Attachment 20140327162056.pdf


AMENDMENT submitted by AMSC



This document pretains to SES-LIC-19891220-00086 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                            For E}CCIMELLON JUN 0 6 1991
Approved by OMb                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                       rce }
Expires    12/31/90
                                        FEE PROCESSING FORM                                 > ols
  Please read instructions on back of this form before completing it. Section | MUST be completed. If you are appy.
  concurrent actions which require you to _list more than one Fee Type Code, you must also complete     Section II. ‘fhis form
  must accompany all gaymems. Only one Fee Processin? Form may be submitted per application or filing. Please type or print
  legibly. All required blocks must be completed or application/filing will be returned without action.

 S EC T 1| O N                  I
  APPLICANT NAME (Last, first, middle initial)

    American Mobile Satellite Corporation                                                                                        JunN   1 U   Egot
  MAILING ADDRESS (Line 1) (Maximum 85 characters — refer to Instruction (2) on reverse of form)
    c/o Gurman, Kurtis,                     Blask & Freedman,            Chartered
  MAILING ADDRESS (Line 2) (if required) (Maximum 85 characters)

    1400 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Suite 500
  STATE OR COUNTRY (if foreign address)                       ZIP CODE                  CALL SIGN OR OTHER FCC IDENTIFIER (If applicable)
    DsC—                                                        20036
  Enter in Column (A) the correct Fee Type Code for the service you are applying for. Fee Type Codes may be found in FCC
  Fee Filing Guides. Enter in Column (B) the Fee Multiple, if applicable. Enter in Column (C) the result obtained from multiplying
  the value of the Fee Type Code in Column (A) by the number entered in Column (B), if any.
               (A)                                      (B)                                (C)
                                                  FEE MULTIPLE                  FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
  D      FEE TYPE CODE                              (if required)                   CODE IN COLUMN (A)

          t     #4m0   JB                                           /           $ 105.00

  S EC T       1| O N               I   d    —    To be used only when you are requesting concurrent actions which result in a
                                                  requirement to list more than one Fee Type Code.

               (A)                                      (B)                                (C)
         FEE TYPE CODE                           FEE MULTIPLE                   FEE DUE FOR FEE TYPE
                                                  (if required)                  CODE IN COLUMN (A)

 (2)                                                                            $

 (3)                                                                            $

 (4)                        _                                                   $

 (5)                                                                            $

 THROUGH (5), AND ENTER THE TOTAL HERE.                                          TOTAL AMOUNT REMITTED
 THIS AMOUNT SHOULD EQUAL YOUR ENCLOSED                                              CEheQe ts>
                                                                          DP    |s 105.00

This form has been authorized for reproduction.                                                                             FCC Form 155
                                                                                                                                May 1990

                               GURMAN, KURTIS, BLASK & FREEDMAN

                                                           SUITE 500
                                                  1400 SIXTEENTH STREET, N.W.
                                                    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036

LOUIS GURMAN                                              (202) 328—8200                              RICHARD M. TETTELBAUM
                                                    TELECOPIER: (202) 462—1784                             or COUNnSEL
WILLIAM D. FREEDMAN                                                                                     HERBERT C. HARRIS
LON C. LEVIN                                                                                          LEONARD M. GARAVALIA
GLENN S. RICHARDs®                                    June 5,              1991                       FRANK A. RONDINELLI
DANIEL E. SMITH                                                                                          JAMES C. EGYUD
ANDREA S. MIANO®*                                                                                        BRENT R. SHIREY
     ——                                                                                               CONSULTING ENGINEERS

        Ms.      Donna Searcy
        Federal Communications Commission
         1919 M Street,              N.W.
        Washington, D.C.                20554

                          Re:        American Mobile Satellite Corporation
                                     Application for Blanket License for 30,000 Mobile
                                     Earth Stations
                                     File No.     420—DSE—P/L—90

        Dear Ms.         Searcy:

             On behalf of American Mobile Satellite Corporation ("AMSC"),
        enclosed please find an original and five (5) copies of an
        amendment to its above—noted application for a blanket radio
        station          license      to     operate      mobile            earth   stations    to   change     the
        applicant to AMSC Subsidiary Corporation. Because AMSC Subsidiary
        Corporation is a wholly—owned subsidiary of AMSC, the amendment is
        minor. See Order and Authorization, DA 91—337, released March 22,
        1991.   Also enclosed is the requisite FCC Form 155 and a check
        payable to the Commission in the amount of $105.00 in payment of
        the filing fee.

                   Please date—stamp and return the enclosed paper copy of the
        filing in              the    self—addressed,                postage        prepaid    envelope       also

                   If    you    have        any   questions            regarding      this     matter,     please
        contact the undersigned.

                                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                                              Lon C&Levin

                                                              Counsel to American Mobile
                                                                  Satellite Corporation
        cc:  Parties of Record

                                            Re:      American Mobile Satellite
                                                     Application for Blanket
                                                     License for 30,000 Mobile
                                                     Earth Stations
                                                     File No.     420—DSE—P/L—90

       American Mobile Satellite Corporation ("AMSC") hereby amends

its above—noted application for a blanket radio station license to

operate mobile earth stations          in the       1530—1544 MHz        and   1626.5—

1645.5   MHz   bands   to   change    the   applicant        to   AMSC    Subsidiary

Corporation,    a   wholly—owned     subsidiary      of   AMSC.     The    ownership

information for AMSC Subsidiary Corporation is contained in its

current FCC Form 430 filed on April 29,              1991,    a copy of which is

provided herewith.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            AMERICAN MOBILE SATELLITE

  /’40-17 3’1’?9,
                                            By :    Eéa/(.:j //(’W
                                                   Leslie A. LS Borden
                                                   Vice President

 cR                                                   F.         ?
                                                            iA COMNCATON S COMMSSON                           €               5
 :gg                                                           Washingion, DC 20554                                         meo 2oe,
                                        COMMON CARRIER AND SATELLITE RADIO LICENSEE
                                                   QVALIFICATION REPORT             See rewrre suoe 10 inlormsion
                                                                                                                  rogr One publc buden staemen.
                                                                   INSTRUCT LONS
 A. Ine "Fus" of ths reporl s désfred to ireuse: (1) Ar appicat. whwre the report i mimied in cormection with applcatorse f0@                    common
       arwr    anc @uellde fadc BINMFTy & frequred f@G such apoicators. er (2) A bcersee & parmiles, where this repant is requred by the
       Commssor‘; Ruis to be sutmilod on an arvrae‘ bass.
B. Suom: an aogre: se ore coy bqn aore‘ ony) to the Focera! Comrnancators Commasson repont
                                                                                     Waenngon  DC 3C654. N mae tten
                                                                                           & .".‘Rérntied in    ctionone
                                                                 eoctore! savce. If ths
       sruce s imeco n kot 6. namt an addiora‘ copy 10 each guch                                                      —              vorre
       applcaiion To fags BUNMFCy. Blach & lo thre appica on
t. Do not sutmt s fee win ths report.
 . Business Name and Address (Number, Stvest, State and 2ZIP                                2. (Ares Code) Telephone Number:
       Code) of Fller‘s Principal Offige:                                                       (202) 331—5858
                                                                                            8. If this report supercedes a previously
       AMSC Subsidiary Corporation                                                             fled report, specify its date:
       1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Fourth Floor                                               February 27, 1991
       Washington, D.C.  20036
4. fFiler is (check one):                                                                   6. Under the lews of what State (or other
      ) indivigual                   J Partnership             EJ Corporation                  Jurisdiction} is the Fller organized?
                                                                                                Delaware                                              |
      [J Other (Specity):
B. List the common carrier and satellite radle services in wrhich Fller has applied or is a current Ucerses
   or permittes:
       Mobile Satellite Service
       Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service (R)

Tia) Hes the Fller or eny party to this applicstion had any FCC staton Hcerse or                                          C ves              mm
        permit revoked or had any application for permit, licerse or renewsa! denled by
        this Commission?           # "TES*, ottwh s fsbhiwit l o stitensat giring call saige and fie avaber
        o license ot permit revobed ond relsting    eacvartracer
  (b) Has any court finally adjudged the Filer, or any person directly or Indirectly                                      Cves               No
      controlling the Fller, gulity of unlawfully moncpolizing or attempting uniawfully
        10 monspolize radio communication, directly or Indirectly, through control of                                            .
        manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangemenrt, or other                                                                  —
        means of unfalr methods of competition? W# "VFS", sttech as Eshisit H a stitonsat reisfing
        t e fects.
  (c) Has the Filer, or any party to this application, or amy person directly or Indirectly Gves                                             O No
      controlling the Fller ever been convicted of a felomy by any state or Federal
 —_     Court?       # ‘THS", ottech ar Exkibit Hl a stitsaneat releteg the fects

  (d) is the Fller, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the Fller, presently                                 Cves               No
      a party in any muatter referred to ltems 7(b) and 7(c)? # VIS*, oftech as
        Eumisit N a atrtenceat retstag the focts

6. is the Filer, directly or indirectly, through stock ownership, contract or otherwise,                                  gyv                [T] No
      eurrently Interested in the cwnership or control of any other radio statiors                                              es           =
      lcormed by this Commission? # "TES", sebait os Erkibit V the asase of cockh such hecnsee and
      &e Lconsee‘s relstione to the Filer.

11 Piler is an individual (sola prepristership)er partnerahip, answar tha fallewing and Itam 11:
Bia) Full Legal! Name and Residential Address    (b) is individual or each member
     (Number, Street, Stite and ZIP Code) of         of a partnership a eftizen of
       Individual or Partners:                                              the United States?                            ves                O No
                                                                        (o) is individual or smy member of a
                                                                          . partnership s represerntative of an
                                                                           allen or of a foreign government? ) Yes                           OA No
                                                                                                                           FCC 430 — Page 1
                                                                                                                                             Moy 1889

  e          .                     (                                                                    (
 1 Filar is a corporation, answer the fe/llewing ang (tem 1}1:
  iD(a) Aftech as Exhibit Vi the mames, eddresses, end cltizernship of those stockhoiders owning of record
        end/or voting 10 percent or more of the Flier‘s voting stock aend the percenteges so held. in the
        case of figuclary control, indicate the beneficlarylies] or class of beneficlaries.

   (b) List below, or sttach es Exhiblt Vil the mremes end sddresses Of the officers and Girectors of the

  (c] is the Fller directly or indirectly controlisd by any othsr corporation?                                          &ve      DN
      W YIES"®. attech os Exbibit Vill o stoteneat linclediag ergamaitsSean! disgrass where aupproprinte) which fully                 0
      and conmpletely iGeatsfies the nature and exteat of csatrol. lnclode the tollowing: (1) the address and prinary
      Ausaess of the coatrolling corperaben and any intornediate owbndisries; (1) the nanes, addresser, and
      cifitcaship of these stockhoiders holding 1 qorcent or more of the cootrolling corporsfion‘s volag otock;:
      (8) the apprerinate porseatage of botal roting oteck hoeid by ooch soch stockkoidor; and (4) the aonee and
      addresses to the pronmdiest aat droctors of the ceatrolling corporrhes.

  (d) is any officer or director of the Fller an alion?                                                                 Qves No
  (e) is more than onse—fifth of the capital stock of the Filer owned of record or                                      Cves     No
      voted by allens or their representatives, or by e foreign governmnent or represent~
     tive{(s}) thersof, or by a corporation organized under ths lews of a foreign country?

  (f) is the Fller directly or Indirectly controlied: (1) by eny other corporstion of which                             {Cves    No
     any officer or more than one—fourth of the directors are alliens, or (2) by any
     foreign corporation or corporation of which more than one—fourth of the capital
     stock is owned or voted by allens or their representatives, or by a foreign
     government or representatives thereo!.

  (g) if any answer to questions (d), (e) or (f) is VES*, atiach as Exhibit IX a sistement iGentifying the —
      allens or foreign entitlies, their retioraility, their relationship to the Fller, and the percentege of stock
     they own or vote.
                                                                11. CERTFICATION
This report conrthutes a matswri! part of any application which cross—efererces R, and all statements mode in the at—
tached exhiblts are a malerin! pert therec?. The ownershp Information contained in this report does not constitute an ap~
pikation for, er Commission approval ef, any transfer of control or assigrment of radio faciifties The undersigned, in—
daivicumlly and for the Flle, hwoby tcertifics thet the statements made herein mare true, complete and correct to the bost
of Flier‘s knowlecdge and belis(, and are rmade in goos faith.

wILLEUL FALSE statemEents               Do                 ppe", (inggorgon ond with that           Typed or Priied Name
MADE ON TH!S APPLICATION                                             400                                          _
ARZ PLUNISKHABLE 8Y FINE AND             4/26/91            AMSC Subsidiary                                   .
MPRIS ONMENT (VU.S$. Code                                                                              Leslie A.L.
Thie 18, Section 1080 1} and/or                             Corporation                                                 Borden
REVOCATION OF any $TATION               Snsce                                                       Tale
BERMIT IV.%. Code.
This 47, Section 3122¥ 13.                   ,               L1A          NXE                          Secretary
The scictaion of persora! informaon requesied in ths foom & to éxtemmre K you se @ailed to becore o rgvein a licersee in a corrron
amer & smmelite fajs sevce prianxr to the Cormncucors Act of 183. as wreoet Ne mihcriraion can be grarted uniees all informetion
fequesied & wovdel. You resoorse & requred to obtan the requesled auhourmion @ fetern an eutho itation.
Puoic repoing burcen fo ths coliecton of informimn & escrrate to pverage 2 hor: pe resporse, incluorg the time 10 reviewing Eu>
lors, searchrq exsin; Car sorce. gaherry ao mertinrg the dxa meeded and compitiry ard feviewirg the ooHection ®f information Sere
pormens regrong ths budes estrmae & anmy Ohe aspec: of the coliecion of infomeon ircliorg sugpestorse fo redxing th& bucen to
fesra: Cormncaure Commsson Offce of Mereqrq Drecigw, Waenngon, DC 20554, ard to Offcs of Marmgemen esd Buoge. Prpewik
Resscion Propce (3060—0105. wasnngon DC 20603.

FCC 4309 —    2
May 1989 Pase

                                           AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                           FCC Form 430

                                EXHIBIT III

                            FELONY CONVICTIONS
                         (Response to Item 7(c))

     Filer    is   a   wholly—owned      subsidiary    of     American   Mobile

Satellite    Corporation,     one   of   whose   shareholders       is   Hughes

Communications Mobile       Satellite Services,       Inc.,    ("Hughes").    A

statement relating the specific facts regarding the conviction in

question may be found in the FCC Form 430 of Hughes filed with the

Commission on August 7, 1990.

                                     AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                     FCC Form 430

                             EXHIBIT VI

                       STOCKHOLDERS OF FILER
                      (Response to Item 10 (a))

     One hundred percent (100%)   of the stock of Filer is held by

American Mobile Satellite Corporation, a Delaware corporation, the

address of which is 1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.,   Fourth Floor,

Washington, D.C.   20036.

                                            AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                            FCC Form 430

                              EXHIBIT VII

                        (Response to Item 10(b))

     The following are the names and addresses of the officers and

directors of Filer.

Name/Address                                Position

Brian B.    Pemberton                       President
American Mobile Satellite
1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Leslie A.L. Borden                          General Counsel; Corporate
American Mobile Satellite                   Secretary
1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Christopher R. McCleary                     Vice President — Sales and
American Mobile Satellite                   Marketing
1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Robert A.   Kerstein                        Vice President — Finance/
American Mobile Satellite                   Chief Financial Officer;
 Corporation                                Treasurer
1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Francois Giorgio                            Vice President —
American Mobile Satellite                   Engineering and Operations
1150 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Fred J. Judge                               Director
Hughes Communications Mobile
  Satellite Services, Inc.
1900 East Grand Avenue
Building SC/S64/B430
El Seqgundo, California 90245

Name and Address                         Title

Jai P.   Bhagat                          Director
Mtel Space Technologies, L.P.
200 South Lamar Street
Security Centre, South Building
Jackson, Mississippi 39201

Andrew A. Quartner                       Director
McCaw Cellular Communications,    Inc.
1250 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

                                                  AMSC Subsidiary Corporation
                                                  FCC Form 430

                                    EXHIBIT VIII

                            CONTROLLING CORPORATION
                            (Response to Item 10 (c))

     As noted       in Exhibit VI hereto,           one hundred percent of the

stock of Filer is held by American Mobile Satellite Corporation,

a Delaware corporation, the address of which is 1150 Connecticut

Avenue,    N.W.,   Fourth Floor,        Washington,       D.C.    20036.     The primary

business    of     American      Mobile       Satellite        Corporation       is    mobile

satellite communications.

     The following is a list of the shareholders holding twenty

percent    (20%)   or more of the stock of American Mobile Satellite

Corporation,;/each         of   which     holds    an   approximate        25.4       percent

interest in the company, and their respective addresses and primary

businesses.                                                                                 |

                    Hughes Communications
                    Mobile Satellite Services, Inc.
                    1900 East Grand Avenue
                    Building SC/S64/B430
                    El Seqgundo, California 90245
                    (Satellite Telecommunications)

1/ It should be noted that McCaw Space Technologies,                        Inc.      ("McCaw
SpaceTech"), Satellite Mobile Telephone Company L.P. ("SMTC LP")
and Transit Communications,     Inc.  ("Transit")   each holds an
approximate   8.47%   interest   in  American    Mobile   Satellite
Corporation.   McCaw Cellular Communications, Inc., which wholly—,
owns McCaw SpaceTech, also holds approximately 52% of the stock of
LIN Broadcasting Corporation,     the parent of LIN Satellite
Communications Corporation ("LIN SCC"). LIN SCC is an 80% general
partner in    SMTC    LP   and    is    the    holder     of    80%   of   the    stock   of


                 Mtel Space Technologies, L.P.
                 200 South Lamar Street .
                 Security Centre, South Building
                 Jackson, Mississippi  39201
                 (Satellite Telecommunications)

     The names and addresses of the President and the directors of

American   Mobile   Satellite   Corporation,   all    of   whom   are   U.S.

citizens, are:

Name/Address                                         Position

Brian B.   Pemberton                                 President
American Mobile Satellite Corporation
1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20036

Carson E. Agnew                                      Director
Hughes Communications Mobile Satellite
 Services, Inc.
1900 East Grand Avenue
Building SC/S64/B430
El Seqgundo, California     90245

J. Robert Fugate                                     Director
Mobile Telecommunication Technologies Corp.
1633 Winchester Street
Jackson, Mississippi 39211

C. Victor Raiser, II                                 Director
Mobile Telecommunication Technologies Corp.
1450 G Street,   N.W.
Washington, D.C.    20005

John Palmer                                      Director
Mobile Telecommunication Technologies Corp.
200 South Lamar Street
Security Centre, South Building
Jackson, Mississippi 39201                             _

John C. Baker                                    Director
Alan Patricof Associates
545 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor
New York, New York  10022

Jai P. Bhagat                                    Director
Mtel Space Technologies, L.P.
200 South Lamar Street
Security Centre, South Building
Jackson, Mississippi 39201

Name/Address                                  Position

J. Shelby Bryan                               Director
Millicom, Inc.
153 East 53rad Street
Suite 5500
New York, New York    10022

Gary K. Noreen                                Director
Transit Communications Inc.
1167 North Holliston Avenue
Pasadena, California       91104

Billy J. Parrott                              Director
Satellite Mobile Telephone
 Company, L.P.
57 East l1th Street
New York, New York  10003

Andrew A.   Quartner                          Director
McCaw Cellular Communications,         Inc.
1250 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.       20036

Albert L. Zesiger                             Director
BEA Associates,    Inc.
One Citicorp Center
153 East 53rd Street, 58th Floor
New York, New York  10022

Fred J. Judge                                 Director
Hughes Communications Mobile Satellite
 Services, Inc.
1900 East Grand Avenue
Building SC/S64/B430
El Seqgundo, California        90245

Kevin McGrath                                 Director
Hughes Communications Mobile Satellite
 Services, Inc.
1900 East Grand Avenue
Building SC/S$64/B430
El Segqgundo, California       90245

Stephen J. Petrucci                           Director
Hughes Communications Mobile Satellite
 Services, Inc.
1900 East Grand Avenue
Building SC/S64/B430
El Seqgundo, California        90245

Name/Address                            Position

Wayne Perry                             Director
McCaw Cellular Communications,   Inc.
5400 Carillon Point
Kirkland, Washington   98033

Document Created: 2019-05-25 07:30:28
Document Modified: 2019-05-25 07:30:28

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