Attachment Notice of intent

This document pretains to SES-LFS-20050826-01175 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                    Before the                                RECEIVED
                                     Federal Communications Commission
                                           Washington, D.C, 20554
                                                                                                OCT — 7 2005
    In the matter of                                                                      edealComnuneaton Comiann
                                                                                                 Offer l Seraiy
    Stratos Communications, Inc.                          File No. SES—LFS—20050826—01 175
    Application for Title IHI Blanket License             File No. SES—AMD—20050922—01313
    to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
    Inmarsat 4E2 at 52.75°W
|   Stratos Communications, Inc.                          File No. ITC—214—20050826—00351
|   Application for Section 214 Authorization
    to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
I   Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W

    Telenor Satellit, Inc.                                File No. SES—LFS—20050930—01352
    Application for Title IIl Blanket License
    to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
    Inmarsat 4F2 at 52.75°W

    Telenor Satellit, Inc.                               File No. ITC—214—20051005—00395
    Application for Section 214 Authorization
    to Operate Mobile Earth Terminals with
    Inmarsat 4B2 at 52.75°W
                              NOTICE OF INTENT TO PARTICIPATE

            Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (‘MSV") hereby notifies the Commission of

    its intention to participate in the above—referenced proceedings, thereby becoming a party to
    these proceedings as provided in Section 1.1202(d)(1) of the Commission‘s rules. 47 C            §
    11202(d)(1). As a party to these restricted proceedings,‘ MSV is entitled to be served with, and
    provided with the required notice and opportunity to be present for, all communications and

    ‘ Proceedings involving applications for authority under Title 1H, as well as applications for
    authority under Section 214 that also involve applications for authority under Title MI, are
    considered restrieted under the Commission‘s exparte rules. See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1208;

 other presentations that occur between the Commission and the applicants or other parties to
 these proceedings. 47 C.F.R § 1.1208 n.1.2
                                     Respectfully submitted,

  e des
  Bruce D. Jacobs
                                                  d€nnifer A. Manner
  David S. Konezal                                 Vice President, Regulatory
  PiLLSBURY WiNTHROP                               MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES
         SHAW PMTTMAN LLP                                 sUBSIDIARY LLC
  2300 N Street, NW                                10802 Parkridge Boulevard
  Washington, DC 20037—1128                        Reston, Virginia 20191
  (202) 6e23—2000                                  (703) 390—2700
Dated: October 7, 2005

* On this day, MSV has filed a Motion to designate these proceedings as permit—but—disclose
under the Commission‘s exparte rules. See MSV, Motion, File Nos. SES—LFS—20050826—
01175, SES—AMD—20050922—01313, TTC—214—20050826—00351, SES—LES—20050930—01352,
TTC—214—20051005—00395 (October 7, 2005). Unless and until this Motion is granted, the above—
referenced proceedings will continue to be considered restreted underthe Commission‘s ex
parte riles.

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

         1, Sylvia A. Davis, a secretary with the law firm of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman
LLP, hercby certify that on this 7th day of October 2005, served a trie copy ofthe foregoing by
first—class United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

James Ball                                       Cassandra Thomas*
International Bureau                             International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                             445 12" Stree, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
Howard Gribort®                                  Fem Jarmutnck®
International Bureau                             International Burcau
Federal Communications Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, SW.                              445 12" Street, S.W
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
Robert Nelson®                                   Scott Kotler®
International Bureau                             Interntional Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 12° Street, S.W.                             445 12° Street, SW.
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
Paul Kugelman                                    Alfred M. Mamlet®®
Assistant Secretary                              Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Stratos Communications,In.                       1330 Connectiont Avenve N.W.
6901 RockledzeDrive                              Washington, D.C. 20036
Suite 900
Bethesda, MD 20817                               Counsel for Sratos Communications, Inc.
Keith H. Fagant®
Telenor Satelte, Ic.
1101 Wootton Parkway
Rockuille, MD 20852

*By hand delivery
**By electronic mail and regular mail

Document Created: 2005-11-07 10:40:37
Document Modified: 2005-11-07 10:40:37

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