Attachment FCCLtr

This document pretains to SES-LFS-20040831-01253 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                           Washington, DC 20554
international Bureau

                                               November 17, 2006

  Pantelis Michalopoulos, Esq.
  Steptoe and Johnson LLP
  1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
  Washington, DC 20036—1795

                       Re:   Submission of Executed Satellite Construction Contract
                             File Numbers:   SES—LFS—20040831—01253, SES—AMD—20051118—01599;
                                             SES—LIC—20050621—00799, SES—AMD—20051118—01601
                             Call Signs:     EQO40344, EO50181

  Dear Mr. Michalopoulos:

           On December 20, 2005, the Commission granted EchoStar authority to access the Canadian Anik
  F3 satellite, which is licensed to Telesat Canada (Telesat). As a condition of that access, the Commission
  required EchoStar to, among other things, demonstrate that Telesat was constructing Anik F3 in
  compliance with specified milestones. The first milestone required EchoStar to demonstrate that Telesat
  had entered into a non—contingent construction contract by December 20, 2006.

          To this end, on July 10, 2006, Telesat submitted, in this proceeding, a redacted copy of the
  contract between Telesat and EADS Astrium SAS (Astrium) (Contract), dated March 30, 2004, for
  construction of the Anik F3 satellite. Telesat also submitted a request for confidentiality for the redacted
  contract. In the First Space Station Reform Order,‘ the Commission stated that licensees may request
  confidential treatment of construction contracts. The Commission further stated that in such cases, it
  would require the licensee to submit both an unredacted version of the contract, and a redacted version to
  be made publicly available. Telesat submitted a redacted document only, for which it asked for
  confidential treatment.

           To assist us in determining whether Telesat has met the contract execution milestone for Anik F3         >

  please send us an unredacted copy of the Contract. Further, if Telesat seeks confidentiality with respect
  to either the redacted or unredacted contract, it must provide all information needed to justify the request
  for confidentiality, including the information specified in Section 0.459(b) of the Commission‘s rules.

 ‘ Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, Mitigation of Orbital Debris, ,First
 Report and Order, IB Docket No. 02—34, 18 FCC Red 10760, 10832 (para. 187) (2003).

      Please provide an unredacted Contract, together with any requests for confidentiality, by
November 27, 2006. If the Commission does not receive this information by this date, it will proceed
with its milestone determination based upon the Contract currently on file.

       Please hand—deliver or email courtesy copies of any filing made in response to this letter to Jay
Whaley ( of my staff.


                                                 Fern J. Jarmulnek, Deputy Chief
                                                 Satellite Division

Document Created: 2006-11-17 15:35:28
Document Modified: 2006-11-17 15:35:28

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