Attachment 20161006102312.pdf


LETTER submitted by JULIE READ



This document pretains to SES-ASG-20160930-00820 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Eleanor Lott

From:                               Read, Julie <>
Sent:                               Wednesday, October 05, 2016 4:01 PM
To:                                 Eleanor Lott
Subject:                            RE: Question—IBFS Notices as filed
Attachments:                        CBS Radio East Notice.pdf; CBS Radio East SES—ASG—20160930—008120.pdf

Eleanor, the call sign that is missing from IBFS (E130036.) is included as the 3"" call sign (page 11) of the CBS Radio East
notice. See attached.

From: Eleanor Lott []
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 3:56 PM
To: Read, Julie
Coe: Eleanor Lott
Subject: FW: Question—IBFS Notices as filed

Good Afternoon, Ms Read, I see your email note below talking about one of your call sign is not included in your filing
FCC For 312 assignment application that was filed on September 30, 2016, well I don‘t see it either, but you all filed the
application and needed to check to see if you had all your call signs you are filing for, well you need to check and file
correct because as we speak I am granting these applications that was filed above.

Eleanor Lott

From: Jeanette Spriggs
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2016 3:35 PM
To: Eleanor Lott <>
Co: Jeanette Spriggs <>; Paul Blais <>
Subject: FW: Question—IBFS Notices as filed

From: Read, Julie (}
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2016 3:31 PM
To: Jeanette Spriggs <>
Subject: Question—IBFS Notices as filed

Good Afternoon, | filed these notices of assignment on September 30, 2016 (attached). 1 was wondering how long
before the licensee names are changed in CDBS?
Also, regarding the CBS Radio East notice, I noticed that it is showing in IBFS for each of the call signs
                                                                                                           listed on the
application except for E130036.


Julie Read

Julle S. Read
Senior Paralegal
Lerman Senter PLLC
2001 L Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
Tel. 202—416—6784

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                                                                                         FCC Form 312

                                                Description of Transaction

                    This filing is to notify the FCC of the pro forma assignment of the receive—only
            earth station authorizations (the "Authorizations") that are the subject of this application
            from CBS Communications Services Inc. to CBS Radio East Inc. as part of an internal
            corporate restructuring. Both the assignor and the assignee are subsidiaries of CBS
            Corporation. The proforma assignment was consummated on September 30, 2016.

                        As demonstrated in the charts below, both before and after the consummation of
            the proposed transaction, CBS Corporation will continue to control the Authorizations.

                        Current Structure                                    Proposed Structure

                        CBS CORPORATION                                      CBS CORPORATION

                                      vaARIOUS                                              vaRious
      CBS                           ces ENntiTies                  CBS                    CcBs ENTtITiEs
communications                             |                 communications                      |
  sERvIces Inc.                                                SERVICES INC.
                                     CBS RADIO                                              CBS RADIO
                                         INC.                                                  Inc.
  FCC Authorizations:                       |                                                     I
       £130036                                                                             CBS RADIO

       Eloose                        casRADIO                                                MEDIA
                                    CORPORATION                                           CORPORATION
       £0°"                               |                                              CBS RADIO EAST
                                    CBS RADIO EAsT                                          HOLDINGS
                                       HOoLDINGS                                          CORPORATION
                                     CORPORATION                                                 f
                                                                                         C BS R?N(';.
                                                                                                  RADIO EAST

                                   CBS RADIO EAST


Document Created: 2016-10-06 10:23:28
Document Modified: 2016-10-06 10:23:28

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