Attachment Debris mitigation

This document pretains to SES-LFS-20151020-00734 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS                    Iss. : G    Rev. :0                        Date : 18/02/2013   Page : I



                             EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY CONTRACT REPORT

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Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS                    Iss. : G    Rev. :0                      Date : 18/02/2013             Page : II

                                    DISTRIBUTION LIST
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2               ESA                                                       M. SNAAYER

1               QINETIQ SPACE                                             ARCHIVE

                                      CHANGE RECORD
Iss.   Rev.        Date            # Pages affected P. Description

A       0      21/02/200           IX+14           All        First issue

B       0      23/03/200           IV+14           All        Compliance matrix updated

C       0      30/06/200           IV+15                      Update for PDR
                                                   16         A waiver request on Requirement OR-
                                                              01 is added in Appendix E.

D       0       14/07/09           IV+16           16         Signed waiver request by ESA-DG is
                                                              added in the appendix.

                                                              Update for CDR, update                           of    the
E       0       29/03/10           IV+15            2         applicable documents

 F      0       30/01/13           IV+16           all        Update for FAR

G       0       18/02/13           IV+16        10, 15        Updated casualty risk analysis

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Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS   Iss. : G   Rev. :0   Date : 18/02/2013   Page : III

                      TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. SCOPE                                                                          1
2. DOCUMENTS                                                                      2
  2.1 Applicable documents                                                        2
  2.2 Reference documents                                                         4
3. INTRODUCTION                                                                   5
4. SPACE DEBRIS MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS                                           6
5. CONCLUSION                                                                     11
APPENDIX A: TERMS AND DEFINITIONS                                                 12
APPENDIX B: DESIGN REQUIREMENTS- DEORBITING                                       13
APPENDIX D: RE-ENTRY ANALYSIS                                                     15
APPENDIX E: WAIVER- REQUIREMENT “OR-1”                                            16


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS   Iss. : G   Rev. :0        Date : 18/02/2013   Page : IV

                    LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS
The complete list of PROBA-V abbreviations is given in PROBAV-LI-00207-VE.


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS     Iss. : G   Rev. :0           Date : 18/02/2013   Page : 1


The scope of this document is to formulate and respond to “the requirements for
space debris mitigation” for ESA projects. [AD 8]
This document primarily deals with the list of compliance and non-compliances with
respect to space debris mitigation requirements and it includes a description of design
and operational measures.

PROBA-V does not include on-board propulsion therefore any requirements relating
to propulsion are not relevant to this mission.
For example the following manoeuvres shall not be performed on PROBA-V.
    1) De-orbiting at EOL and
    2) Collision avoidance.


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS         Iss. : G   Rev. :0                Date : 18/02/2013       Page : 2



The following documents are to be considered as applicable to the extent specified

AD      Doc Nr                     Issue/      Title
AD-1    RFQ       NO.:       3-    3/1         PROBA Vegetation Statement of Work
AD-2    PV-RS-ESA-SY-0001          3/0 Draft   Mission Requirements Document (MRD)

AD-3    PV-RS-ESA-SY-0002          3/0 Draft   System Requirements Document (SRD)

AD-4    PV-RS-ESA-SY-0003          1/0         PROBA-V PA Requirements + Amended PA
AD-5    PV-RS-ESA-SY-0004          2/0         PROBA-V Management Requirements Document

AD-6    PV-LI-ESA-SY-0002          2/0         PROBA-V Document Requirement              List      and
                                               Document Requirement Description
AD-7    PV-LI-ESA-LI-0001          2/0         ECSS E Applicability to PROBA-V

AD-8    ESA/ADMIN/IPOL 2           2008        Requirements on Space Debris Mitigation for ESA
        ANNEX 2                                projects
AD-9    PROBAV-PL-00036-VE         E/0         PROBA-V Product Assurance and Safety Plan

AD-10   PROBAV-PL-00047-VE         A/0         PROBA-V Configuration Management and Control
AD-11   PROBAV-SP-00651-VE         D/1         Generic Equipment Requirements Specification

AD-12   PROBAV-LI-00686-VE         A/0         ECSS List of applicability

AD-13   PROBAV-TN-00159-VE         D/1         Definition of reference frames and control errors

AD-14   PROBAV-SP-00085-VE         D/0         Reaction wheels unit requirements

AD-15   PROBAV-SP-00235-VE         C/0         Magnetotorquer unit requirements

AD-16   PROBAV-SP-00236-VE         C/0         Magnetometer unit requirements

AD-17   PROBAV-SP-00238-VE         D/0         GPS receiver unit requirements

AD-18   PROBAV-SP-00239-VE         C/0         GPS antenna unit requirements

AD-19   PROBAV-SP-00240-VE         C/0         Star tracker unit requirements

AD-20   PROBAV-SP-00237-VE         C/0         AIE unit requirements

AD-21   PROBAV-SP-00087-VE         E/1         AOCS SW requirement specification


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS     Iss. : G   Rev. :0                 Date : 18/02/2013    Page : 3

AD      Doc Nr                 Issue/      Title
AD-22   PROBAV-SP-00233-VE     D/0         S-band antenna unit requirements

AD-23   PROBAV-SP-00214-VE     D/1         S-band transceiver unit requirements

AD-24   PROBAV-SP-00243-VE     C/0         X-band antenna unit requirements

AD-25   PROBAV-SP-00215-VE     C/2         Battery unit requirements

AD-26   PROBAV-SP-00224-VE     E/1         Photo Voltaic Assembly unit requirements

AD-27   PROBAV-SP-00275-VE     C/3         Specific ADPMS requirements

AD-28   PROBAV-SP-00766-VE     C/0         Specific reaction wheels power supply requirements

AD-29   PROBAV-SP-00091-VE     A/0         Satellite harness specification

AD-30   PROBAV-RP-00273-VE     F/0         CDMS use cases

AD-31   PROBAV-SP-00242-VE     C/0         System requirements specification

AD-32   PROBAV-ICD-00126-VE    F/0         Vegetation instrument requirements


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS    Iss. : G   Rev. :0            Date : 18/02/2013     Page : 4


RD Doc Nr                         Issue      Revision   Title
1    PROBAV-RP-00077-A4-VE        30/06/09   C/0        Mission analysis report
2    Space Mission Analysis and   1999       -          Space Mission Analysis and Design
3    In-house Matlab Tool         04/2009    1.1        In-house Matlab tool to perform
                                                        Mission analysis.
4    DAS 2.0.1                    05/2008    2.0.1      Debris    Assessment    Software,
                                                        NASA, R. O’Hara, M. Matney and P.


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS    Iss. : G   Rev. :0          Date : 18/02/2013   Page : 5


The PROBA-V (PRoject for On Board Autonomy-Vegetation) mission architecture is
based on the PROBA Platform carrying the Vegetation instrument as the main
payload. The PROBA-V Platform is a small satellite platform of about 160 kg with a
size of 800x800x1000 mm³.

The PROBA-V satellite is targeted to be launched by early 2013 as primary passenger
of the VEGA launcher; it will be placed directly into its operational orbit, with an
altitude of 820 km. The Flight segment is designed to operate for 2 and ½ years in-
orbit with the possibility to extend the mission life time up to 5 years.

PROBA-V is an ESA project and should comply with the European code of conduct
for space debris mitigation. In the next chapter, the requirements of Space Debris
Mitigation are specified w.r.t PROBA-V.
Director General of ESA shall specifically approve all requirements, when Partial
Compliance (PC) or Non Compliance (NC) are stated.


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS          Iss. : G   Rev. :0               Date : 18/02/2013   Page : 6


General space debris mitigation requirements for the PROBA-V mission are extracted
in Table 4.1, Table 4.2 and Table 4.3. They include management requirements,
design requirements and operating requirements, respectively.

                 Table 4.1: Space debris mitigation- Management requirements

No#    REQUIREMENTS                                                      C    PC NC Comments
MR-01 The prime contactor of the space project shall be responsible for
      the implementation of space debris mitigation measures as defined
      in this document. The prime contractor shall deal with these
      requirements using the same engineering methodology and the
      same reporting as for all other contractually applicable Agency
MR-02 In order to implement the space debris mitigation measures
      defined in this document the space project prime contractor shall:
      a) define derived design requirement specifications at system and
      sub-system level;
      b) verify compliance with the design requirements;                 X
      c) define and verify necessary operational procedures prior to
      d) document activities and procedures resulting from a, b, and c.
MR-03 Verification of and compliance with the applicable space debris
      mitigation requirements shall be reported by the space project
      prime contractor as part of the overall space project verification X
      control up to Flight Acceptance Review.

MR-04 The space project prime contractor shall document in a “Space
      Debris Mitigation Document” the measures put in place to
      implement and fulfil the applicable requirements. The document X
      shall be part of the Design Justification File.
MR-05 The Space Debris Mitigation Document shall:
      a) be provided for and reviewed at the space project System
      Requirements Review;
      b) be updated for and reviewed at the space project Preliminary
      Design Review;                                                      X
      c) be updated and revised by the space project prime contractor to
      follow the design evolution of the space project;
      d) be updated for and reviewed at the space project Critical Design


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS         Iss. : G   Rev. :0              Date : 18/02/2013   Page : 7

MR-06 The Space Debris Mitigation Document shall contain as a
      a) a table of compliance with the requirements in the present
      b) a description of design and operational measures put in place to
      achieve compliance;
      c) a list of objects (mission-related objects or space debris) X
      released as part of the nominal mission. For these objects, the
      physical characteristics, the orbital characteristics and the
      predicted on-orbit lifetime shall be provided;
      d) a feared-events list of malfunctions of the space system which
      have the potential to cause space debris, and a description of the
      characteristics of the debris so caused.


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS          Iss. : G   Rev. :0                  Date : 18/02/2013     Page : 8

                 Table 4.2: Space debris mitigation - Design requirements [AD 8]

No#   REQUIREMENTS                                                    C PC NC Comments
DR-01 a) For the launch of a single payload there shall be at most
      one additional launch vehicle element (for example the                  To be justified by the
      insertion stage) injected into orbit.                                   launcher      authorities.
      b) For the launch of multiple payloads there shall be at N/A            Launch is not directly
      most two additional launch vehicle elements (for example                procured       by      the
      the insertion stage and an adaptation structure for multiple            PROBA-V project.
      payloads) injected into orbit.
DR-02 Spacecraft shall be designed such that objects that must be
      released as part of the nominal mission are retained and do
      not become detached from the spacecraft. In cases where
      this is not possible for technical or operational reasons the           Point    (a)     is    not
      following requirements apply:                                           applicable to PROBA-V
      a) mission-related objects and space debris so generated                Point (b) compliant; no
      shall remain outside the GEO protected region                   X       objects released from
      b) mission-related objects and space debris so generated                the PROBA-V S/C.
      shall not remain in the LEO protected region for more than              Point (c) No debris is
      25 years after their release;                                           released     from      the
      c) a justification for the implementation shall be given in the         PROBA-V.
      space debris mitigation document
DR-03 A space system or any of its parts shall not be intentionally           No            destruction
      destroyed in orbit.                                                     mechanism                is
                                                                              implemented on the
DR-04 Solid rocket motors releasing burn products larger than                 No solid propellants are
      1mm into orbit shall not be used.                               X
                                                                              used on PROBA-V
DR-05 The use of pyrotechnics (for example, pyrotechnic cutters)              No          pyrotechnics
      shall not release into orbit any particles greater than 1 mm. X         present on PROBA-V
DR-06 The system shall be designed such that the end-of-life                  Only           end-of-life
      measures shall be fulfilled by the operator.                    X
DR-07 An analysis shall be performed to determine and allocate                Analysis     has    been
      the amount of propellant needed to perform the required                 performed       and      is
      end-of-life manoeuvres.                                                 shown in APPENDIX
                                                                                   B:           Design
                                                                   X               requirements-
                                                                                   Deorbiting. However,
                                                                                   no propulsion system is
                                                                                   implemented on the
                                                                                   PROBA-V S/C
DR-08 The design shall allow the operator to establish the
      propellant reserve with accuracy, which is compatible with                   Not applicable, since
      performing the end-of-life manoeuvres.                                       there is no onboard
                                                                   N/A             propulsion to comply
                                                                                   with accuracy and EOL

DR-09 Space system shall be designed such that it can be                           End-of-life passivation
      permanently passivated at the end of its disposal phase. C
                                                                                   operations          are


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS           Iss. : G   Rev. :0                 Date : 18/02/2013     Page : 9

                                                                                   described    in    the
                                                                                   ‘Specific   Operations
                                                                                   Document’ PROBAV-
                                                                                   section 16.
DR-10 The reliability of successfully performing the end-of-life
      disposal and/or passivation shall not be less than the C
      nominal mission reliability for the operational phase.

              Table 4.3: Space debris mitigation - Operational requirements [AD 8]

No#   REQUIREMENTS                                              C         PC NC Comments
OR-01 Space systems operating in the LEO protected region shall                    Non compliance as
      be disposed of by re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere                       there is no onboard
      within 25 years after the end of the operational phase.                      propulsion system.
                                                                                   See APPENDIX C:
                                                                              X    of life measures
                                                                                   A waiver has been
                                                                                   generated by ESA
                                                                                   [APPENDIX        E:
                                                                                   Waiver- Requirement

OR-02 Space systems operating in the GEO protected region shall
      be disposed of by permanently removing them from the N/A                     PROBA-V is a LEO
      GEO protected region.                                                        satellite.
OR-03 Where practicable and economically feasible, space
      systems outside the LEO and GEO protected regions shall
                                                                                   N/A, as PROBA-V is a
      implement means of end-of-life orbit disposal to avoid long- N/A
                                                                                   LEO satellite.
      term interference with operational orbit regions, such as the
      Galileo orbit.
OR-04 Launcher stages shall satisfy one of the following
         a) they shall perform a direct re-entry as part of the                    To be justified by the
      launcher sequence;                                                           launcher authorities.
         b) they shall be placed in a LEO orbit where they will re- N/A            Launch is not directly
      enter the Earth’s atmosphere within 25 years;                                procured     by    the
         c) they shall be permanently removed from the LEO and                     PROBA-V project.
      GEO protected regions, and from orbits interfering with
      other operational orbit regions, such as the Galileo orbit.
OR-05 Passivation of a space system shall be completed within                      Compliant for End-of-
      two months after the end of the operational phase. This                      Life passivation. For
      includes launcher stages which remain in orbit.                              launcher stages: to be
                                                                                   justified   by     the
                                                                                   launcher authorities.
                                                                                   Launch is not directly
                                                                                   procured    by     the
                                                                                   PROBA-V project.


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS          Iss. : G   Rev. :0                  Date : 18/02/2013   Page : 10

OR-06 For space systems that are disposed of by re-entry, the                      Casualty   risk   is
      prime contractor shall perform an analysis to determine the                  1:11700         see
      characteristics of fragments surviving to ground impact, and X
                                                                                   [APPENDIX D: Re-
      assess the total casualty risk to the population on ground
      assuming an uncontrolled re-entry.                                           entry analysis]

Terms and definitions related to the space debris requirements are in APPENDIX A:
Terms and definitions


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS      Iss. : G   Rev. :0          Date : 18/02/2013   Page : 11


PROBA-V is a mini satellite with a maximum size of 1000 x 800 x 800 mm³. The orbit
drift analysis [RD 1] showed that there is no on-board propulsion system needed for
orbit correction and maintenance, in case the spacecraft is injected into a quasi SSO.
Thus, propulsion on-board has not been considered and PROBA-V shall remain in
orbit after EOL. End-of-Life passivation operations have been defined.

Passivation of the launch vehicle stages is a concern to launch authorities. It shall be
performed by the relevant launch authority. The launch is not directly procured by the
PROBA-V project.

All requirements are compliant except OR-01, for which ESA-Project has introduced a
waiver, which is in Appendix .


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS     Iss. : G   Rev. :0           Date : 18/02/2013   Page : 12


Terms and definitions used in the document to represent requirements are:
   1. Disposal Phase: Begins at the end of the operational phase of the Space
      System and ends when either the Space System has performed a direct re-
      entry or completed its disposal activities (having reached its disposal orbit and
      having completed its passivation).
   2. End of Life: End of the disposal phase.
   3. LEO: Low Earth Orbit, with an altitude below 2000 km.
   4. Mission-Related Objects: Protection or adaptor structures or mechanisms
      required for the deployment of one or several payloads into orbit.
   5. Operational Phase: The period during which a space system performs its
      useful function.
   6. Orbital Lifetime: The length of time that a space system remains in orbit.
   7. Passivation: The elimination of all stored energy on-board of a space system.
   8. Space System: Spacecraft, launch vehicle stages, and mission-related objects.
   9. Space Debris: Any man-made space object, including fragments and elements
      thereof, in Earth orbit or re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere that is non-


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS        Iss. : G   Rev. :0             Date : 18/02/2013      Page : 13


According to the space debris mitigation [AD 8], a satellite in a LEO should either re-
enter in the earth’s atmosphere or be disposed at an altitude of less than 600km or
greater than 2500 km. As, PROBA-V is at an altitude of 820 km, de-orbiting to 600 km
is less expensive than boosting the satellite to 2500 km.

A single long retro thrust manoeuvre or a high impulse retro thrust manoeuvre at
apogee results in a decreased perigee altitude, thus a set of manoeuvres can bring
the perigee of the satellite to an altitude of 550-600 km, causing more atmospheric
drag on the satellite. This is shown in Figure A.0.1. The final orbit, after de-orbiting
shall be an elliptical orbit with apogee at 820 km and perigee at 600km.

Delta-V required in this strategy is given by: [RD 2]
                ⎛     2 ⋅ (Re + H deorbit ) ⎞
ΔVdeorbit = V ⋅ ⎜1 −                        ⎟                                       (0.1)
                ⎜    (Re + H deorbit ) + r ⎟⎠

Where, V is velocity of initial orbit in m/s,
         r is the radius of the initial orbit in km,
         Re is the radius of the Earth, 6378 km
        Hdeorbit = Altitude of the de-orbiting orbit.
Table A.0.1 summarizes the delta-V required to de-orbit PROBA-V to various

                                                        Table A.0.1: Delta-V de-orbiting

                                                          H          H deorbit      Delta-V
                                                         [km]         [km]           [m/s]
                                                         820          600           57.84
                                                         820          590           60.54
                                                         820          580           63.24
                                                         820          570           65.95
                                                         820          560           68.66
                                                         820          550           71.38

Figure A.0.1: Multiple apogee burn strategy

Therefore, with a margin of 20%, the total delta-V required to de-orbit to 600km is


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS       Iss. : G   Rev. :0            Date : 18/02/2013     Page : 14


According to the European Code of Conduct for Space Debris Mitigation [AD 8]
spacecraft in LEO should be de-orbited, i.e. allowed to fall into the atmosphere and
burn up, within 25 years of the end of the mission. In other words, the spacecraft
should de-orbit to an altitude range of 550 km-600 km at End Of Life (EOL).

As there is no propulsion on PROBA-V, natural decay of orbit from 820 km is more
than 250 years. Hence the spacecraft is non-compliant to the requirement OR-03 of
“European Code Of Conduct For Space Debris Mitigation”. [AD 8].

Natural decay of PROBA-V from an altitude of 820 km is shown in Figure A.0.1

          Figure A.0.1: Natural decay of PROBA-V from 820 km for 200 years [RD 3]


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS                                    Iss. : G          Rev. :0                                  Date : 18/02/2013                    Page : 15


A re-entry analysis has been performed using the “DAS 2.0” (Debris Assessment
Software) software. The results are shown in the table below.

A casualty risk of 1:11.700 is obtained, which is smaller than the requirement of
1:10.000. The PROBA-V satellite is as such compliant with the requirements.
Reentry Data
Row Num      Name                         Parent Qty Material           Body Type    Thermal Mass Diameter/Width   Length Height Status Risk        Demise Alt Total DCA KE
           1 PROBA‐V                           0 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box                   145 0.7              0.834 0.68 Compliant '1:11700'              6.65
           2 Bottom Board                      1 1 Aluminum (generic)   Flat Plate   12.63        0.65             0.68                             68.3       0.00           0
           3 Bus panel                         2 1 Aluminum (generic)   Flat Plate   13.92        0.61             0.8                              58.6       0.00           0
           4 AIE                               3 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          3.38         0.2              0.3     0.1                      0.0        0.66       2650
           5 S‐band transceiver                3 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          6.22         0.187            0.257 0.13                       0.0        0.64       9378
           6 X‐band transmitters               3 3 Aluminum (generic)   Box          1.02         0.115            0.16    0.046                    0.0        1.53         826
           7 Magneto‐torquers                  3 1 Iron                 Cylinder     0.24         0.014            0.325                            0.0        0.45         140
           8 ADPMS                             3 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          15.4         0.218            0.444 0.212                      0.0        0.83      30483
           9 Harness                           3 1 Copper Alloy         Cylinder     5.7          0.02                   3                          54.4       0.00           0
          10 Central panel                     2 1 Aluminum (generic)   Flat Plate   1.75         0.23             0.8                              66.3       0.00           0
          11 Reaction wheels                  10 4 Aluminum (generic)   Box          0.75         0.1              0.105 0.07                       59.8       0.00           0
          12 EPT                              10 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          4.57         0.129            0.242 0.125                      51.9       0.00           0
          13 Battery                          10 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          3.48         0.15             0.2     0.095                    48.0       0.00           0
          14 Payload panel                     2 1 Aluminum (generic)   Flat Plate   6.05         0.61             0.8                              64.6       0.00           0
          15 VI + radiator + Star Tracker     14 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          25.52        0.5              0.8     0.2                      0.0        1.27      25096
          16 PSU                              14 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          3.1          0.2              0.2     0.2                      0.0        0.64       1813
          17 DHU                              14 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box                     2 0.2              0.25    0.1                      0.0        0.63       1021
          18 ROEs                             14 3 Aluminum (generic)   Box          1.2          0.136            0.180 0.04                       51.9       0.00           0
          19 ADS‐B elec                       14 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box                     1 0.140            0.170 0.06                       56.0       0.00           0
          20 ST DPU                           14 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          0.64         0.1              0.112 0.04                       56.5       0.00           0
          21 Harness                          14 1 Copper Alloy         Cylinder     2.12         0.02                   2                          62.8       0.00           0
          22 Flexible Fingers                  2 6 Steel A‐286          Box          0.4          0.025            0.1     0.025                    62.3       0.00           0
          23 S‐band antenna                    2 1 Aluminum (generic)   Cylinder     0.4          0.06             0.07                             63.5       0.00           0
          24 GPS antenna                       2 2 Aluminum (generic)   Cylinder     0.33         0.089            0.03                             64.5       0.00           0
          25 Satram                            2 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          0.38         0.05             0.1     0.05                     65.0       0.00           0
          26 Top panel                         1 1 Aluminum (generic)   Flat Plate   3.15         0.61             0.61                             74.5       0.00           0
          27 Flexible fingers                 26 8 Steel A‐286          Box          0.4          0.025            0.1     0.025                    62.9       0.00           0
          28 Magnetotorquers                  26 2 Iron                 Cylinder     0.24         0.014            0.325                            66.0       0.00           0
          29 Hermod                           26 1 Aluminum (generic)   Box          0.9          0.115            0.16    0.046                    66.1       0.00           0
          30 X‐band antennas                  26 3 Aluminum (generic)   Cylinder     0.44         0.05             0.2                              69.5       0.00           0
          31 S‐band antenna                   26 1 Aluminum (generic)   Cylinder     0.4          0.06             0.07                             65.7       0.00           0
          32 Nadir panel                       1 1 Aluminum (generic)   Flat Plate   2.3          0.475            0.820                            75.3       0.00           0
          33 ADS‐B antenna                    32 2 Aluminum (generic)   Flat Plate   0.19         0.1              0.1                              66.5       0.00           0
          34 LRR                              32 1 Aluminum (generic)   Cylinder     0.33         0.15             0.05                             69.3       0.00           0
          35 Velocity Panel                    1 1 Graphite Epoxy 1     Flat Plate   3.95         0.764            0.834                            77.4       0.00           0
          36 Zenith Panel                      1 1 Graphite Epoxy 1     Flat Plate   3.75         0.68             0.834                            77.4       0.00           0
          37 Anti‐Velocity Panel               1 1 Graphite Epoxy 1     Flat Plate   3.70         0.68             0.834                            77.4       0.00           0


Space Debris Mitigation Document

Ref. : PROBAV-RP-00098-QS   Iss. : G   Rev. :0   Date : 18/02/2013   Page : 16


Document Created: 2013-02-19 12:40:17
Document Modified: 2013-02-19 12:40:17

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