Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20190301-00200 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                EXHIBIT E

        By this, and other concurrently filed applications, Gray Television, Inc. (“GTI”) hereby
reports the consummation of transactions for assignment of license of the receive-only earth
station licenses subject to this application from the current licensee, formerly a subsidiary of
Raycom Media, Inc., to Gray Television Licensee, LLC1. Concurrently with the assignments,
GTI also consummated the transfer of control of the licensees marked with an asterisk from
Raycom Media, Inc. to Gray Television, Inc. The consummations occurred as of January 1,

Licensee (previous Raycom           Call Sign                                 Type
 Questions A1 and A10 on
      FCC Form 312
 KAIT License Subsidiary,           E070171                        Receive Only Earth Station
 KCBD License Subsidiary,           E180605                        Receive Only Earth Station

     KFDA/KEYU License              E181662                        Receive Only Earth Station
       Subsidiary, LLC              E190046                   Receive Only Earth Station application
    KFVS License Subsidiary,        E180560                        Receive Only Earth Station
             LLC                    E180593                        Receive Only Earth Station
     KHNL/KGMB License              E180602                        Receive Only Earth Station
       Subsidiary, LLC              E180603                   Receive Only Earth Station application
     KLTV/KTRE License              E050214                        Receive Only Earth Station
       Subsidiary, LLC              E060001                        Receive Only Earth Station
                                    E190047                   Receive Only Earth Station application
KOLD License Subsidiary,            E180592                        Receive Only Earth Station
KPLC License Subsidiary,            E180604                        Receive Only Earth Station
KSLA License Subsidiary,            E180590                        Receive Only Earth Station
KSWO License Subsidiary,            E190024                   Receive Only Earth Station application
WAFB License Subsidiary,            E180618                        Receive Only Earth Station
         LLC                        E180617                        Receive Only Earth Station
                                    E190021                   Receive Only Earth Station application
WAFF License Subsidiary,            E180574                        Receive Only Earth Station
WALB License Subsidiary,            E190019                   Receive Only Earth Station application
WAVE License Subsidiary,            E181659                   Receive Only Earth Station application
        LLC                         E190043                   Receive Only Earth Station application

    See FCC Memorandum Opinion and Order (MB Docket 18-230, DA 18-1286), released December 20, 2018.

197381093 v2

 WBRC License Subsidiary,     E190018   Receive Only Earth Station application
 WBTV License Subsidiary,     E190045   Receive Only Earth Station application
 WCSC License Subsidiary,     E180610        Receive Only Earth Station
WDAM License Subsidiary,      E180567        Receive Only Earth Station
           LLC                E950024        Receive Only Earth Station
 WECT License Subsidiary,     E190026   Receive Only Earth Station application
 WFIE License Subsidiary,     E7895          Receive Only Earth Station
WIS License Subsidiary, LLC   E181663        Receive Only Earth Station
                               E6078         Receive Only Earth Station
WLBT License Subsidiary,      E190034   Receive Only Earth Station application
WLOX License Subsidiary,      E050212        Receive Only Earth Station
WMBF License Subsidiary,      E180570        Receive Only Earth Station
WMC License Subsidiary,       E190029   Receive Only Earth Station application
 WOIO/WUAB License            E190023   Receive Only Earth Station application
   Subsidiary, LLC            E190027   Receive Only Earth Station application
WSFA License Subsidiary,      E180571        Receive Only Earth Station
        LLC                   E180572        Receive Only Earth Station
WTOC License Subsidiary,      E180668        Receive Only Earth Station
        LLC                   E181085        Receive Only Earth Station
WTVM License Subsidiary,      E190016   Receive Only Earth Station application
        LLC                   E190017   Receive Only Earth Station application
WVUE License Subsidiary,      E181657        Receive Only Earth Station
        LLC*                  E181656        Receive Only Earth Station
                              E181689        Receive Only Earth Station
                               E6425         Receive Only Earth Station
                              E190044        Receive Only Earth Station
WWBT License Subsidiary,      E190025   Receive Only Earth Station application
WWSB License Subsidiary,      E070280        Receive Only Earth Station
         LLC                  E181297        Receive Only Earth Station
WXIX License Subsidiary,      E190020   Receive Only Earth Station application
         LLC*                 E190022   Receive Only Earth Station application
  Raycom Sports, LLC          E180611        Receive Only Earth Station
Raycom America License        E050361        Receive Only Earth Station
    Subsidiary, LLC

197381093 v2

      The following charts provide the ownership information for the assignee of the license –
Gray Television Licensee, LLC:

                                       Gray Television Licensee, LLC
       1       Gray Television Licensee, LLC                Gray Television Group, Inc.
               4370 Peachtree Road, NE                      4370 Peachtree Road, NE
               Atlanta, GA 30319                            Atlanta, GA 30319
       2       Delaware Limited Liability Company           Delaware Corporation
       3       N/A                                          Sole Member
       4       N/A                                          100%
       5       N/A                                          N/A

The following individuals are the officers or directors of Gray Television Licensee, LLC:
   Name                               Citizenship   Positional Interest     % Votes       % Total Assets
   Hilton H. Howell, Jr.              US            Director/Officer        0%            0%
   Donald Patrick LaPlatney           US            Director/Officer        0%            0%
   Kevin P. Latek                     US            Director/Officer        0%            0%
   James C. Ryan                      US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Robert J. Folliard, III            US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Ellenann Yelverton                 US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Robin Collins                      US            Officer                 0%            0%

                                        Gray Television Group, Inc.
       1       Gray Television Group, Inc.                  WVLT-TV, Inc.
               4370 Peachtree Road, NE                      4370 Peachtree Road, NE
               Atlanta, GA 30319                            Atlanta, GA 30319
       2       Delaware Corporation                         Delaware Corporation
       3       N/A                                          Sole Shareholder
       4       N/A                                          100%
       5       N/A                                          N/A

The following individuals are the officers or directors of Gray Television Group, Inc.:
   Name                               Citizenship   Positional Interest     % Votes       % Total Assets
   Hilton H. Howell, Jr.              US            Director/Officer        0%            0%
   Donald Patrick LaPlatney           US            Director/Officer        0%            0%
   Kevin P. Latek                     US            Director/Officer        0%            0%
   James C. Ryan                      US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Robert J. Folliard, III            US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Ellenann Yelverton                 US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Bob Smith                          US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Nick Waller                        US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Sandy Breland                      US            Officer                 0%            0%
   David Burke                        US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Matt Jaquint                       US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Mike King                          US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Nick Matesi                        US            Officer                 0%            0%
   Greg McCastle                      US            Officer                 0%            0%

197381093 v2

   Name                    Citizenship   Positional Interest   % Votes   % Total Assets
   Chris Mossman           US            Officer               0%        0%
   J. Bradley Streit       US            Officer               0%        0%
   Mike Braun              US            Officer               0%        0%
   Becky Meyer             US            Officer               0%        0%
   John C. Alexander       US            Officer               0%        0%
   Rick Burns              US            Officer               0%        0%
   Robin Collins           US            Officer               0%        0%
   Greg Conklin            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Jackson S. Cowart, IV   US            Officer               0%        0%
   Sabra Cowart            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Mike Fass               US            Officer               0%        0%
   Jan Goldstein           US            Officer               0%        0%
   Mike Jones              US            Officer               0%        0%
   Vance F. Luke           US            Officer               0%        0%
   Becky Sheffield         US            Officer               0%        0%
   Karen Youger            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Jeff Anderson           US            Officer               0%        0%
   Jay Barton              US            Officer               0%        0%
   Jim Beck                US            Officer               0%        0%
   James Berman            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Spencer Bienvenu        US            Officer               0%        0%
   Shannon Booth           US            Officer               0%        0%
   Roger Brokke            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Ulysses Carlini         US            Officer               0%        0%
   Alan Chatman            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Tim Coles               US            Officer               0%        0%
   Don Davis               US            Officer               0%        0%
   Rick Dean               US            Officer               0%        0%
   Tim DeFazio             US            Officer               0%        0%
   Matt Eldredge           US            Officer               0%        0%
   Chris Fedele            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Chris Fry               US            Officer               0%        0%
   Mark Gentner            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Michele D. Godard       US            Officer               0%        0%
   Chris Gross             US            Officer               0%        0%
   Liz Haltiwanger         US            Officer               0%        0%
   Jasmine Hardin          US            Officer               0%        0%
   Nancy Johnson           US            Officer               0%        0%
   Eric Krebs              US            Officer               0%        0%
   Allan Lancaster         US            Officer               0%        0%
   Kelly Landeen           US            Officer               0%        0%
   Steve Lavin             US            Officer               0%        0%
   Kim Lee                 US            Officer               0%        0%
   Ken Long                US            Officer               0%        0%
   Laura Long              US            Officer               0%        0%
   Brian McDonough         US            Officer               0%        0%
   Neil Middleton          US            Officer               0%        0%
   Matt Moran              US            Officer               0%        0%
   Brad Moses              US            Officer               0%        0%
   Terry McHugh            US            Officer               0%        0%
   Tim Myers               US            Officer               0%        0%
   Mike Oates              US            Officer               0%        0%

197381093 v2

   Name                             Citizenship   Positional Interest    % Votes    % Total Assets
   John O’Brien                     US            Officer                0%         0%
   Brad Odil                        US            Officer                0%         0%
   Heather Peeples                  US            Officer                0%         0%
   Debbie Petersmark                US            Officer                0%         0%
   Thom Pritz                       US            Officer                0%         0%
   Matt Pumo                        US            Officer                0%         0%
   Sasha Purciful                   US            Officer                0%         0%
   Sue Ramsett                      US            Officer                0%         0%
   Rick Rhoades                     US            Officer                0%         0%
   Barry Schumaier                  US            Officer                0%         0%
   Andrew Stewart                   US            Officer                0%         0%
   Stacey Stewart                   US            Officer                0%         0%
   Don Vesely                       US            Officer                0%         0%
   Pete Veto                        US            Officer                0%         0%
   Tim Walker                       US            Officer                0%         0%
   Ike Walker                       US            Officer                0%         0%
   Tregg White                      US            Officer                0%         0%
   Josh Young                       US            Officer                0%         0%
   Luis Villareal                   US            Officer                0%         0%

                                              WVLT-TV, Inc.

       1       WVLT-TV, Inc.                              Gray Television, Inc
               .                                          4370 Peachtree Road, NE
               4370 Peachtree Road, NE                    Atlanta, GA 30319
               Atlanta, GA 30319
       2       Delaware Corporation                       Delaware Corporation
       3       N/A                                        Sole Shareholder
       4       N/A                                        100%
       5       N/A                                        N/A

The following individuals are the officers or directors of WVLT-TV, Inc.:

   Name                             Citizenship   Positional Interest    % Votes    % Total Assets
   Hilton H. Howell, Jr.            US            Director/Officer       0%         0%
   Donald Patrick LaPlatney         US            Director/Officer       0%         0%
   Kevin P. Latek                   US            Director/Officer       0%         0%
   James C. Ryan                    US            Officer                0%         0%
   Robert J. Folliard, III          US            Officer                0%         0%
   Ellenann Yelverton               US            Officer                0%         0%
   Robin Collins                    US            Officer                0%         0%
   Jackson S. Cowart, IV            US            Officer                0%         0%
   Sabra Cowart                     US            Officer                0%         0%
   Jan Goldstein                    US            Officer                0%         0%
   Jasmine Hardin                   US            Officer                0%         0%
   Vance F. Luke                    US            Officer                0%         0%
   Becky Sheffield                  US            Officer                0%         0%

197381093 v2

                                               Gray Television, Inc.
The following individuals or entities are the officers, directors or holders of an attributable
interest in Gray Television, Inc.:
Name                                  Citizenship       Positional Interest    % Votes             % Total Assets
Harriet J. Robinson2                  US                Owner                  28.32%              6.37%
Hilton H. Howell, Jr.3                US                Director/Officer       6.66%               1.86%
Donald Patrick LaPlatney              US                Director/Officer       Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Atlantic American Corporation4        US                Owner                  6.0%                1.1%
Richard L. Boger                      US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
T.L.(Gene) Elder                      US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Luis A. Garcia                        US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Richard B. Hare                       US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Robin R. Howell                       US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Howell W. Newton                      US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Hugh E. Norton                        US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Elizabeth R. Neuhoff                  US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Paul McTear                           US                Director               Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Kevin P. Latek                        US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
James C. Ryan                         US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Bob Smith                             US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Nick Waller                           US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Jackson S. Cowart, IV                 US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Robert J. Folliard, III               US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Vance F. Luke                         US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Jan Goldstein                         US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Ellenann Yelverton                    US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Rick Burns                            US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Robin Collins                         US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Sabra Cowart                          US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%
Becky Sheffield                       US                Officer                Less than 1%        Less than 1%

         The attributable ownership interest reported herein for Harriet Robinson includes:
(i) her ownership of Class A Common Stock (ten votes each share) and Class B Common Stock (one vote each
(ii) the stock held in trust for children or grandchildren; and
(iii) shares held by companies controlled by Mrs. Robinson that own both Class A Common and Class B Common
Stock of Gray except Atlantic American Corporation, which is reported separately above. See Note 12.
         The attributable ownership interest reported herein for Hilton H. Howell, Jr. includes:
(i) his individual ownership of Class A Common Stock (ten votes each share) and Class B Common Stock (one vote
each share); and
(ii) the stock owned by his wife, Robin R. Howell, and children.
It is not represented that Mrs. Howell’s media interests are independently held and not subject to common influence
or control. See In re Clarification of Commission Policies Regarding Spousal Attribution, Policy Statement, 7 FCC
Rcd 1920, para. 1 (finding that “spouses’ media interests will not be attributed where the spouses’ disclosures
confirm that such media interests are independently held and are not subject to common influence or control.”)
4        Atlantic American Corporation is controlled by Mrs. Robinson who owns more than 50% of the stock of
this corporation.

197381093 v2

Document Created: 2019-02-20 11:04:10
Document Modified: 2019-02-20 11:04:10

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