WVUE Earth Station P

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Raycom Media, Inc.

WVUE Earth Station Pro Forma Amendment


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20170331-00353 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                        FCC FORM 312
                                   SECTION A, QUESTION A20
                                          EXHIBIT E


               On March 31, 2017, Louisiana Media Company, LLC (“LMC” or “Seller”) filed

this application (the “Earth Station Application”) for consent to assign domestic satellite earth

station authorization E160027 (the “Earth Station”) to WVUE License Subsidiary, LLC

(“WVUE Sub”), a wholly-owned indirect subsidiary of Raycom Media, Inc. (“Raycom”). 1 The

Earth Station Application remains pending.

               As is further described in Exhibit F, for tax purposes Raycom desires to amend

the Earth Station Application to substitute Raycom EAT LLC (“Raycom EAT”) as the assignee.

Raycom EAT is a Delaware limited liability company created to serve as an Exchange

Accommodation Titleholder (“EAT”) in connection with a proposed reverse like-kind exchange

pursuant to Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Revenue Procedure 2000-37,

2002-2 C.B. 38. Raycom EAT’s address is 50 West San Fernando St., Suite 300, San Jose,

California, 95113. Raycom EAT will act solely as the agent of Raycom for all purposes—

including the purposes of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the Commission’s

rules and regulations—other than for federal and state income tax purposes, as permitted under

IRS rulings.

               Raycom EAT will have two members. The first member of Raycom EAT will be

NES Asset Holdings Corp. (“NES Holdings”), whose president is Kelly E. Alton. NES Holdings

is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of NES Financial Corp. (“NES”), a privately held

corporation in the business of arranging and equipping entities to serve as titleholders in EAT

    See File No. SES-ASG-20170331-00353.

                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                      Exhibit E
                                                                                     Page 2 of 5

transactions and similar tax-driven transactions. NES’s authority is limited to purely ministerial

actions such as the selection or alteration of Raycom EAT’s name, office location, and registered


               The second member will be Raycom, which will be the FCC Managing Member

of Raycom EAT. As explained in Exhibit F, Raycom does not and will not hold any equity

interest in Raycom EAT, but as the FCC Managing Member it will have complete control of the

Earth Station. A post-assignment organizational chart is provided as Exhibit F, Attachment A.

               The following information for Raycom is provided below:

               Name and address
               Positional Interest
               Percentage of votes
               Percentage of total equity 2

Raycom Media, Inc.

Name and Address                   Citizenship         Position             % of Votes      % of Assets
Raycom Media, Inc.                 Delaware            N/A                  N/A                   N/A
201 Monroe Street                  Corporation
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Donald Patrick LaPlatney           USA                 President & CEO,     2%                See note 3 3
201 Monroe Street                                      Director
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104

  The percentage set forth is the percentage of total equity (voting plus non-voting) held by each
party to the Applications. No holder of debt or non-attributable equity will be an attributable
party under the FCC’s “equity-debt plus” standard.
  The issued and outstanding shares of common voting stock of Raycom, the ultimate parent of
the assignee, are held by qualifying employees under the 1997 Restricted Stock Plan, as
amended. No individual or entity holds or votes 5% or more of the voting stock. From time to
time, additional shares may be issued to qualifying employees. The Employee’s Retirement
System of Alabama and the Teachers’ Retirement System of Alabama (each an instrumentality
of the State) hold Raycom’s outstanding nonvoting preferred stock (Series F) and common stock

                                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                                         Exhibit E
                                                                                        Page 3 of 5

Name and Address                    Citizenship          Position             % of Votes       % of Assets
James J. Rosser                     USA                  Group Vice           2%                See note 3
201 Monroe Street                                        President,
RSA Tower, 20th Floor                                    Television
Montgomery, AL 36104
Rebecca S. Bryan                    USA                  Senior Vice          0%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street                                        President,
RSA Tower, 20th Floor                                    General Counsel
Montgomery, AL 36104                                     and Secretary
Warren Spector                      USA                  Chief Financial      0%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street                                        Officer and
RSA Tower, 20th Floor                                    Treasurer
Montgomery, AL 36104
Susan Willower                      USA                  Vice President, 0%                      See note 3
201 Monroe Street                                        Human Resources
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Susana Willingham                   USA                  Executive Vice       2%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street                                        President,
RSA Tower, 20th Floor                                    Content and
Montgomery, AL 36104                                     Operations
William R. McDowell                 USA                  Vice President,      1%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street                                        Media Analytic s
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Diane S. Griswold                   USA                  Director             0%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Kenneth C. Randall                  USA                  Director             0%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
John Lillie                         USA                  Director             0%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
John Stein                          USA                  Director             0%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104

Percentage is not calculated for entities and individuals that are listed as having an attributable
interest. It is noted that there are not any other parties with an attributable interest in the
assignees under the FCC’s equity debt plus (EDP) attribution standard.

                                                                 FCC Form 312
                                                                     Exhibit E
                                                                    Page 4 of 5

Name and Address         Citizenship   Position             % of Votes   % of Assets
Barbara Thomas           USA           Director             0%            See note 3
201 Monroe Street
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Bruno Francisci          USA           Director             0%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Wayne Daugherty          USA           Director             0%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Paul McTear              USA           Director             0%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
John C. Alexander        USA           Assistant            0%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street                      Secretary
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Ellenann B. Yelverton    USA           Assistant            0%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street                      Secretary
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
John Bradley Streit      USA           Group Vice           2%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street                      President,
RSA Tower, 20th Floor                  Television
Montgomery, AL 36104
Donald Richards          USA           Group Vice           2%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street                      President,
RSA Tower, 20th Floor                  Television
Montgomery, AL 36104
Wayne R. Freedman        USA           Vice President,      1%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street                      Sales
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
J. David Burke           USA           Chief Technology 1%                 See note 3
201 Monroe Street                      Officer
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Joseph G. Fiveash, III   USA           Executive Vice       0%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street                      President, Digital
RSA Tower, 20th Floor                  Media/Strategy
Montgomery, AL 36104

                                                               FCC Form 312
                                                                   Exhibit E
                                                                  Page 5 of 5

Name and Address          Citizenship   Position          % of Votes   % of Assets
Sandy Breland McNamara    USA           Senior Vice       1%            See note 3
201 Monroe Street                       President
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104
Nicholas Simonette, Sr.   USA           Group Vice        2%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street                       President,
RSA Tower, 20th Floor                   Television
Montgomery, AL 36104
Kenneth C. Reiner         USA           Vice President,   0%             See note 3
201 Monroe Street                       Programming
RSA Tower, 20th Floor
Montgomery, AL 36104

                                           FCC FORM 312
                                      SECTION A, QUESTION A21
                                             EXHIBIT F

                              AMENDED DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION

        On March 31, 2017, Louisiana Media Company, LLC (“LMC” or “Seller”) filed this
application (the “Earth Station Application”) for consent to assign domestic satellite earth station
authorization E160027 to WVUE License Subsidiary, LLC (“WVUE Sub”), a wholly-owned
indirect subsidiary of Raycom Media, Inc. (“Raycom”). 1 This earth station is used in connection
with television station WVUE-DT, New Orleans, Louisiana (“WVUE” or the “Station”). The
Media Bureau consented to the assignment of the Station’s broadcast license to WVUE Sub on
May 15, 2017, 2 but the assignment has not been consummated. The Earth Station Application
remains pending.

        For tax purposes, Raycom desires to assign its right to acquire WVUE to Raycom EAT
LLC (“Raycom EAT”), a qualified intermediary controlled by Raycom. Raycom filed an
application for consent to the pro forma assignment of the Station’s broadcast license from
WVUE Sub to Raycom EAT on June 6, 2017, 3 and hereby seeks to amend the pending Earth
Station Application to likewise change the assignee from WVUE Sub to Raycom EAT.

Overview of Transaction

       Pursuant to the arrangements discussed below, WVUE Sub has agreed to assign its right
to purchase the Station to Raycom EAT (the “EAT Assignment”). Subject to the Commission’s
consent, Raycom EAT will be the ultimate assignee of the Station’s licenses.

         Raycom EAT is a Delaware limited liability company newly formed to hold the Station’s
licenses and assets as an Exchange Accommodation Titleholder (“EAT”) in connection with a
proposed reverse like-kind exchange pursuant to Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986 and Revenue Procedure 2000-37, 2002-2 C.B. 38. As required by the Revenue Procedure
and in the same manner as the Commission has approved in prior transactions involving such
exchanges, the exchange will be effected in two steps. In the first step, the licenses and assets of
the Station will be acquired by Raycom EAT as an EAT on behalf of Raycom. In the second
step, a separate pro forma assignment application will be filed seeking the Commission’s
consent to the acquisition of either all of the assets of the Station or all of the LLC interests of
Raycom EAT by Raycom. For the tax benefit to accrue, this second transaction must be
completed within 180 days of the consummation of the transaction proposed in this application.
The Commission has approved the EAT structure and procedures to be used in this transaction in
a number of prior transactions. 4 Raycom EAT will be controlled by Raycom, and the

  See File No. SES-ASG-20170331-00353.
  See File No. BALCDT-20170331ABO.
  See File No. BALCDT- 20170606AAP
  See, e.g., Harrisburg Television, Inc. and WHTM Acquisition LLC, Application for Assignment of License of
WHTM-TV, File No. BALCDT-20140625AOV; Merlin Media License, LLC and MYFMEAT LLC, Application for
Assignment of License of WRXP(FM), File No. BALH-20121012AAJ; Cox Radio, Inc. and Cox Television
Jacksonville, LLC, Application for Assignment of License of WAWS(TV), FCC File No. BALCDT-20120907AEB;

                                                                                                     FCC Form 316
                                                                                                        Exhibit 12
                                                                                                        June 2017

assignment of the Station licenses from WVUE Sub to Raycom EAT accordingly qualifies as a
pro forma assignment. 5

        Raycom EAT will hold legal title to the Station’s assets and licenses for a limited time
following consummation of the transaction. During such limited period, Raycom EAT will act
solely as the agent of Raycom for all purposes—including the purposes of the Communications
Act of 1934, as amended, and the Commission’s rules and regulations—other than for federal
and state income tax purposes, as permitted under IRS rulings.

       Raycom EAT will have two members. The first member of Raycom EAT will be NES
Asset Holdings Corp. (“NES Holdings”). NES Holdings is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary
of NES Financial Corp. (“NES”), a privately held corporation in the business of arranging and
equipping entities to serve as titleholders in EAT transactions and similar tax-driven transactions.

        The second member will be Raycom. Raycom will be the FCC Managing Member of
Raycom EAT. Raycom does not and will not hold any equity interest in Raycom EAT, but as
the FCC Managing Member Raycom will have exclusive and direct control of the operations of
the Station through a right to direct and control the actions of Raycom EAT with respect to all
Station matters. Raycom EAT will neither exercise de facto control of the Station nor have the
legal right to do more than hold title. Raycom EAT’s ownership structure is illustrated in
Attachment A to this Exhibit.

        The satellite earth station authorization identified in this FCC Form 312 application is
used in connection with the operations of the licensee’s television station, and no change in the
operation or use of the satellite earth station authorization will occur as a result of the grant.
Accordingly, the public interest would be served by prompt consent to this application, amended
to substitute Raycom EAT, LLC as the assignee.

KTVU, Inc. and Cox Television Tulsa, LLC, Application for Assignment of Licenses of KMYT-TV and KOKI-TV,
FCC File Nos. BALCDT-20120907ADZ and BALCDT-20120907AEA; WLNY Limited Partnership and
WLNYEAT, LLC, Application for Assignment of License of WLNY(TV), FCC File No. BALCDT-20111220AFI.
See also Cox Radio, Inc. and SummitMedia, LLC, 28 FCC Rcd 5674 (MB 2013), review denied, 29 FCC Rcd 2546
(2014) (rejecting Petition to Deny alleging that like-kind exchanges are not in the public interest).
  See 47 C.F.R. § 73.3540(f); Media General Communications, Inc., 21 FCC Rcd 7669 (2006) (holding that
assignment of station licenses from licensee to licensee-controlled EAT entity qualifies for “short form” treatment).


                                       Attachment A
                       Raycom EAT Ownership Structure

                  NES Financial

                 Services Corp.

                   NES Asset
                                                                          Raycom Media, Inc.
                 Holdings Corp.

100% Equity
0% control                                                100% Control
                                                          0% Equity
                       Raycom EAT LLC

*NOTE: All ownership is 100% (equity and control) except as otherwise indicated

Document Created: 2017-06-08 14:06:11
Document Modified: 2017-06-08 14:06:11

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