Letter to K. Kensing

LETTER submitted by Westwood One, LLC

Letter to K. Kensinger re conversion of licensee


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20180327-00289 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



 ANDREW S. KERSTING                                                                                     (404) 260—6761
 REGULATORY COUNSEL                                                                       ANDY.KERSTING@CUMULUS.COM

                                                        June 20, 2018

 By Electronic Filing

 Karl Kensinger, Esq.
 Deputy Division Chief
 Satellite Division
 International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12" Street, SW
 Washington, DC 20554

        Re:        Westwood One, Inc., Debtor—in—Possession
                   Application for Consent to Assignment
                   File No. SES—ASG—20180327—00289

—Dear Mr. Kensinger:

        The purpose of this letter is to inform the Commission of a change in the name of the
 licensee of Westwood One, Inc., licensee of earth station E990283, to Westwood One, LLC.
 The change became effective upon the consummation of the assignment of the license from
 Westwood One, Inc., Debtor—in—Possession, to Westwood One, Inc. (File No. SES—ASG—
 20180327—00289), which was granted by the Commission on May 22, 2018, and consummated
 on June 4, 2018. See Public Notice, Report No. SES—02064 (rel. May 23, 2018). A notice of
 consummation was filed with the Commission on June 14, 2018.

         The conversion from a corporation to a limited liability company was accomplished
 through filing with the Delaware Secretary of State‘s Office (i) a certificate of conversion to
 limited liability company; and (ii) a certificate of formation. 2 DE Code § 18—214.
 Subparagraph (g) of the above provision states in pertinent part:

        . . . the limited liability company shall be deemed to be the same entity as the
        converting other entity and the conversion shall constitute a continuation of the
        existence of the converting other entity in the form of a domestic limited liability

        As one authority observed, "Conversion does not end the existence of the original entity
 but continues its existence in a different from, or jurisdiction, as the case may be." Jeffrey P.

              3280 Peachtree Road + Suite 2300 + Atlanta, GA 30305 + t: 404.949.0700 + f: 404.949.0740 + www.cumulus.com

Karl Kensinger, Esq.
Federal Communications Commission
June 20, 2018
Page 2

Zucker et al., 2001 Nevada Legislature Changes to Business Organization Law, 10 NEVADA
LaAwyER 6 (2002).

       Since Westwood One LLC remains the same entity as Westwood One, Inc. under
Delaware law, there was no requirement to file a short—form assignment application to obtain the
Commission‘s prior approval to convert the entity from a corporation into a limited liability
company. Indeed, representatives of Cumulus Media Inc., the ultimate parent of Westwood One
LLC, have previously discussed this type of conversion with the Commission‘s staff in other
contexts and they have agreed that no short—form assignment application would be required in
such circumstances.

       In view of the foregoing, Westwood One LLC respectfully requests that the Commission
change its database to reflect the name of the current licensee of earth station E990283.

         Should any questions arise concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned.

                                                          TK       4

                                                     Andrew . Kersting
                                                     Regulatory Counsel

Document Created: 2018-06-20 19:28:05
Document Modified: 2018-06-20 19:28:05

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