Attachment 20140327162023.pdf


REQUEST submitted by ARINC



This document pretains to SES-LIC-19891220-00086 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                            OcCt 1 8 1991
                              WILEY, REIN & FIELDING
                                                                                    ICANUNS cuniMISSION
                                                                      FEDERAL COMMUNTHE
                                                                          DEFICE OF SECRETARY
                                         e ce W
                                      WASHINGTON, D. C. 20006

                                          (202) 429—7000

JOHN L. BARTLETT                                                          (202) 429 —7049
 (202) 429—7070                                                        TELEX 248349 WYRN UR
                                    October 18,     1991

  Mr. James R. Keegan                                                 OCt 2 3 1991
  Chief,     Domestic Facilities Division
  Common Carrier_Burgau      Ts                                   DOMEflmFAUU“EsmY§pN
  Federal Communications Commission                                SATELLITE RADIO BRANCH
  2025 M Street,        N.W.,      Room 6010
  Washington, D.C.            20554

         Re:       Request for Special Temporary Authority
                   File No.    420—DSE—P/L—90

  Dear Mr.        Keegan:

       Aeronautical Radio, Inc. ("ARINC"), hereby submits its
  comments on the above—captioned request for Special Temporary
  Authority ("STA") filed by the AMSC Subsidiary Corporation,
  which seeks authority "to operate up to 750 mobile earth sta—
  tions in the bands 1530—1544 MHz/1626.5—1645.5 MHz" for an
  indefinite period "pending a decision on AMSC‘s underlying

       As the FCC is aware, ARINC has been providing aeronauti—
  cal mobile satellite service to airlines and the Federal
  Aviation Administration ("FAA") for safety communications for
  more than a year.  Overseas, Societe Internationale de
  Telecommunications Aeronautique ("SITA") has also begun
  service to several non—United States airlines.  These safety
  services are being provided over INMARSAT space segment and
  must be protected from harmful interference.                  AMSC has not
  demonstrated that this will be the case if its STA Request is
  granted.                                                                            y

         AMSC attempts to gloss over such concerns by stating
  that its proposed mobile earth terminals have been accepted
  by INMARSAT.         But,    INMARSAT approval does not allay fears
  that 750 non—type—accepted terminals may interfere with these
  existing aeronautical safety services.  AMSC‘s terminals will

         *         See Request for Special Temporary Authority filed
  October 9,        1991,   at 1    (hereinafter "STA Request").

 Mr. James R. Keegan
 October 18, 1991
 Page 2

 be operating in the global beams of INMARSAT‘s POR, AOR—East,
 and AOR—West satellites.      AMSC must now demonstrate,   as it
 has been unwilling or unable to demonstrate for the past four
 years, how it will establish and maintain effective control
 over the use and maintenance of these terminals to be abso—
 lutely certain that the land mobile units do not interfere
 with aeronautical safety communications.  Until this is done,
 750 terminals are simply too great a risk.

       Indeed, AMSC acknowledged in its STA Request that ARINC
~ and the Air Transport Association of America ("ATA") pre—
  viously had raised concerns about AMSC‘s original 1989 appli—
 cation for 30,000 mobile earth stations."        ARINC and ATA
 there explained that any such AMSC license must be condi—
 tioned to protect aviation safety service operations, just as
 the Commission had conditioned the comparable authorization
 granted ARINC, Northwest Airlines, and United Airlines.}> In
 that authorization, the FCC imposed three conditions for
 approving the deployment of L—Band aeronautical satellite

          1.   The equipment to which the type acceptance waivers
               apply must meet all technical standards promulgated
               in future Commission actions including Docket

          2.   The waiver of type acceptance was limited to no
               more than 26 total aircraft installations for
               Northwest Airlines and no more than 18 for United
               Airlines; and

          2    STA Request at 2—3.   See Supplemental Comments of
 Aeronautical Radio, Inc., and the Air Transport Association
 of America, File Nos. 420—DSE—P/L—90, et al., filed June 8,
 1990 .

          3    See ARINC, Northwest Airlines, Inc., and United
 Airlines,     Inc., DA—90—691 (May 9,   1990).

      4    see Type Acceptance of Aircraft Earth Stations,          5
 FCC Red 3933 (1990) .

Mr. James R. Keegan
October 18, 1991
Page 3

     3.    Operators of the equipment must give notice identi—
           fying with particularity each equipped aircraft to
           the FCC.‘
Conditions 1 and 3 should also be applied to AMSC and,         by
analogy with condition 2, the number of terminals should be
limited to the smallest number needed during the period of
the STA.

     Moreover,      the FCC cannot treat AMSC differently from
other applicants for similar relief.  ARINC therefore urges
the Commission to act promptly and favorably on ARINC and
ATA‘s request for waiver of the mobile satellite service
rules to permit (1) the use of INMARSAT facilities
domestically via Comsat until there is a domestic mobile
satellite, (2) the use of the international satellite for the
domestic legs of international flights, and (3) the use of
the international satellite as back up to the domestic
system." ARINC‘s waiver request has been pending at the
agency for two years and a decision is long overdue.

     Grant of the ARINC/ATA waiver would not undermine the
Commission‘s mobile satellite service policies in any way.
Rather, it would further those policies by permitting the
prompt introduction of aeronautical mobile satellite services
in the domestic market and by promoting the safety of inter—
national air travel by not requiring any handoff of traffic
between international and domestic satellite systems during
the course of international flights.  It would also assist in
the avoidance of a balkanization of the international avia—,
tion satellite air traffic control by undermining those for—
eign nations seeking protected markets for their own domestic
satellite systens.

     Finally, ARINC has already noted the existence of ser—
ious questions regarding AMSC‘s fitness to be a Commission
licensee in the mobile satellite service.‘ At least so long
as the MSS via INMARSAT market in the U.S. remains non—
competitive by Commission fiat, the agency must condition the

     *     IG., [ 12.
     6     ARINC/ATA Request for Waiver     (filed Nov.   7,   1989) .

    7      See Comments of ARINC/ATA,     Gen.   Docket 84—1234
(filed Sept.   4,    1991) .

Mr.   James R. Keegan
October 18,    1991
Page 4

grant of any authority herein on the outcome of parallel
proceedings in Docket 84—1234 and the associated licensing
files.     For this reason as well,             any STA granted must be
limited in duration and narrowly tailored.‘

      For the foregoing reasons, ARINC requests that the AMSC
STA Request be conditioned as described above to protect
aviation safety services and that ARINC and ATA‘s request for
waiver of the FCC‘s mobile satellite service rules be granted
concurrently with grant of AMSC‘s request.

                                          Re        fylly submitted,


                                          ‘ounsel for Aeronautical
                                               Radio,   Inc.


CC    Lon C. Levin, Esq.
      Phillip Schneider, Esq.
      James E. Landry,      Esq.
      Warren Y. Zeger,      Esq.
      William D.      Freedman,    Esq.
      Bruce D.   Jacobs,    Esq.
      William E. Zimsky, Esq.
      Elizabeth H. Hayes, Esq.
      J.   Geoffrey Bentley,       Esq.

      8      see 47 U.S.C. § 309 (f)            (specifying a maximum of 180
days) .

Document Created: 2019-05-31 11:37:23
Document Modified: 2019-05-31 11:37:23

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