Attachment 20140327161752.pdf





This document pretains to SES-LIC-19891220-00086 for License on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                              ORIGiNYE              % Euen

                                 Before the
                           Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                                                                                      MAR — 9 1992
In the Matter of the                                                                                                                                           on
                                                                                                                                Federal Communications Commissi

                                          w n n n n n n n n n n n n N N N Nh N N N N N N N N N N N N N N y yz
Applications of                                                                                                                       Office ofthe Secretary

AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION                                                                                     File No .   420—DSE—P/L—90

For Blanket License for
30,000 Mobile Earth Stations

ROCKWELL INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION                                                                              File No .   933—DSE—P/L—90

For Blanket License for
15,000 Mobile Earth Stations

GEOSTAR MESSAGING CORPORATION                                                                                   File No .   2306—DSE—P/L—89

For Blanket License for
10,000 Mobile Earth Stations

COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE                                                                                        File No .   I—T—C—90—0 38

For authority pursuant to Section
214 of the Communications Act of
1934, to establish and operate
communications channels via the
satellite and an earth station at
southbury, Connecticut (WB—36) for
interim use by the authorized
domestic mobile satellite service
(MSS) carrier in its provision of
domestic MSS services


     On March 5, 1992, AMSC Subsidiary Corporation ("AMSC")                                                                                   filed

a Petition for Partial Reconsideration in the above—referenced

matter.     As    a result of a technical malfunction,                                                                       one sentence         is

not complete.       On Page 4, paragraph number 2, the first sentence

should    read:

     "Mobile terminals should be capable of operating at an EIRP


of at least 10 db less than their nominal EIRP operating on the

Inmarsat global beam."

     Thus, AMSC hereby submits a revised Petition, with the

corrected Page 4.    AMSC requests that the Commission replace the

copies filed on March 5 and in lieu thereof substitute the

attached corrected copies.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION

   MQm—A. [AK/Q                         Loo leoni—» 4n
Bruce D. Jacobs                        Lon C. Levin
Glenn S. Richards                      Vice President and
Fisher, Wayland, Cooper & Leader         Regulatory Counsel
1255 23rd8d Street, N.W.               American Mobile Satellite
suite 800                                Corporation
Washington, D.C. 20037                 1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
(202) 659—3494                         Washington, D.C. 20036
                                       (202) 331—5858
                           Its Attorneys

Dated:   March 9,   1992

                                 Before the
                        Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the

                                         w sn se Ne s N s s s s s N s N N Ne s N Nu N Nu N Nt Nn uNt N Nt Nt Nn N lz
Applications of

AMSC SUBSIDILARY   CORPORATION                                                                                         File No.   420—DSE—P/L—90

For Blanket License for
30,000 Mobile Earth Stations

ROCKWELL   INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION                                                                                   File No.   933—DSE—P/L—90

For Blanket License for
15,000 Mobile Earth Stations

GEOSTAR MESSAGING CORPORATION                                                                                          File No.   2306—DSE—P/L—89

For Blanket License for
10,000 Mobile Earth Stations

COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE                                                                                               File No.   I—T—C—90—038

For authority pursuant to Section
214 of the Communications Act of
1934, to establish and operate
communications channels via the
satellite and an earth station at
southbury, Connecticut (WB—36) for
interim use by the authorized
domestic mobile satellite service
(MSS) carrier in its provision of
domestic MSS services


     AMSC Subsidiary Corporation ("AMSC"), by its attorneys and

pursuant to Section 1.106 of the Communications Rules,                                                                                   hereby

petitions for partial reconsideration of the Commission‘s Order


and Authorization in the above—captioned proceedings.y

specifically, AMSC urges the Commission to establish technical

guidelines now that will permit mobile terminals used for interim

Mobile Satellite Service    ("MSS")   to transition easily to the

dedicated U.S. system.     Such guidelines will not add materially

to the cost of interim service mobile terminals and are essential

to a seamless and inexpensive transition.       In addition, the

Commission should require any interim service customers using

Inmarsat space segment for domestic service to transition to the

dedicated U.S. system within 60 days of the time that AMSC begins


     In its order, the Commission took the following actions:

     —    authorized AMSC and Rockwell International Corporation
          to operate mobile terminals that would provide interim
          domestic MSS using Inmarsat space seqgment in the 1530—
          1544 MHz   and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz bands;

     —    authorized Comsat to provide Inmarsat space segment and
          coast earth station facilities to AMSC for the
          provision of interim MSS; and

     —    established a requirement that within 90 days after the
          launch of AMSC‘s first satellite all interim service
          providers using the Inmarsat system file with the
          Commission and serve on AMSC a transition plan that
          details the steps that will be taken to move all
          domestic MSS traffic onto the AMSC system without
          disruption to customers.

     The subject of this petition is the third of these actions.

The Commission‘s requirement that interim service providers file

1/   FCC 92—26   (February 4,   1992). AMSC is licensed to construct,
     launch and operate the U.S. Mobile Satellite Service system.
     See Final   Decision on Remand,     7  FCC Red   266  (1992)
     (reaffirming grant of MSS license to AMSC)}.  AMSC commenced
     construction of the first of its satellites in July 1990.


a transition plan is not enough to ensure that customers will be

able to transition easily from Inmarsat space seqgment to that of

the dedicated U.S. system after the U.S. system is launched.         To

ensure a smooth transition, the Commission should establish

minimum technical requirements for mobile terminals.      Such

requirements will protect interim service customers from having

to buy new equipment or make costly and time—consuming

modifications to existing equipment.     Without such standards,

interim service customers may be harmed, the credibility of the

new MSS industry may be hurt, and there may be a delay in

compliance with the Commission‘s fundamental policy that domestic

service should be provided by a U.S. domestic system.y

     The imposition of the technical requirements discussed below

will not burden interim service providers or end users.      AMSC

estimates that requiring these features now will increase by less

than five percent the cost of constructing MSS mobile terminals;

adding these features later will cost much more and will greatly

inconvenience customers who have installed equipment that is

obsolete or needs to be modified.      Moreover, the features that

would be required are desirable for network management purposes,

adding value to the equipment.

     In order to ensure a seamless transition to AMSC space

2/   The Commission has authorized the use of Inmarsat space
     segment on an interim basis only. Order and Authorization, at
     para. 9.   Interim service providers and users must not have
     any expectation that they might be grandfathered for permanent
     operation on Inmarsat space segment if their mobile equipment
     cannot be used on the dedicated U.S. system.


segment, the Commission should require the following for the

mobile terminals of any applicant seeking authority to provide

interim MSS:

       1.   Mobile terminals should be constructed to be capable of

operating throughout the bands 1530—1559 MHz and 1626.5—1660.5

MHz.    Interim operations will be limited to the bands 1530—1544

MHz and 1626.5—1645.5 MHz.       AMSC is currently authorized to

operate in the band 1545—1559 MHz and 1646.5—1660.5 MHz.             AMSC

has applied for a modification to its authorization to permit it

to operate in the lower frequencies.y           Even if this application

is granted by the Commission, however, there is no assurance that

international frequency coordination will provide AMSC with

access to a substantial amount of this spectrum.            Moreover, AMSC

would want to maintain the flexibility to assign frequencies to

users throughout the licensed bandwidth.

       2.   Mobile terminals should be capable of operating at an

EIRP of at least 10 db less than their nominal EIRP operating on

the Inmarsat global beam.        The AMSC satellites have a higher G/T

ratio than the Inmarsat satellites.           As a result, mobile

terminals that are part of the AMSC system require less power

than mobile terminals that communicate with Inmarsat satellites.

A proper mobile terminal power level is necessary for the

efficient operation of the AMSC satellites and to minimize the

3/     Application of AMSC to operate in the 1530—1545 MHz (downlink)
       and 1626.5—1646.5   MHz     (uplink)    bands.   (Filed   January    20,
       1990 . )


effect of adjacent channel interference.

     3.    Mobile terminals should be capable of working through a

spot beam satellite.    The Inmarsat system is a global beam

system, whereas the U.S.   system will be a spot beam system.      In a

spot beam system, the mobile terminal must be capable of storing

signalling channel frequencies to enable the terminal to lock

onto the system regardless of the beam in which the user is


     4.    Mobile terminals, feeder link earth stations and network

control facilities must be designed to provide real—time priority

and preemptive access for AMS(R)S and provide protection against

interference from other systems.       AMSC is required by the

Commission to provide priority and preemptive access to

aeronautical safety communications in the 1545—1559 MHz and

1646.5—1660.5 MHz bands.    As a result, AMSC has been working

diligently with the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics on

developing Minimum Operational Performance Standards for AMS(R)S

systems that will become the basis for the United States domestic

standara.*    Although these standards cannot be applied until

they are finalized, when that occurs the Commission should apply

the new standards to all mobile equipment.

     In addition,   rather than permitting interim service

providers to wait until 90 days after the launch of AMSC‘s system

to submit a plan for transitioning, the Commission should require

4/   Ssee Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, PR Docket No.           90—315
     (Aircraft Earth Stations), 5 FCC Red 3933 (1990)}.


any such service providers to work with AMSC from the start to

provide for the future transition.    The goal of these efforts

should be to complete the transition of all interim service users

from Inmarsat space seqgment to AMSC‘s system no later than 60

days after AMSC launches its satellite into orbit and certifies

to the Commission that it is operating in compliance with the

terms and conditions of AMSC‘s authorization.    (AMSC anticipates

that such certification would be provided approximately two

months after launch.)   Such a requirement will ensure that from

the start any interim service providers are focused on the

eventual transition to the dedicated U.S.   system and that a

dialogue develops between those providers and AMSC,   so that the

transition will be planned in advance.


        For the above—stated reasons, AMSC respectfully requests

that the Commission issue an order on reconsideration consistent

with these suggestions.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         AMSC SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION

 Abou 2 LAS
Bruce D.    Jacobs
                                         Lon C. Levin
                                                      C   L;&0M7-gz(

Glenn S.    Richards                     Vice President and
Fisher, Wayland, Cooper & Leader           Reqgulatory Counsel
1255 23rd Street, N.W.                   American Mobile Satellite
Suite 800                                  Corporation
Washington, D.C.       20037             1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
(202) 659—3494                           Washington, D.C.     20036
                                         (202)    331—5858

                               Its Attorneys

Date:    March 5,   1992

(“       American Mobile Satellite COFDOTAtiON    1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW    Woshington D      20273315858
 AMSC                                                             Fourth Floor         20036    fax 202/331—5861


        I, Michael wWard, under penalty of perjury, do hereby declare
 as follows:      I have reviewed the foregoing Petition for
 Reconsideration.        The facts contained therein are true and
 correct to the best of my knowledge,and belief.

                                          /4/uyc //ué(M
                                             Michael ward
                                             Ssenior Scientist
                                             American Mobile Satellite

 Date: . '//M/? C/, 19742

                         CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I, Julie Berringer, a secretary in the law firm of Fisher,

Wayland, Cooper and Leader, do hereby certify that true copies of

the foregoing "PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION" were sent this 5th

day of March, 1992, by first class United States Mail, postage

prepaid,   to the following:

           Jill Abeshouse Stern
           Sshaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
            2300 N Street, N.W.
           Washington, D.C. 20037

           Philip Schneider
           Geostar Messaging Corporation
           1001 22nd Street, N.W.
           suite 550
           Washington, D.C. 20037

           James E. Landry
            Sr.   Vice President and General Counsel
           Air Transport Association of America
            1709 New York Avenue, N.W.
           Washington, D.C.      20006

           John L. Bartlett
           Robert J. Butler
           Carl R. Frank
           victoria F. Phillips
           Wiley, Rein & Fielding
            1776 K Street, N.W.
           Washington, D.C.      20006

           Warren Y.    Zeger
            COMSAT Corporation
            950 L‘Enfant Plaza,    S.W.
           Washington, D.C. 20024

                                  55;;/    Julie Berringer

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I, Julie Berringer, a secretary in the law firm of Fisher,

Wayland, Cooper and Leader, do hereby certify that true copies of

the foregoing "ERRATUM" were sent this 9th day of March, 1992, by

first class United States Mail, postage prepaid, to the


             Jill Abeshouse Stern
             shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
             2300 N Street,        N.W.
             wWashington., D.C.      20037

             Philip Schneider
             Geostar Messaging Corporation
             1001 22nd Street, N.W.
             suite 550
             Washington, D.C. 20037

             James E.     Landry
             sr. Vice President and General Counsel
             Air Transport Association of America
             1709 New York Avenue, N.W.
             Washington, D.C.         20006

             John L. Bartlett
             Robert J. Butler
             Carl—R. Frank
             victoria F. Phillips
             Wiley, Rein & Fielding
             1776   K Street,      N.W.
             Washington, D.C.         20006

             wWarren Y.    Zeger
             COMSAT Corporation
             950 L‘Enfant Plaza,          S.W.
             Washington,     D.C.    20024

                                              (21,A~&9 —EE%JLrbn;&J\N\QJLfl
                                           C;Z/     Julie Berringer

Document Created: 2019-06-04 14:18:11
Document Modified: 2019-06-04 14:18:11

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