Attachment Motion to Strike

This document pretains to SES-LFS-20051123-01634 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        Before the                                S
                           Federal Communications Commission
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                               )
Telenor Satellite, nc.                         ))    File No. SES—LFS—20050930—01352
                                                     File No. SES—AMD—20051111—01564
Application for TitleII Blanket License        )
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with         )
Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W                        )
Telenor Satellte, Ic.                          )     File No. TRC—214—20051005—00395
Application for Section 214 Authorization      )
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with         )
Tnmarsat4F2 at 52.75°W

                         oPPosITION To MOTION To STRIKE
       Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (*MSV") herebyfiles this Oppositionto the
"Motion to Strike" filed by Telenor Satellite, Inc. ("Telenor") on December 7, 2005 in
connection with the above—referenced applications." Telenor seeks to strike portions of MSV‘s
"Petition to Hold in Abeyance or Grant with Conditions" the above—referenced applications,"
which have been kept confidential purstant to the terms ofthe Mexico City Memorandum of
Understanding ("Mexico City MoU®), an international agreement among the five administrations

‘ See Telenor Satelite, Ic., Motion to Strike Portions ofthe MSV Petition, File Nos. SES—LES—
20050930—01352; SES—AMD—20051 1 1—01564; TTC—214—20051005—00395 (filed Dec. 7, 2005)
(‘Telenor Motion").
* See MobilSatellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Petition to Hold in Abeyance or Grant with
Conditions, File Nos. SES—LFS—20050930—01352; SES—AMD—2005 1 111—01564; TTC—214—
20051005—00395 (filed November 23, 2005) (*MSYPetition"). Both confidential and public
versions of the Petition were filed with the Commission.

that Hcense L band operators serving North America."_ As discussed herein, the Bureau should
deny the Motion because () Telenor has no right to access these confidential materials and (i)
Telenor‘s interests would not be prejudiced by the Commission‘s consideration ofthese
confidential materials, since Inmarsat Ventures Limited ("Inmarsat") has access to the materials
and is an active participant in the proceeding in support of Telenor‘s applications.
       MSVPerition. On November 23, 2005, MSV filed a "Petition to Hold in Abeyance or
Grant with Conditions" the above—referenced applications filed by Telenor to operate terminals
with an uncoordinated Inmarsat—4 L band satellite. In the Petition, MSV made reference to the
Mexico City MoU, a framework agreement executed in 1996 by the five administrations that
Hicense L band systems serving North America. Under the Mexico City MoU, the five North
American L band operators are each assigned certain frequencies to use on their specific
satelltes. The Mexico City MoU provides that the agreement, and certain related materials,are
confidential to the parties and operators." Accordingly, MSV sought confidential treatment of
those portions of its Petition (the "Redacted Materials") addressing the Mexico City MoU and
related materials.

       Telenor Request. On November 28, 2005, Telenor contacted MSV to request access to
the Redacted Materials. Counsel for MSV informed Telenor that MSV was not atliberty to

* See Memorandum ofUnderstandingfor the Intersystem Coordination ofCertain Geostationary
Mobile Satellite Systems Operating in the Bands 1525—1544/1545—1559 MHz and 1626.5—
1645.5/1646.5—1660.5 MH (1996) ("Mexico City MoU").
* Mexico City MoU; see also COMSAT Corporation et. al, Memorandum Opinion, Order and
Authorization, 16 FCC Red 21661, 9 111 (2001) (*COMSAT Order") (‘The Mexico City
Agreement and related coordination documents, such as minutes ofcoordination meetings, are
considered confidential.")

provide such access. MSV suggested that Telenor contact the Commission directly to obtain

assistance. See Telenor Motion, Declaration of Keith H. Fagan.

        Telenor Motion. On December 7, 2005, Telenor filed a "Motion to Strike," arguing that

that () without access to the Redacted Materials, it cannot fashion an effective response to

MSV‘s Petition (elenor Motion at 1—2); (i) the Administrative Procedures Act (*APA") and the

Due Process Clause guarantee access to the Redacted Materials (Zeleror Motion at 2); and (ii)

in the absence of such access, the Commission must strike the Redacted Materials from the

record (Zelenor Motion at 3).


        Telenor claims that it has a right to access the Redacted Materials to the extent necessary

to effectively respond to the arguments raised by MSV. Telenor Motion at 2. Telenor‘s sole
support for this claim is a quote from a Commission decision broadly stating that the APA and

the Due Process Clause "generally entile parties in administrative proceedings to have access to
the documents necessary for effective participation in those proceedings."" The Commission,
however, has made clear that in narrow circumstances, competing policy objectives may require
the Commission to limit a party‘s access to confidential materials. Tellingly, the only case cited
by Telenor establishes this point® and Telenor itself suggests that a protective agreement —

5 Telenor Motion at 2 (quoting In the Matter of Open Network Architecture Tarifs ofBell
Operating Companies, 10 FCC Red 1619 at 1 14 (1995) ("ONA TariffOrder")) (emphasis
* ONA TariffOrder at 9| 14 (1993) (denying MCI‘s claim that ts rights were violated by the
Commission‘s decision to restrict access to confidential materials, and finding that "the
Commission must reach its own determination ofthe relative weight to be accorded the need for
disclosure and the need to protect confidentiality, under applicable federal statutes and

which would necessarily restrict Telenor‘s access to the Redacted Materials — would be an

appropriate option in the instant proceeding. Telenor Morion, Declaration ofKeith H. Fagan.
       The Freedom of Information Act ("FOLA®) affirmatively grants the Commission the right
to withhold certain materials — including materials that address sensitive matters of foreign
relations, administration bargaining positions, and interational coordination — from public
inspection." Pursuant to FOTA, the Commission already has afforded confidential status to the
Mexico City MoU and related documents.® Further, under FOIA, the Commission may restrict
access to confidental documents even if those documents would assist a party in prosecuting its

interests before the Commission; the applicability ofthe FOIA exemptions is not dependent on
the particular circumstances of a FOTA requester or ts litigation or other needs."
       Noris the Commission required to ignore the Redacted Materials because Telenor cannot
access them. Telenor‘s attempts to prove otherwise are unavailing. Telenor first cites U.S.
Lines, Inc. v. Federal Maritime Commission, in which the D.C. Circuit overturned a Federal
Maritime Decision which relied upon certain "reliable data reposing in the files ofthe
Commission® that the Commission had excluded from the record without justification..
Critically, however, this data was not subject to an international agreement requiring that it be
kept confidential, but was apparently withheld as a matter of administrative convenience. As
such, ULS. Lines has no bearing on whether the Commission may consider the Redacted
Materials in the instant proceeding. Next, Telenor cites the Commission‘s 2001 COMSAF Order

" See 5 U.S.C. §552; 47 C.ER. §0.487.
* See COMSAT Order, 16 FCC Red 21661, at § 111 (2001) ("The Mexico City Agreement and
related coordination documents, such as minutes of coordination meetings, are considered
confidential."); see also Robert J. Butler, 6 FCC Red 5414, at1 17 (1991).
* See Robert J. Butler; see also Reporters Committeefor Freedom ofthe Press v. Deparment of
Justice, 109 S. Ct. 1468, 1480 (1989); North v. Walsh, 881 F.2d 1088, 1096 (D.C. Cir. 1989).
‘* U.$ Lines v. Federal Maritime Commission, 548 F.2d 519 (D.C. Cir. 1978).

granting Inmarsat access to the U.S. market. In that order, however, contrary to Telenor‘s

contention, the Commission did not ignore the confidential information submitted by MSV in the

course ofthe underlying proceeding, but simply chose not to credit that information after
reviewing it fully. If anything, the COMSAT Order establishes the Commission‘s authority to

review confidential material even ifaccess is not granted toall parties to the relevant proceeding.

       Although it is clear that Telenor has no legal right to the Redacted Materials, it is also
worth noting that Telenor‘s interests are not prejudiced by the materials remaining undisclosed,
since Inmarsat, which does have access to the non—redacted Petition, is an active participant in
this proceeding."" Telenor can safely rely on Inmarsat, the entity that provides the space segment
ofthe service proposed by Telenor, to address the issues presented in the Redacted Material.
Inmarsat has a strong incentive to vigorously prosccute Telenor‘s application and respond to
MSVs claims in the Redacted Materials, as Snmorsst worlt beughthom Peleror‘s provision of
service in the U.S., and the Redacted Materials pertain entirely to Inmarsat‘s failure to abide by
its obligations under the Mexico City MoU, Under these circumstances, it is unlikely that

Telenor could provide any relevant information with respect to the Redacted Materials that
Inmarsat has not already provided.""

"‘ See Inmarsat Ventures Limited, Response, File Nos. SES—LFS—20050930—01352; SES—AMD—
2005111 1—01564; TTC—214—20051005—00395 (Dec. 7, 2005).
‘* As noted above, the Commission need not afford Telenor access to the Redacted Materials —
ither to comply with the APA or to protect Telenor‘s interests. However, should the
Commission determine that it cannot consider the Redacted Materials without disclosing those
materials to Teleno, disclosure pursuantto a protective order would be preferable tostiking the
Redacted Materials from the record.

       Forthe foregoing reasons, MSV respectfully requests that the Commission deny the
Telenor "Motion to Strike:"
                                        Respectfully submitted,

 Bruce D. Jacobs
                                                        Tennifer A. Manner
 David S. Konczal                                       Vie President, Regulatory Affairs
 Jarrett S. Taubman"                                    MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES
 PILLSBURY WINTHROP                                            SUBSIDIARY LLC
          SHAW PMTTMAN LLP                              10802 Parkridge Boulevard
 2300 N Street, NW                                      Reston, Virginia 20191
 Washington, DC 20037—1128                              (703) 390—2700
 (202) 663—3000
 *Adnite in 07. Nt adnino i DCSeperinl ty mente orthe

Dated: December 19, 2005

                                    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Sylvia A. Davis, a secretary with the law firm ofPillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pitman
LLP, herebycertify that on this 19® day ofDecember 2005, served a true copy of the foregoing
by first—class United States mail, postige prepaid, upon the following:
Roderick Poter®                                 Gardner Foster®
Intertional Bureau                              Inerntional Buresu
FederalCommunicatins Commission                 Pederal Communications Commission
445 12" Sveeu, S.W                              445 12" SSW
Washingion, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554
James Balt                                      Cassandra Thomas*
Interational Buresu                             Interational Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               FederalCommunicatins Commission
445 12° Stveet SW                               445 12" Stree, SW
Washingion, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554
Karl Kensinger®                                 Fem Jarmulack®
Interational Bores                              International Buresu
FederalCommunications Commission                FederalCommunications Commission
445 12° Steeu, S.W                              445 12° Steat, SW
Washingion, DC 20584                            Washington, DC 20554
RobertNelsont                                  Howard Grboft®
Interational Baresu                            Interational Bureau
FederalCommunications Commission               FederalCommunications Commision
445 12° Steet S.W.                            445 12" Stree, $\W.
Washingion, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20554
Andres Kelly*                                   Scott Kotler®
Internatioal Bures                              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commision
445 12 Steat, SW                                445 12° Steet, SW
Washington, DC 20554                            Washingion, DC 20854
Stephen Duall®                                  Keit H. Fagan
International Buresu                            1001 Wooton Pariway
Federl Communications Commission                Rockvlle, MD 20852
445 12Stooy, SW
Washington, DC 20554                            CounselforTeleor Satelite, .
DiaeJ. Comel                                    John PJanka
Vice President, Govermment Aftiis               Jefttey A. Marks
Inmars, o.                                      Latham & Watkins LLP
1100 Wilson Blvd, Suite 1428                    555 Hleventh Stent, NW.
Artingion, VA 2209                              Sue 1000
                                                Washingion, DC 20004
                                                   1                  a
                                               Syivia A. Davis
*By Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2006-01-05 15:15:02
Document Modified: 2006-01-05 15:15:02

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