Attachment Grant

This document pretains to SES-LFS-20050930-01352 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                              RECEIPT COPY
                                              Before the
                               Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554                        RECEIVED
In the mater of                                                                       OCT T 2005

Stratos Communications,Ic.                         File No. ses—es.2005082denzentztenttonnimim
Application for Tite IlI Blanket License           File No. SES—AMD—20050922—01313
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
Inmorsat42 at 52.75°W
Stratos Communications, Ic.                        File No. TTC—214—20050826—00351
Application for Section 214 Authorization
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W

Telenor Satelite, Ic.                              File No. SES—LE$—20050930—01352
Application for TitlIII Blanket License
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W

Telenor Satellite, Inc.                            File No. TTC—214—20051005—00395
Application for Section 214 Authorization
to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
Intmorsat42 at 52.75°W
        Mobile Satelite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (‘MSV") hereby requeststhat the Commission
designate the ex parte status othe above—captioned proceedings as "permit—but—disclose.""
Pursuant t the Commission‘s rules, (wJhere the public interest so requires in particular
proceeding, the Commission and its staffretain the discretion to modify the applicable exparte
rules by order, letter, or public notice."" 47 CER. § 1.1200(a). These proceedings involve
appliations filed by Stratos Communications, In. and Telenor Satelite, In. for Tile H and

‘ on this day, MSV has fila Notice of Intent to Participate in the above—referenced
proceedings, thereby making these proceedings restrieted under the Commission‘s exparte rule.
See MSV, Notice ofIntent to Participate, File Nos, SES—LFS—20050826—01175, SES—AMD—
20050922.01313, ITC—214—20050826—00351, SES—LES—20050930—01352, MTC—214—20051005—
00395 (October 7, 2005).

                                   November 10, 1005

On November 10, 2005, the Satellite Division granted Mobile Satellite Ventures
Subsidiary LLC‘s requests to designate certain blanket earth station applications that seek
authority to operate Mobile Earth Terminals to provide Mobile Satellte Services in the
L—band with Inmarsat‘s 4F2 satellite, o be located at 52.75°W.L., as "permit—but—
disclose" for purposes ofthe Commission‘s rules governing exparte communications.
See Motion to Designate Proceeding As "Permit—But—Disclose," filed by Mobile Satellte
Ventures Subsidiary, LLC on October 7, 2005 (addressing SES—LFS—20050826—01175
and SES—AMD—2005022—01313 filed by Stratos Communications Inc. and SES—LFS—
20050930—01352 filed by Telenor Satellite,Inc.; See Motion to Designate Proceeding As
"Permit —But—Disclose," filed by Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary, LLC on October
13, 2005 (addressing SES—LFS—2005101 1—01396 filed by FTMSC US, LLC}. We find
that designating the carth station appliations as "permit—but—disclose" will faciitate
resolution ofthe complex policy issues raised by the applications. Thus, we designate
TBRS File No. SES—LFS—20050826—01 175, SES—AMD—20050922—01313, and SES—LFS—
20050930—01352, SES—LFS—200101 1—01396 as "permit—but—disclose," effective
November 10, 205. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1200(@), 1.1206 and 1.1208, Note 2. This action
is without prejudiceto any determination regarding the processing ofthe applications.

                    ‘Decwfi" but —disclore
                                             SES—L.ts—200505250 11 75—

                                       Fal             Q,          feaegin of p cvees ">
                                   pc\l(u\ bprowch Ch

Section 214 authorizations to operate in the United States using an uncoordinated Inmarsat
satelite in the L band. The applications raise policy issues concerning the management ofL
band spectrum, including complex technical issues. Other applications to operate in this band
have been designated as permit—but—disclose proceedings" A fiee exchange of views,
particularly with Commission engineers, will be useful in creating a more complete record.
       Based on the foregoing, MSV respectfully requeststhat the Commission designate tex
partestatus ofthe above—captioned proceedings as "permit—but—disclose."
                                    Respectfully submitted,

 Bruce D. Jacobs
                                                   fas it
                                                 Aenniter A. Manner
 David S. Konczal                                 Vice President, Regulatory
 riuLsBURY wintHror                               MoBiLe sATELLITE vENTURES
        SHAW PETMAN LLP                                  suBSIDIARY LLC
 2300 N Street, NW                                10802 Parkride Boulevard
 Washington, DC 20037—1128                        Reston, Virginia 20191
 (202) 663—8000                                   (703)390—2700
                                 PercoX— )’)u\f ~alisclo3 {
Dated: October 7, 2005

* See, eg., Public Notice, Report No. SPB—136 (August z;x 998) (designating proceedinegs
involving applications for L band mobile earth stations as permit—but—disclose because it will
assistthe Commission in developing a complete record on which a wel—reasoned decision can
be made").

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

         1, Syivi    Davis,a secretary with the law firm ofPilsbury Winthrop Shaw Pitman
LLP, hereby certify that on this 7th day ofOctober 2005, served a true copy of the foregoing by
first—class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

James Ball+                                      Cassanda Thomas*
Intermational Bureau                             Intermational
                                                 d             Bureso
                                                                  m            e
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Steet, SMW.                              445 12" Stext, SW.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554

Howard Griboft®                                  Fem Jarmulnek*®
Inemational Bureau                               Intemational Bureau
Federal Communicstions Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Steet, S.W.                              445 12° Steet, SW.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
Robert Nelson®                                   Scott Kotler®
Intemational Bureau                              Intermational Dureau
Federal Communications Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Stveet, S.W.                             445 12° Stree, SW.
Washington, DC 20584                             Washington, DC 20554
Pal Kugelman                                     Alted M. Mamiets*
Assisant Secretuy                                Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Strtos Communications, In.                       1330 Connectiut Averve NXW.
€301 Rockledge Drive                             Washington, D.C. 20036
Sute 900
Bethesta, MD 20817                               Counselfor Srtos Communications, nc.
Kelth H. Fagan*
Telenor Stelite, Tc.
10° Floor
1101 Wootion Pariway
Rockvill, MD 20852

*By hand delivery
**By electronic mail and regular mail

Document Created: 2005-11-14 11:13:44
Document Modified: 2005-11-14 11:13:44

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