Juan Jose Hurtado Vicuiia, Jose Nicolas Hurtado Vicuiia, and Pedro Jose
Hurtado Vicuiia.

      Matte Family'                                      21.032%          Chile            Investment
      Teatinos No. 220, Piso 9
      Santiago, Chile

      Izquierdo Family"                                   12.759%         Chile            Investment
      Mar del Plata No. 21 1 1
      Providencia, Chile

       Gianolli Family'                                   6.309%          Chile            Investment
       Isidora Goyenechea 3642, Piso 7
       Las Condes
       Santiago, Chile

      Avenida El Bosque No. 180                           8.208%          Chile            Investment
      Las Condes
      Santiago, Chile

              The Matte Family is formed by Messrs. Patricia Matte Larrain, Eliodoro Matte Larrain and Berdardo Matte
         The Izquierdo Family is formed by Messrs. Vicente Izquierdo Taboada, Fracisco Rodrigo Izquierdo
Valdes, Jose Manuel Izquierdo Valdes, Luis Eduardo Izquierdo Valdes, Maria Josefina Izquierdo Valdes, Maria
Teresa Izquierdo Valdes and Roberto Izquierdo Valdes.
         The Gianolli Family is formed by Messrs. Elina Patricia Gianolli Gainza and Sergio Pedro Gianolli Gainza.
         The Consorcio Group is formed by two principal shareholders: (i) Consorcio Corredores de Bolsa, S.A. and
(ii) Compaiiia de Seguros de Vida Consorcio Nacional de Seguros, S.A. Each of these companies is owned in equal
parts by (a) the Hurtado Vicuiia Family, on the one part; and (b) Messrs. Eduardo Fernandez Leon and Jose Antonio
Garces Silva.

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Document Created: 2005-02-01 10:35:47
Document Modified: 2005-02-01 10:35:47

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