Attachment Letter

This document pretains to SES-LFS-20050826-01175 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                   bommunmruy,, ORICINAL
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                                                                   EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT                               &
                                                                   one nationat. cuaro center
                                                                   rrankront ie a0s01—0180
                                                                       July 24, 2006                          &
                    |   Via Hand Detivery                           RECEIVED
                        Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
                        Federal Communications Commissign             AVS ~ 7 2006
                        445 12th Street, S.W.                             cators Connisson
                             i      D.C. 20554                     d Com"‘::%wm

                        Re:— Applications to Operate with the Uncoordinated Inmarsat 4F2 Satelte
                              SES—LFS—20050826—01 178 (CallBign 050249); SES—MFS—20051 122—01614 (Call Sign £000180)
                              SES—STA—20060307—00374 (CalliSign E000 0); SES—STA—20060310—00419 (Call Sign 050249)
                              sies—LFs—20050030—01352 (CallBign EOS0276) SES—MFS—2006018—00050 (Call Sign E000280)
                              sies—sTA—20060308—00388 (CallBign E000280); SES—STA—20060313—00430 (Call Sign EOs0276)
                              sis—LF—2008 101 1—01396 (CallBign EOS0284); SES—STA—2006031400438 (Call Sign EOS0284)
                |             SES—MFS—20051207—01709 (CallSign EO30055); SES—$TA—20060307—00372 (CallSign E030058);
                |             sis—LFs—20051 123—01634(CallBizn EOS0348); SES—STA—20060316—00454 (Call Sign EOSO248)
                    i         sies—MFS—20051202.01665 (CallSign E020074SES—8TA—20060307—00373 (Call Sign E020074)
                              ses—LFS—20060303—0343 (CallBizn EO60076); SES—STA—20060315—00445 (Call Sign EO6O076)
                              sis—LES—20060522—00852 (CallBizn BO6O179); SES—STA—20060522—00857 (Call Sign Eo60179)
            |           Dear Ms. Dortch:

                               Kentucky Emergency         gement relies on the Mobile Satelite Service (°MSS®) system
                        operated by Mobile Satellite Vent LP (°MSV") for public safety communications in Kentucky. When
                        we respond to requests of ass     from other states we have no other form of communication with our
                        responders in the early stages of response such as Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. All other forms of
                        communication such as cell         are cither inoperable or overshelmed in the early stages of the
        \|              response.
                               We are also excited about MSV‘s planned next—generation MSS system, which will allow us to
                        use small, handeld terminals throlighout the United States, including in the most rural and remote areas
        |               of our nation, for broadband servic
                               Given the importance of 1. band to our emergency operations, we are extremely concemmed
                        about the pending proposals to     te tens of thousands of Broadband Global Area Network (°BGAN®)
    I                   terminals with an uncoordinated         satelite. This satelfite has not been coordinated among the L
    I                   band MSS operators, and its techiical characteristics are far different than any satelite that has been
    I                   coordinated previously. Without@ prior coordination agreement, there is a significant risk that the
    |                   uncoordinated satelite and the seffices provided over it will interere with our existing criical public
    I                   safety operations. During normal §perations, this is unaceeptable; during times of emergency, it is life
                        threatening. In addition, the opéfator of the uncoordinated satelite proposes to use certain loaned
|                       frequencies that it refuses to returilfo   MSV. We understand that these frequencies are required for MSV
|                       to develop new and innovative serfices for public safety users, including additional services that further
|                       improve interoperable communicatigns.

                        rentoceromanicomnarccon                    FEAUR_
                                                                    mmnoceo arn D. ..s ssm tmzus

       Before permitting any new           @perations in the L band, we urge the Commission to take action to
ensure that the L band will continiielfo   be able to support critical public safety services.. For example, the
Commission should encourage I;              operators to coordinate more contiguous frequeney assignments
that will eliminate the need for            inefficient guard bands, will reduce the potential for interference
caused by carriers placed too close a band edge, and will allow for the introduction oftraly broadband
services. Moreover, the Commissio should take firm action to preclude L. band operators from usurping
frequencies coordinated for and li       to other operators. By taking these actions, the Commission can
ensure that the L band is used in a fore efficient manner and will continue to be able to support critical
public safety services.
                                                Very trily yours,

                                                  T diade/ h.
                                                LTG (R) Maxwell C. Bailey; Direct

Document Created: 2006-08-11 12:09:38
Document Modified: 2006-08-11 12:09:38

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