Attachment USN - FCC Proba-V 2

USN - FCC Proba-V 2

LEAVE TO AMEND submitted by USN



This document pretains to SES-LFS-20151020-00734 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


       February 10, 2016

       Federal Communication Commission
       Satellite Division – International Bureau
       Washington DC 20554

       Attention: Mr. Paul E. Blais, Chief Systems Analysis Branch

       Subject: Proba-V License Request SES-LFS-20151020-00734 call sign E150131

       Dear Mr. Blais,

       Universal Space Network (USN) resubmitted the Proba-V permanent application on October 20, 2015
       FCC File No SES-LFS-20151020-00734 call sign E150131. The original request was on File No. SES-LFS-

       In reply to the letter of dismissal without prejudice from the FCC dated August 26, 2015, the Commission
       require a narrative response to the following:

           •    A statement confirming that the space station operator has assessed and limited the amount of
                debris released in a planned manner during normal operations. 47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(14)(i).
                    o USN response – The space station has no consumables on board and contains no
                        ejectable items that under normal mission planning could become debris. The space
                        stations orbit was assessed and selected to minimize any possible collision with known
                        orbital objects.

           •    A statement that the space station operator has assessed and limited the probability of the
                space station becoming a source of debris by collisions with large debris or other operational
                space stations. 47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(14)(iii). In addition, please address the anticipated risk of a
                debris generating collision between PROBA-V and other objects over the orbital lifetime of the
                satellite. Finally, to the extent there is any additional information supporting departure from
                the 25 year post-mission disposal guideline, please provide that information.
                    o USN response – We note that 47 C.F.R. § 25.114(d)(14)(v) states, “For non-U.S.-licensed
                         space stations, the requirement to describe the design and operational strategies to
                         minimize orbital debris risk can be satisfied by demonstrating that debris mitigation
                         plans for the space station(s) for which U.S. market access is requested are subject to
                         direct and effective regulatory oversight by the national licensing authority.” PROBA-V
                         is a non-U.S. licensed space station authorized/licensed under the authority of European
                         Space Agency (ESA) which has conducted the appropriate space debris assessments as

Universal Space Network, Inc.
417 Caredean Drive, Suite A ▪ Horsham, PA 19044 ▪ Phone: +1 215 328 9130 ▪ Fax: +1 215 328 9132

                          demonstrated in the, “Proba-V Space Debris Mitigation Document,” submitted as part
                          of this application. Specifically ESA has determined that

                      o   “PROBA-V does not include on-board propulsion therefore any requirements relating to
                          propulsion are not relevant to this mission. For example the following maneuvers shall
                          not be performed on PROBA-V.

                              1) De-orbiting at EOL and

                              2) Collision avoidance.” 1

       If you require additional information please feel free to contact me at 215-394-0127 or


       Joanne Greet
       Manager, Contracts & Compliance
       Universal Space Network

           See IFBS File No. SES-LFS-20151020-00734, attachment “Debris Mitigation”, page 5, para 1.

Universal Space Network, Inc.
417 Caredean Drive, Suite A ▪ Horsham, PA 19044 ▪ Phone: +1 215 328 9130 ▪ Fax: +1 215 328 9132

Document Created: 2016-02-10 14:49:07
Document Modified: 2016-02-10 14:49:07

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