Attachment Update information

Update information

LETTER submitted by EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. ("EchoStar")



This document pretains to SES-LFS-20040831-01253 for License to use Foreign Satellite (earth) on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  STEPTOE &JOHNSON«w
                                          atroaneys at law

 Philp L Mate                                                                     130 Commecteu Aenve. NY
 2006004                                                                           Washingon, DC 200361705
 prichaloditeptoccom                                                                        Tel 2024203000

 January 19, 2006
                                                                                                  Jan 2 0 2006
                                                                                                   Sateite Diision
Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554
Re:     EchoStar Satellite L.L.C.
        Authorization to Operate Earth Stations with Telesat Canada‘s Anik F3 Satellite
        File Nos. SES—LEFS—20040831—01283 and SES—LIC—20050621—00709
Dear Ms. Dortch

               Pursuantto Sections 25.137 and 25.165 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.137
and 25.165, and paragraph 35 of the Blanket Licensing Order,| EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. ("EchoStar®)
hereby submits a copy of a 53 million bond (attached hereto as Attachment 1) to secure compliance with
the implementation milestones set forth in that Order. The earth stations are authorized to communicate
with the Canadian—licensed Anik F3 satellite operated by Telesat Canada at the 118.7° W.L. orbital

               In addition, EchoStar submits evidence to show that three of the four implementation
milestones for the Anik F3 satellite have already been met and accordingly requests that it be permitted to

        ‘ EchoStar Satellite, LLC; For Blanket Authorization To Operate 1,000,000 Receive—Only Earth
Stations To Provide Direct—to—Home Fixed Satellite Service in the United States Using the Canadian—
Authorized ANIK F3 Satellte at the 118.7 [degrees} WL. Orbital Location; For Authority to Operate
Two 9.0 Meter Antennas in the Ku—band in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Order and Authorization, DA 05—3227
(released Dec. 20, 2005) (‘Blanket Licensing Order‘).

washimoton        +.   New vork     +   rnorNix      +.   tos anories      +/   tonpon      +.      srussris

                                                                                STEPTOE &JOHNSON«
Marlene H. Dortch
January 19, 2006
Page 2

reduce the amount of the bond from $3 million to $750,000.2. Attached hereto is a declaration by Telesat
Canada‘s, David Wendling, attesting tothe fact that citical design review for the Anik F3 satellite has
been completed, that physical construction ofthe satellite is substantially completed and that the satellite
is scheduled to be launched in August 2006." EchoStar also submits photographs of the satellite as the
bus and payload modules are being integrated just prior to undergoing thermal vacuum testing phase."
                The International Bureau previously has reduced the bond amount for Loral Skynet do
Brasil‘s (‘Loral Skynet") Telstar 14 satellite on the basis of similar evidence." In that case, Loral Skynet
submitted the declaration of its Vice President of Satelite Engineering and Program Management to
assertthat the construction ofthe satellite had been completed and that the satelite had been shipped to
the launch facility." Loral Skynet also provided photographs ofthe completed satellite. Based on this
evidence, the Commission determined that Loral Skymet had complied with three ofthe four milestone
requirements for Telstar 14, and accordingly reduced Loral Skynet‘s bond requirement by 75%." While
the construction of Anik F3 is not complete, it is substantially completed, as demonstrated by the attached
evidence. Therefore, the Bureau should reach the same conclusion here and permit EchoStarto reduce
the bond requirement for the Anik F3 stellite to $750,000.

                 Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this matter.
                                                      Respedtfylly submitel,__\
                                                      Philip L. Malet
                                                      Counsel for EchoStar Satellite LLC

       * See 47 C.F.R. § 25.165(d)("A GSO licensee will be permitted to reduce the amount ofthe bond
by $750,000 upon successfully mesting a milestone deadline set forth in Section 25.164(a)ofthis
         * Declaration of David Wendling (attached hereto as Attachment 2)
         * See Declaration of David Wendling, Attachment 1.
        5 Loral Shynet do Brasil, Petitionfor Declaratory Ruling to Add Estrela do Sul 1, a Ku—band
Satellte, to the Permitted Space Station List, Order, 18 FCC Rec 26751 , at 114 (rel. Dec. 23, 2003)
("Loral Order®).
        ® Letter from John Stemm, Boq., Counsel for Loral Skymet do Brasil to Tom Tycz, Chief, Satellte
Division,Intemational Bureau (filed Dec. 2, 2003)
         * Loral Order at 14.

 Executed Bond

                                                                                       Bond No. ossi3377
                          License and/or Permit Continuous Bond
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, tat we, EchoStar Sateite L— Principal, and Fideity and
Deposit Company of Maryland, asSure, ar hed and firaly bound unto the Unted Sutes Treasiy,as Obliges,
in the musimum peoal smm ofThree MitionDollars(63,000,000.00),a sch mwximam penal sum may breduced
pursuam to the ferms and conditons set forth below, forwhich payiment well and erly to be made, we bind
ourssive, our heis, exceutors, adminiteatos, svecessors and amigns, joiny and severaly, firmly, by these
WHEREAS, the above bounden Principal has obiained a lcense or permit fom the Federal Communicatons
Cormission (FCC‘) for auoriy to constrit, anch and operate a Geosationay Satelte pursuant t it
appletions SES—LFS—20040831—01253, Call Sign ROdO3A4 and SES—LIC—20050621—0799,Call Sign EOSOI81 in
accordance with theterms and condionsset forh in ts authorzation inclading theflingofthis bond withthe CC
pursuantto theprocedares etfoh in Public Notce, DA 03—2603,1SFCC Red 16263(2003); and
WIHEREAS, h Principalirequired bylaw to l with the FCC a bond conditoned as hreinafterset forth;
Now, rifekEroR, Tite CONDITION OF ThOi.IGATION S SUCHL tac i h Principal shall welland
trily prform each and evry obligition st forh below at thetime and in the manner specifed durig the term of
thibond, then tis obligtion shallbe vid, thervise t remain i fulfrcand effect
PROVIDED HOWEVER, thathis band is subject o the ollowingcondiions
12.      The Geesuitionry Satlit uthoried bythe FCC mus b comstncted, aunched and placed in operation
in accordance wit the technicalprameters and terms and condiions of the grant suthrizaion by thefollowing
specified ume periods (milestones)
          .      Executea binding contactfor constraction by (12202000)
          b.     Complet thCriial Design Review y (12202007)
          6.     Commence comstmetionby (12202008).and
          4.     Launch and beginoperatons by (12202010)
2.        Upon eompltion o each miletone,confimation of which wllb ied wih the FCC by the Principal.and
issuance ofa Public Notiee by the FCC confimingsame,the maximur penal sum ofthe bond shallbereduced by
$750,000.00 via iderto this bnd sent to the CC and theObligee
1        in th event afa Noi ofDefwalt(%e, an order or pubic noteerevakingthe Principal‘s authoriation)
issued by the FCC to the Principaland the Suraty reqarding the performance ofthe milestones specifid above
during the term ofthis bond, he Surey shall bTable only up t thcurent oustanding maximum peral sum
amounaftr applcabl mileston reductions. I is alsoundestood and uncondtonally agreed that upon receipof
such Notice of Defaut,thesol emedy under this bod will b the tender of pryment of the curent oustanding
maximirm peral sum of th bond wihinthity (30)busines days osuch Notie of Defauks
Any such Notee of Defultmade underthis Bond shall e made in ritng and shallbegiven bya pesonal dlivry
or expedited delivey servce, postageprepaidaddressd o the paries atthe addvesse spcifed blow
         "o the Sur: Fideliy and DeponitCompany of Marjland
                          Amm: Surey Chims
                          3910 Kesvick Rd
                          Baltinors, MD 21211
         "TothPrivcipat: EchoSter Stlite LL C
                          Aun: Genenl Counel
                          9601 5. Mertian Bvd
                         Engleweod, CO s0112

4.     No vight oacton shall aceree on this bond to or for the use ofany perion or corporation otherthan the
Obigee named herein orth hm exeestos admiisratosor suecessos of the Obligeo
s       1f y confic or nconsistency exss between the Surey‘scblgationso undeiangs as decribed in his
band andasdescrbed in oter documents tartes o egulaions, then theterms ofthisbond stallrevail
PROVIDED FURTHIER, tht regandlssofhe numberofyearsthisband shall ontin or be continud in foreeand
of he namber ofremiams that shall be payabl or paid the Sarety shall ot be labl hereunder for a lager amoun,
in the aggrepate,than thecurent oustanding maximum perl um ofhis bond
PROVIDED FURTHER, ht this bond shullbeeffctve on the 3thday ofPanvary2006,and stall easeat such
time as the FCC confiims that the Principl hassatisied all of the mlestones seforth in paagraph 1 above, unless
carler canellas provided below.
PROVIDED FURTHER, ht ifthe Surey shalso cls,this bond may be canceled by the Surey s to subsequent
Habiliy bygiving thity (30) days notie in wriingto said Oblige and Principal
Signedsealed and dated th 139 ay ofJimary,2006.
Privcial: Exh       Satelite LL.C.


Surep:. Fidelty and Deposit Company of Maryland


                                               Power of Attorney
COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, corponationofthe 5                               rsland. by WILLIAM
1. MILLS, Viee Presiden,and ERIC D. BARNES, AssistanSecetay,in pursu fi@'fim’m by Anicle V
Secton2,of the By—Laws ofsaid Companies, which ar stforh on                                     eeby ceified to be in
fullforeand effecton the dat ereot; doeshercby noming                                             nnerL,JR
ShelleCEAJKOWSKILCole T. HELMS,                                                           AD, Mona D. WEAVER,
Deana M: ROBICHAUD and Am                                                      1t is tre an lavdilagent and Atorney—
inFactto make, exccue seal                                         5 an as s ac and deed:—any and allbonds and
undertakings ard oret                                 is in parsuance of these prese, stallb s bindingupon sid
Companies as full u                                   as if they had beendaly executedand acknoniedged by the
regularly ced off
revoes thatimued            ofWillam M. OCONNELLJR. Slley CZAIKOWSKLCeleneT. HELMG, Garry L
  ‘Th said Assinat Secretry daesheeby cetha th exact etth on thereves ide hereol is a e copy of Arice VL
Setion2,ofthe By—Lavsofuid Conpanes, and is now in orce
   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the sid VicePresidet and Assistant Screiary have hereunto subscrbed thir names and
alfied the Comorate Sals of thesaid FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the COLONIAL
AMEBRICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, this 28th day ofFebruary,AD. 2008.
arresn:                                                rioeuity aNo peposi coMpANY o MaRYLAND
                                                coroniat aeRIcAN casuaLty aNo surery comraNY

                                            Le 2. fest—                                        d
                                     EricD. Bames      AsistontSecreary        WillamJ. Mils           Viee Presider
   Sire ofMarjand      1.
   City ofBatimere
   On this 28th day of February, AJD. 2005, befor the subscribr, a Noury Public o the Sate of Maryland. daly
commissoned and qulifed, came WILLIAM J. MILLS, Vice President and ERIC D. BARNES, Assisant Secretry of he
SURETY COMPANY, to me pernally krown to be th individuals and olfidescrbed in and who esccuted the
precedinginstrument ind they each acknowledgcd the execution of the same, and being by me duly swom,sevenally and
each for himselfdeposeth andsaith, thatthey ar thesaid offces of the Companies foresdand hathsals alfined tthe
precedinginstrument is the Corporse Seas osid Companies,and that the suid Corporat Seals and thersignatures as such
offeers weredal afined and subscrbedto t suid nstrument by th authorty and directonof th said Comorations
   IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,1 have hercumo set my hand and affined my OffcialSel the day and yeafrst above

                                                                          ow t
                                                                  Conance A. Dum                 Novary Pubiic
                                                                       My Commisson Bupies: Jly 14, 2007

rone caosces

            Extract rrow ay—caws or ripgLiTy ANb perosit compan‘y of manvcanp

   "Aicle VI Section 2. The Chaiman ofthe Bord,or the Presidento any Exccutve VieePresiden, or any ofthe Scrior
VicePresidens or VieePresidents specilly authoried so to do y the Board of Diectors o bythe Exccutive Conmites,
shallhave power,byand with the concurrence oftheSecrtary oany one of he Assstat Secntares to appoin Residen
VicePresidens, Assstant Viceresidentsand Atormeys—iFact as he business of the Company may require, or to
auhoriseany peson orprson toexecute on behalfof the Company any bonds, undertking, recopnizances, stipulaions,
poliies, contactsapreement,deed, and releases and asignmentsofJudgement, derees, mortgges and instumens in
thenatur omorigages...nd afi the sel ofthe Companythreo"
         Extaact rrom ay—Laws or coLoNiat. american casuaLty ano surery company

  *AriclVL, Section 2. The Chatrman ofthe Board. or the Presidentorany Exceutve Vice—Presidentoany f he Senor
Viee:Presidents oViee—Presidens spcialy authorited so o doby the Board of Directors oby h Exccutive Commites
shall havepover,byand witthe concurence oftheSecetary oany one ofthe Assistant Scrxuares, to appoit Resient
VieePresidents, Assisant VicePresidents and AtoreysimeFact as the basiness of the Company may requie, or to
authorize any person or pesonsto execute on balf ofthe Company any bond, undetaking, recopnizances,stpulatons
poliies, contact, agreements, deed, and releases and assgnmens ofJudgements,decrees, morigagesand instumentin
the nature ofmoteages..nd o aff heseaof the Company threto."

  1. the undesizned. Assitant Secreury of the HDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARVLAND, and the
COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, do hereby cenify that the frepoing Power of
Artomeyis sll in fllforceand eféct on the date ofts cenifete; and 1 dofuthercenify that the VicePresidemwho
executedthsid Pover f Atormey was one o headdtionl VieePresdent specially authorzed by the Boardof Diectors
to appointany Attomey—inFactasprovided in Aricle VI. Secion 2, of herespective By—Lavs of he FIDELITY AND
  "This Poverof Atorrey and Conifeate may besigned by acsimle under and by authoiy oth fllowingresoluton o he
Board of Drectoofthe DELTTY AND DEPOSTT COMPANY OF MARYLAND at a meetingduly clled and held on
the 10day ofMay, 1990and of he Board of Dirtors of the COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY
COMPANY ata meeting dulycalled and held on the 3t dayof May, 1994
  RESOLVED: "That the fcsimile or mechinicaly reproduced seal of the company and ficsinile or mechunicaly
reptoduced signature of any Vis—PreidentSeretay,or Asistat Seiziay ofthe Company, whther made heretofore or
hereaer, wherever appearing upon a cetfied copy ofany power of atommeyissued y the Company. shall be vald and
binding upon he Cormpany vit thesame fore and efecasthough manualyafied."
 1N TESTIMONY WHHEREOF, I havehercunt sbscribed my name nd afixedthe corportesealsofhesaid Companie,

is 13th           day or January                        2006
                                                                                Asinun Serouy

Declaration of David Wendling

< Telesat
     Teesat Carada
     1601 mesatCoot
     Goueser Onare

                  Declaration of David Wendling Regarding the Construction
                                 Status of the Anik F3 Satellite
 1, David Wendling, declare under penaltyof perjury under the laws of the United States of
 America that,to the best ofmyknowledge, informationand belief, the foregoing is true and
 1. I ama Space Systems Director for Telesat Canada, operator ofthe Anik F3 satelite, I am
    responsible for the performance and operations ofthe Anik F3 satellte. Myresponsibilies
    include monitoring the progress of satelite construction, ensuring conformance of he
    satelite‘s performance and operation to specification, reviewing the results ofdesign reviews
    and testing, and as part ofthe Space Systems senior management for authorizing anychanges
    to the satelite‘s specifications
 2. Ciiical Design Reviewfor the Anik F3 satelite has been completed and physical
    construction is substantilly completed. The satellite currentlyi in thermal vacuum testing,
    which Telesat Canada expects to be completed by early Pebruary2006, and the satelite is
    expected to be ready to ship from the factory in May/Jun2006, in anticipation of an August
    2006 launch date
    Aftachment 1 to this declaration provides photographs ofthe Anik F3 satellite as the bus and
    paload modules are being integrated just prir to undergoing thermal vacuumtesting as
    evidence that physical construction ofthe Anik F3 satelite is substantially completed

                                                    Executed on January18, 2006
                                                        >                     ze

                                                  ieDavid Wendling
                                                    Director Satellite Control

         Attachment 1
To Declaration of David Wendling

Anik F3 Satellite — SCTV Chamber

Anik F3 Satellite — Service Module

Anikc F3 Satellite — Coupling Phase

Document Created: 2006-02-10 11:24:16
Document Modified: 2006-02-10 11:24:16

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