Attachment 20140327161942.pdf


LETTER submitted by Wiley, Rein & Fielding



This document pretains to SES-LIC-19891220-00086 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                              WILEY, REIN & FIELDING
                                          1776 K STREET, N. w.
                                       WaASHINGTON, D. C. 20006
                                           (202) 429—7000

JOHN L. BARTLETT                                                                (202) 429 —7049
 (202) 429—7070                                                            TELEX 2483498 WYRN UR

                                  November 11,          1991

  Mr.   James R.         Keegan
  Chief, Domestic Facilities Division
  Common Carrier Bureau
  Federal Communications Commission
  Room 6010, 2025 M Street, N.W.
  Washington, D.C.            20554

                   Re:    American Mobile Satellite Corporation Request
                          for Special Temporary Authority
                           File No.    420—DSE—P—L—90

  Dear Mr.        Keegan:

         The letter from Mr.           Lon Levin,        General Counsel of
  American Mobile Satellite Corporation (AMSC) dated
  November 5, 1991, requires a brief response to correct
  erroneous statements.               In that letter, Mr.         Levin attempts to
  distinguish the conditions placed upon grant of a waiver to
  Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC), United Air Lines and
  Northwest Airlines by the Chief, Private Radio Bureau, to
  operate aeronautical mobile terminals in conjunction with
  INMARSAT‘s space seqgment by factually incorrect statements.
 See Memorandum Opinion and Order, released May 9,                       1990
  (DA 90—691) .
       First, Mr. Levin attempts to distinguish the waiver
  given to aircraft terminals on the basis of "type acceptance"
  of AMSC‘s terminals by INMARSAT.  However, the aircraft earth
  stations involved in the Bureau Chief‘s waiver are subject to
  the same access approval by INMARSAT as AMSC‘s terminals will
  be.  Both AMSC‘s terminals and the aircraft earth stations
  currently lack FCC type acceptance, but such type acceptance
  eventually will be required to minimize the likelihood of
  interference.  If the AMSC terminals are to be used after the
  final service rules and type acceptance criteria are adopted,
 they must comply with such new rules, just as the aircraft
 earth stations will comply.

      Second, Mr. Levin states that ARINC was proposing
 service in a band not allocated for aeronautical service.
 The frequencies in the maritime mobile satellite service may

Mr. James R.     Keegan
November 11,     1991
Page 2

be used by aircraft stations for aeronautical communications
(see 47 C.F.R. § 87.185(c)) and the Commission‘s Rules give
express priority in the maritime mobile satellite bands to
aircraft distress,        urgency and safety communications.    See 47
C.F.R. § 80.91.  ARINC is entitled to assurance from the
Commission that such protection will be afforded.

     The simple fact of the matter is that the stringent
conditions imposed by the Chief of the Private Radio Bureau
on aeronautical use of the maritime mobile satellite spectrunm
are appropriate, and the public interest requires that these
conditions also be imposed on any authorization to AMSC to
use INMARSAT facilities to provide service in that spectrun.

                                          Very   Aruly yours,

cce:   Lon C.   Levin
       Phillip Schneider
       James E. Landry
       Warren Y. Zeger
       William E. Zimnsky
       Elizabeth H. Hayes
       J. Geoffrey Bentley
       Bruce D. Jacobs

Document Created: 2019-05-30 12:09:40
Document Modified: 2019-05-30 12:09:40

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