Attachment Comment

This document pretains to SES-LFS-20050930-01352 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                           RECENED & INSPECTED

                                                               MAR 2 7 2006
FisAddioss                                                                 Headanfncms
caaremie       Brazil Outreach Ministries                            M&UROOM): mss
$980 Humiaa        Post Ofice Box 1384, Westminstr, Colorado $0050         Westminser, Co soos0
An, o.                                                                     Fhone Gos) .06
South Ameiica                                                               Fic oomoom
reconsssasmans                    Soul MMQuphnng                       Bmat: RonLeCrone@aotcom

                                                                         March 20, 2006

Mazlene H Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
448 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

To: International Bureau

Re: Applications of Telenor Satellite Inc. (File Nos. SES—LFS—20080930—01382,
    ITG—214—20081008—00395, SES—MFS—20051 123—01626, SES—MFS—20051 123—01627,
    SES—MFS—20081 123—01629, SES—MF3—20081 123—01630, SES—MFS—200601 18—00080,
    SES—MFS—200601 18—00081, SES—MFS—200601 18—00052, SES—MFS—200601 18—00083,

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Brazil Outreach Ministrics Unlimited, urges the FCC to grant the above—zeferenced
applications of TelenorSatellite, Inc. without further delay so that it and other
customers may continue to enjoy the services provided by Telenor on the Inmarsat
4F2 satellite. We are serviced in the jungle of Brazil in the Amazon basin.
We also urge the FCC to allow Telnor to operate on a non—harmfulinterference basis
in the I—band. Restricting Telenor‘s access to the I—band frequencies could
adversely affect service quality to the detriment of Brazil Outreach Ministries
Unlimited and other customers.
Resé}ctfu     submitted,
5’    )            iz
Kon LeCrone
Secretary / Treasurer
Brazil Outreach Ministrics Unlimited

Document Created: 2006-03-29 09:23:54
Document Modified: 2006-03-29 09:23:54

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