Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20161129-00916 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                    EXHIBIT E

                                           Parties to the Application

         A.       Ownership of WSOC Television, LLC

       WSOC Television, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company that has one member,
Cox Media Group, LLC. The corporate contact address for the officers, directors, and member
of WSOC Television, LLC listed herein is: 6205 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, GA
30328, unless otherwise indicated. The officers, directors, and member of WSOC Television,
LLC are as follows:
1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets (debt plus equity)3

                       (1.)                                   (2.)                                  (3.)
1.       WSOC Television, LLC                     William S. Hoffman                   Juliette W. Pryor
2.       Delaware limited liability               USA                                  USA
3.       N/A                                      President, Director                  Secretary, Director
4.       N/A                                      0%                                   0%
5.       N/A                                      N/A                                  N/A

                        (4.)                                   (5.)                                  (6.)
1.       Maria L. Friedman                         Lance Lovell                        Brett Fennell
2.       USA                                       USA                                 USA
3.       Vice President & Treasurer                Vice President                      Vice President
4.       0%                                        0%                                  0%
5.       N/A                                       N/A                                 N/A

 The respondent interprets Question 5 in Item 4(a) as seeking information about any parties, whose interests are
otherwise non-attributable, who acquire attributable status as a result of operation of the “equity debt plus” rule (47
C.F.R. § 73.3555, Note 2(i)). There are no such parties in the reporting entity. As a result, Line 5 has been
answered “N/A.”

139380360 v1

Officers, directors, and member of WSOC Television, LLC (cont.’)

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                      (7.)                         (8.)                       (9.)
1.       Jane M. Williams             Mary A. Vickers            Anne Lofye
2.       USA                          USA                        USA
3.       Vice President, Director     Vice President             Vice President
4.       0%                           0%                         0%
5.       N/A                          N/A                        N/A

                     (10.)                         (11.)                       (12.)
1.       Charles N. Bowen             Joseph Pomilla               Cox Media Group, LLC
                                      P.O. Box 34665               6205 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd.
                                      Charlotte, NC 28234          Atlanta, GA 30328
2.       USA                          USA                          Delaware limited liability
3.       Asst. Secretary              Vice President & General     Sole Member
                                      Manager, Charlotte
4.       0%                           0%                           100%
5.       N/A                          N/A                          N/A

139380360 v1                                    2

B.       Ownership of Cox Media Group, LLC

       Cox Media Group, LLC (“CMG”) is a Delaware limited liability company that has one
member, Cox Enterprises, Inc. The address for CMG and the contact address for the officers and
member of CMG listed herein is: 6205 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, GA 30328, unless
otherwise indicated. The officers and member of CMG are as follows:
1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                       (1.)                              (2.)                         (3.)
1.       Cox Media Group, LLC                William S. Hoffman          Shereta Williams
2.       Delaware limited liability          USA                         USA
3.       N/A                                 President                   President, Videa
4.       N/A                                 0%                          0%
5.       N/A                                 N/A                         N/A

                        (4.)                             (5.)                        (6.)
1.       Michael J. Joseph                   Jane M. Williams            William J. Hendrich
2.       USA                                 USA                         USA
3.       Executive Vice President            Executive Vice President,   Executive Vice President,
                                             Television                  Radio & CMG Research
4.       0%                                  0%                          0%
5.       N/A                                 N/A                         N/A

                       (7.)                              (8.)                        (9.)
1.       Marian Pittman                      Kimberly A. Guthrie         Emily Chambers
2.       USA                                 USA                         USA
3.       Executive Vice President, Digital   Executive Vice President,   Group Vice President,
         Strategy                            National Ad Platforms       Human Resources
4.       0%                                  0%                          0%
5.       N/A                                 N/A                         N/A

139380360 v1                                        3

Officers, directors, and member of Cox Media Group, LLC (cont.’)

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                    (10.)                           (11.)                       (12.)
1.       Mary H. Robert                 Brett Fennell               Karen Bennett
2.       USA                            USA                         USA
3.       Group Vice President,          Senior Vice President and   Senior Vice President, Chief
         Human Resources                Chief Financial Officer     Human Resources Officer
4.       0%                             0%                          0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                         N/A

                     (13.)                          (14.)                       (15.)
1.       Maria L. Friedman              Mary A. Vickers             Melody P. Darch
2.       USA                            USA                         USA
3.       Vice President and Treasurer   Vice President              Vice President, Accounting
4.       0%                             0%                          0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                         N/A

                     (16.)                          (17.)                       (18.)
1.       Clayton Nix                    Shawn Pack                  Robert Myers Yarin
2.       USA                            USA                         USA
3.       Vice President, Business       Vice President, Business    Vice President, Content and
         Operations                     Operations                  Product Development
4.       0%                             0%                          0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                         N/A

                     (19.)                          (20.)                       (21.)
1.       Jason Facer                    Lance Lovell                Michael Dreaden
2.       USA                            USA                         USA
3.       Vice President, Finance        Vice President, Legal and   Vice President, News and
                                        General Counsel             Marketing
4.       0%                             0%                          0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                         N/A

139380360 v1                                      4

Officers, directors, and member of Cox Media Group, LLC (cont.’)

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                     (22.)                        (23.)                          (24.)
1.       Steven Alan Smith            Anne Lofye                     Michelle Harper
2.       USA                          USA                            USA
3.       Vice President,              Vice President, Real Estate    Vice President, Sales
         Programming, Radio
4.       0%                           0%                             0%
5.       N/A                          N/A                            N/A

                     (25.)                        (26.)                          (27.)
1.       Leon D. Levitt               Derek Robinson                 J. David Siegler
2.       USA                          USA                            USA
3.       Vice President, Strategy     Vice President, Strategy and   Vice President, Technical
                                      Corporate Development          Operations
4.       0%                           0%                             0%
5.       N/A                          N/A                            N/A

                      (28.)                       (29.)                          (30.)
1.       Robert J. Zikias             Patrick Foley                  Mark Beck
2.       USA                          USA                            USA
3.       Vice President, Finance,     Vice President, Finance,       Vice President, IT
         Newspapers                   National Ad Platforms
4.       0%                           0%                             0%
5.       N/A                          N/A                            N/A

                      (31.)                        (32.)                        (33.)
1.       Juliette W. Pryor            Charles N. Bowen               Cox Enterprises, Inc.
2.       USA                          USA                            Delaware corporation
3.       Secretary                    Asst. Secretary                Sole Member
4.       0%                           0%                             100%
5.       N/A                          N/A                            N/A

139380360 v1                                     5

C.       Ownership of Cox Enterprises, Inc.

        Cox Enterprises, Inc. (“CEI”) is a Delaware corporation that has three classes of common
stock: Series A voting stock, 300,000 shares of which are issued and outstanding; Series A non-
voting stock, 242,451,481 shares of which are issued and outstanding; Series B voting stock,
300, 000 shares of which are issued and outstanding; and Series B nonvoting stock, 256,161,030
shares of which are issued and outstanding. The address for CEI and the contact address for the
officers and directors of CEI listed herein is: 6205 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, GA
30328, unless otherwise indicated. The officers and directors of CEI and those stockholders with
a five percent or greater interest in CEI are as follows:

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                      (1.)                                (2.)                        (3.)
1.       Cox Enterprises, Inc.             James C. Kennedy               Anne Cox Chambers
2.       Delaware corporation              USA                            USA
3.       N/A                               Chairman of the Board and      Vice President and Director
4.       N/A                               0%                             0%
5.       N/A                               N/A                            N/A

                      (4.)                                 (5.)                       (6.)
1.       Alexander C. Taylor               James C. Kennedy, Jr.         S. Taylor Glover
2.       USA                               USA                           USA
3.       Executive Vice President, Chief   Vice President, Corporate     Vice Chairman and Director
         Operating Officer, and Director   Development, and Director
4.       0%                                0%                            0%
5.       N/A                               N/A                           N/A

                         (7.)                             (8.)                        (9.)
1.       John M. Dyer                      Michael J. Ahearn             Janet M. Clarke
2.       USA                               USA                           USA
3.       President, Chief Executive        Director                      Director
         Officer, and Director
4.       0%                                0%                            0%
5.       N/A                               N/A                           N/A

139380360 v1                                       6

Officers, Directors, and Stockholders of Cox Enterprises, Inc. (cont.’)

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                    (10.)                              (11.)                            (12.)
1.       Jimmy W. Hayes                    Brady L. Rackley III             Byron D. Trott
2.       USA                               USA                              USA
3.       Director                          Director                         Director
4.       0%                                0%                               0%
5.       N/A                               N/A                              N/A

                    (13.)                                (14.)                           (15.)
1.       James Conrad Weaver               Christopher J. Williams          Dallas S. Clement
2.       USA                               USA                              USA
3.       Director                          Director                         Executive Vice President and
                                                                            Chief Financial Officer
4.       0%                                0%                               0%
5.       N/A                               N/A                              N/A

                     (16.)                                (17.)                        (18.)
1.       Marybeth N. Leamer                Duane Ritter                     Duncan M. O’Brien, Jr.

2.       USA                               USA                              USA
3.       Executive Vice President,         Senior Vice President,           Senior Vice President,
         Human Resources and               Corporate Security               Corporate Strategy
4.       0%                                0%                               0%
5.       N/A                               N/A                              N/A

                     (19.)                               (20.)                            (21.)
1.       J. Lacey Lewis                    Juliette W. Pryor                Roberto I. Jimenez

2.       USA                               USA                              USA
3.       Senior Vice President - Finance   Senior Vice President, General   Senior Vice President,
                                           Counsel and Corporate            Corporate Communications and
                                           Secretary                        Public Affairs
4.       0%                                0%                               0%
5.       N/A                               N/A                              N/A

139380360 v1                                        7

Officers, Directors, and Stockholders of Cox Enterprises, Inc. (cont.’)

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                      (22.)                             (23.)                          (24.)
1.       Gregory B. Morrison              J. Leigh Scott                  Maria L. Friedman
2.       USA                              USA                             USA
3.       Senior Vice President and        Senior Vice President, Family   Senior Vice President, Tax and
         Chief Information Officer        Office                          Treasury Services
4.       0%                               0%                              0%
5.       N/A                              N/A                             N/A

                     (25.)                             (26.)                           (27.)
1.       Charles L. Odom                  Shauna S. Muhl                  Jack Polish
2.       USA                              USA                             USA
3.       Vice President and Treasurer     Vice President and General      Vice President and Controller
4.       0%                               0%                              0%
5.       N/A                              N/A                             N/A

                      (28.)                             (29.)                          (30.)
1.       Randal Earley                    David A. Blau                   Neil Campbell
2.       USA                              USA                             USA
3.       Vice President, Audit Services   Vice President, Corporate       Vice President, Financial
                                          Strategy and Investments        Planning & Analysis
4.       0%                               100.0%                          0%
5.       N/A                              N/A                             N/A

                      (31.)                            (32.)                           (33.)
1.       Kristen Weathersby               Anne Lofye                      Barry Ohlson
2.       USA                              USA                             USA
3.       Vice President, Litigation       Vice President, Real Estate     Vice President, Regulatory
4.       0%                               0%                              0%
5.       N/A                              N/A                             N/A

139380360 v1                                       8

Officers, Directors, and Stockholders of Cox Enterprises, Inc. (cont.’)

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                     (34.)                             (35.)                           (36.)
1.       Mary A. Vickers                  Cody L. Partin                  Betsy Vencius
2.       USA                              USA                             USA
3.       Vice President, Tax              Vice President, CEI Benefits,   Vice President, CEI Benefits,
                                          Compensation and HRTS           Compensation & HRTS
4.       0%                               0%                              0%
5.       N/A                              N/A                             N/A

                     (37.)                             (38.)                           (39.)
1.       Nancy K. Rigby                   Mark Dawson                     Carol L. Larner
2.       USA                              USA                             USA
3.       Vice President, Foundations      Vice President,                 Vice President, Investments
                                          IT Business Solutions
4.       0%                               0%                              0%
5.       N/A                              N/A                             N/A

                     (40.)                             (41.)                            (42.)
1.       Andrea M. Lawson                 Joab M. Lesesne III             Barry Campbell
2.       USA                              USA                             USA
3.       Vice President, Talent and       Vice President, Public Policy   Asst. Vice President, Aviation
         Organizational Development       and Government Affairs
4.       0%                               0%                              0%
5.       N/A                              N/A                             N/A

                      (43.)                            (44.)                           (45.)
1.       Jonathan C. Gamble               Paul G. Scolese                 John Bell
2.       USA                              USA                             USA
3.       Asst. Vice President, Benefits   Asst. Vice President of         Asst. Vice President,
                                          Government Affairs              Information Systems
4.       0%                               0%                              0%
5.       N/A                              N/A                             N/A

139380360 v1                                       9

Officers, Directors, and Stockholders of Cox Enterprises, Inc. (cont.’)

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                      (46.)                           (47.)                          (48.)
1.       Andre Reese                     Don A. Stryszko                George D. Markley
2.       USA                             USA                            USA
3.       Asst. Vice President,           Asst. Vice President,          Asst. Vice President, Tax
         Information Systems             Risk Management
4.       0%                              0%                             0%
5.       N/A                             N/A                            N/A

                        (49.)                         (50.)                          (51.)
1.       Keith Mask                      Mark Leuenberger               Amber Hall
2.       USA                             USA                            USA
3.       Asst. Vice President, Energy    Asst. Vice President, Supply   Asst. Secretary
         Management & Systems            Chain Management & Fleet
         Engineering                     Management
4.       0%                              0%                             0%
5.       N/A                             N/A                            N/A

                       (52.)                          (53.)                          (54.)
1.       Cox Family Voting Trust,
         James Cox Kennedy,
         Alexander C. Taylor, and John
         Dyer, Trustees, c/o Cox
         Enterprises, Inc.
2.       Delaware
3.       N/A
4.       100.0%
5.       N/A

139380360 v1                                     10

Document Created: 2016-11-29 11:02:07
Document Modified: 2016-11-29 11:02:07

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