Attachment Foreign Ownership

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20150828-00565 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                       FCC Form 312
                                                                                                          Exhibit E

                                FOREIGN OWNERSHIP DISCLOSURES

                           Ownership Interests in Applicant and Subsidiary1

         Tampnet Licensee LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tampnet Inc., a United States


         Tampnet Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tampnet AS, a corporation organized

under the laws of Norway.

         Tampnet AS is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Brent Invest AS, a corporation organized

under the laws of Norway.

         Brent Invest AS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Brent Holding AS, a corporation

organized under the laws of Norway.

         Brent Holding AS is a subsidiary of Brent Infrastructure I BV, a limited liability

company organized under the laws of the Netherlands which owns 94.92% of the company. The

remaining 5.08% interest in Brent Holding AS is held by individual shareholders. None of the

shareholders individually hold more than 5% interest in Tampnet and they are insulated as

defined by 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.991, 1.993 (“Insulated”).

         Brent Infrastructure I BV is a 50-50 joint venture of Brent Infrastructure I S.à.r.l. and

Brent Infrastructure II SA. Brent Infrastructure I S.à.r.l. and Brent Infrastructure II SA are

Insulated. The day-to-day business operations, activities, or decisions of Brent Infrastructure I

BV are handled by three non-member managers (“Directors”) as shown on Page 7 of the

attached ownership diagram.

  The legal forms of organization identified herein are referenced by the equivalent forms under U.S. law. Thus,
companies organized as: B.V., S.à.r.l., GmbH entities are identified as limited liability companies; AB, SA, AS
entities are identified as corporations; KG entities are identified as limited partnerships; Ltd. or Limited entities are
identified as corporations (whose shares not publically traded); and, cooperatief entities are identified as

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                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                         Exhibit E

        Brent Infrastructure I S.à.r.l, a limited liability corporate entity organized under the laws

of Luxembourg, is wholly owned by Brent Holding Guernsey Limited. The day-to-day business

operations, activities, or decisions of Brent Infrastructure I S.a.r.l. are handled by four non-

member managers (Directors) as shown on Page 6 of the of the attached ownership diagram.

        Brent Holding Guernsey Limited, a limited company organized under the laws of

Guernsey, is 98.65% owned by several limited partnerships, two of which have disclosable

interests and are limited partnerships organized under the laws of Guernsey: EQT Infrastructure

(No. 1) Limited Partnership, a limited partnership organized under the laws of England and

Wales, and EQT Infrastructure (No. 3) Limited Partnership a limited partnership organized under

the laws of England. For simplicity, the limited partnerships are referred to as “EQT

Infrastructure Fund”; however, EQT Infrastructure Fund has no legal presence.

        Each limited partnership in EQT Infrastructure Fund is managed and controlled by a

general partner, EQT Infrastructure (General Partner) LP, a limited partnership organized under

the laws of Guernsey, which holds a 1% equity interest in EQT Infrastructure Fund (which

corresponds to a 1% interest in each limited partnership). None of the limited partners holding

interests in the limited partnerships that comprise the EQT Infrastructure Fund holds 10% or

more of the equity or voting interest in Tampnet, and all of which are Insulated. EQT

Infrastructure (General Partner) LP has three general partners: EQT Infrastructure Limited, EQT

Infrastructure LLP, and EQT V GmbH & Co. KG.

        EQT Infrastructure LLP, a limited liability partnership organized under the laws of

Guernsey, manages or controls the day-to-day business operations, activities, or decisions of

EQT Infrastructure (General Partner) LP. EQT Infrastructure LLP is 100% indirectly owned by

SEP Holdings BV. SEP Holdings BV holds that interest through its respective interests in EQT

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                                                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                                                       Exhibit E

Infrastructure Limited, a private corporation organized under the laws of Guernsey, and EQT

Funds Management Limited, a private corporation organized under the laws of Guernsey, each

of whom hold a 50% interest in EQT Infrastructure LLP.

        Although IGPE LP, a limited partnership organized under the laws of Guernsey, and

EQT V GmbH & Co. KG, a limited partnership organized under the laws of Germany, are

additional general partners of EQT Infrastructure (General Partner) LP, under the partnership

agreement, neither has the ability to control or be involved in the day-to-day business operations,

activities, or decisions of EQT Infrastructure (General Partner) LP.

        Karl Heinz Horrer, an individual of German citizenship holds a 100% limited partnership

interest in EQT V GmbH & Co. KG. EQT V Verwaltung GmbH, a limited liability company

organized under the laws of Germany is the general partner of in EQT V GmbH & Co. KG.

CBTJ Financial Services B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the

Netherlands, owns 100% of EQT V Verwaltung GmbH.

        EQT OppGreChEC B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws of

Guernsey, owns 23.08% of CBTJ Financial Services B.V. Three entities have a disclosable

interest in EQT OppGreChEC B.V.: EQT Expansion Capital II B.V., a limited liability company

organized under the laws of the Netherlands; EQT Greater China II Equity B.V., a limited

liability company organized under the laws of the Netherlands; and, EQT Opportunity Equity

B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the Netherlands.

        In addition, EQT 4M Equity B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws

of the Netherlands owns 15.38% of CBTJ Financial Services. EQT IV Equity B.V., a limited

liability company organized under the laws of the Netherlands owns 91.88% of EQT 4M Equity

B.V. Both of these companies are handled by three non-member managers (Directors) as shown

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                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                      Exhibit E

on Page 4.3 of the attached ownership diagram. CBTJ XIII Holding B.V., a limited liability

company organized under the laws of the Netherlands, owns 65.95% of EQT IV Equity B.V.

        SEP Holdings BV, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the

Netherlands, is owned by seven entities, all of which are Insulated, and only three of which hold

a 10% or more interest in Tampnet: SEP 1 Holding B.V., SEP 2 Holding B.V., and SEP 3

Holding B.V. SEP Holdings BV is managed and controlled by the non-member managers listed

on Page 5 of the attached ownership diagram.

        SEP 1 Holding B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the

Netherlands, is owned by six entities, all of which are Insulated, and only one of which holds a

10% or more interest in Tampnet: SEP 4 Holding B.V., a limited liability company organized

under the laws of the Netherlands. SEP 1 Holding B.V. is managed and controlled by the non-

member managers (Directors) listed on Page 4 of the attached ownership diagram.

        SEP 2 Holding B.V., a company limited by shares organized under the laws of the

Netherlands, is owned by three entities, all of which are Insulated and only one of which holds a

10% or more interest in Tampnet: Rakso Holding B.V., a limited liability company organized

under the laws of the Netherlands. Two individuals hold a 50% interest each in Rakso Holding

B.V.: Christian Sinding, a Norwegian citizen and Casper Callerstrom a Swedish citizen. SEP 2

Holding B.V. and Rakso Holding B.V. are managed and controlled by the non-member

managers (Directors) listed on Page 4.1 of the attached ownership diagram.

        SEP 3 Holding B.V., a company limited by shares organized under the laws of the

Netherlands, is owned by six entities, all of which are Insulated and none of which holds a 10%

or more interest in Tampnet. SEP 3 Holding B.V. is managed and controlled by the non-member

managers (Directors) listed on Page 4.2 of the attached ownership diagram.

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                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                         Exhibit E

        SEP 4 Holding B.V., a company limited by shares organized under the laws of the

Netherlands, is owned by two entities and one individual, all of which are Insulated and none of

which holds a 10% or more interest in Tampnet. SEP 4 Holding B.V. is managed and controlled

by the non-member managers listed on Page 4 of the attached ownership diagram.

        Brent Infrastructure II SA, a public limited company organized under the laws of

Luxembourg, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Brent Infrastructure Holding BV.

        Brent Infrastructure Holding BV, a company limited by shares organized under the laws

of the Netherlands, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Brent Infrastructure II Holding S.à.r.l. Brent

Infrastructure II Holding S.à.r.l. is Insulated. Brent Infrastructure Holding BV and Brent

Infrastructure II Holding S.à.r.l. are managed and controlled by the non-member managers

(Directors) listed on Page 3 of the attached ownership diagram.

        Brent Infrastructure II Holding S.à.r.l., a limited liability corporate entity organized under

the laws of Luxembourg, is 98.96% owned by EQT Infrastructure II Limited Partnership.

        EQT Infrastructure II Limited Partnership, a limited partnership organized under the laws

of the Netherlands, is wholly-owned by four limited partnerships. Only two of the limited

partnerships hold a 10% or more interest in Tampnet: EQT Infrastructure II (No. 1) Feeder LP, a

limited partnership organized under the laws of the U.K., and EQT Infrastructure II (No. 2)

Feeder LP, a limited partnership organized under the laws of the U.K. The limited partners of

EQT Infrastructure II Limited Partnership are Insulated. EQT Infrastructure II Limited

Partnership is managed and controlled by its general partner, EQT Infrastructure II GP B.V., a

company limited by shares organized under the laws of the Netherlands.

        EQT Infrastructure II GP B.V. is a wholly owned subsidiary of EQT Holdings II B.V., a

limited liability company organized under the laws of the Netherlands. EQT Holdings II B.V. is

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                                                                                  FCC Form 312
                                                                                     Exhibit E

Insulated. EQT Infrastructure II GP BV, a limited liability company organized under the laws of

the Netherlands, is managed and controlled by a non-member manager, EQT Netherlands

Management B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the Netherlands.

EQT Netherlands Management BV is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EQT Holdings AB, a private

corporation organized under the laws of Sweden.

        EQT Holdings II B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the

Netherlands, and EQT Holdings B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws of

the Netherlands, are both wholly owned subsidiaries of EQT Holdings AB. EQT Holdings AB is

Insulated. EQT Holdings B.V. and EQT Holdings II B.V. are managed and controlled by the

non-member managers (Directors) listed on page 2 of the attached ownership diagram.

        None of the limited partners in EQT Infrastructure II (No. 1) Feeder LP and EQT

Infrastructure II (No. 2) Feeder LP hold a 10% or more interest in Tampnet and all are Insulated.

EQT Infrastructure II (No. 1) Feeder LP and EQT Infrastructure II (No. 2) Feeder LP are

managed and controlled by a general partner, EQT Infrastructure II (GP) Limited, a private

corporation organized under the laws of the U.K. EQT Infrastructure II (GP) Limited is a wholly

owned subsidiary of EQT Holdings AB.

        Investor Investments Holding AB, a corporation organized under the laws of Sweden,

holds a 1.61% interest in Tampnet Inc. and is Insulated.

        EQT International Holdings B.V., a limited liability company organized under the laws

of the Netherlands, holds a 100% interest in Tampnet Inc. and is a wholly owned subsidiary of

EQT Holdings Coöperatief W.A. EQT Holdings Coöperatief W.A. is Insulated. EQT

International Holdings B.V. is managed and controlled by the non-member managers (Directors)

listed on page 1 of the attached ownership diagram.

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                                                                                     FCC Form 312
                                                                                        Exhibit E

        EQT Holdings Coöperatief W.A., a cooperative organized under the laws of the

Netherlands, is owned by several entities, none of which hold 10% or more of an interest in

Tampnet Inc. EQT Holdings Coöperatief W.A. is managed and controlled by the non-member

managers (Directors) listed on page 1 of the attached ownership diagram. EQT Holdings I B.V.,

a limited liability company organized under the laws of the Netherlands; EQT Holdings II B.V.,

a limited liability company organized under the laws of the Netherlands; CM Capital B.V., a

limited liability company organized under the laws of the Netherlands; and Stichting Bawau an

individual who is a citizen of the Netherlands, each hold greater than 10% interest in EQT

Holdings Cooperatief W.A.

        Attached is an ownership diagram illustrating the relationship of these entities to, and

ownership structure of, Tampnet and their respective equity and voting interests in Tampnet.

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                                                                                                                                          PAGE 1
EQT Infra II

                                                                       The remaining members in
                                                                        EQT Holdings Coöperatief
                                                                        W.A. each hold less than
                                                                       10% of the equity or voting             Stichting Bawau
                                                                         interest in EQT Holdings                 (individual)
                                                                          Coöperatief W.A., each
                                                                        hold less than 10% of the
                                                                                                                      Next        Filer
                                                                       equity or voting interest in
                                                                                                                    E 100%       3.22%
                                                                       Tampnet Inc., and specific                   V 100%       100%
                                                                         approval is not required
                                                                       because they are insulated
             EQT HC Holdings I             EQT HC Holdings II             and hold no more than                CM Capital B.V.
                   B.V.                          B.V.                  10% of the voting or equity                 (LLC)
            (I)   (LLC)                   (I)    (LLC)                   interest in Tampnet Inc.
                       Next  Filer                    Next  Filer                                          Member     Next        Filer
                    E 14.58% <1%                   E 10.05% <1%                                                     E 100%       3.22%
                    V 5.88% <1%                    V 5.88% <1%                                                      V 100%       100%

                                                                                         EQT Holdings
                                                                                       Coöperatief W.A.
                                Non-Member Directors
                           Name         Citizenship        Business
                       Victor de Roo    Netherlands       Individual
                    Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands        Individual
                                                                                                Next        Filer
                     Martijn Sibren van                                 Non-member
                                        Netherlands       Individual                          E 100%       3.22%
                        der Schaaf                                       Directors
                                                                                              V 100%       100%

                     Investor Investments                                              EQT International
                          Holding AB                                                     Holdings B.V.
                         (corporation)                                                       (LLC)

                                  Next     Filer                                                Next        Filer
                              E   19%      <1%                                                E 81%        3.22%
                              V   19%     1.61%                                               V 100%       100%

                                                                           Page 2

                     E= Equity Interest
Specific Approval    V=Voting Interest
      Entity         Next = Interest in next entity in structure
                     Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

                                                                                                                                                            PAGE 2
EQT Infra II
                                                                           Page 1

             *Non-member Directors                                                                                      † Non-member Directors
        Name         Citizenship   Business                                                                         Name         Citizenship    Business
    Victor de Roo    Netherlands Individual                                                                     Victor de Roo    Netherlands Individual
 Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands Individual                                                                  James Campbell Arrol      UK       Individual
  Martijn Sibren van                                                 EQT Holdings AB                           Peter Veldman     Netherlands Individual
                     Netherlands Individual
     der Schaaf                                                    (private corporation)                      Lars Adam Ludvig
                                                                                                                                  Sweden       Individual

                                                                             E 3.97%
                                                                             V 100%

           Next     Filer                                    Next        Filer                                Next  Filer            No individual limited partner holds
         E 100%      0%                                    E 100%       3.97%                               E 100%   0%            more than 10% in the feeder LPs and
         V 100%     100%             Non-member            V 100%       8.46%                               V 100% 91.54%          the limited partners in the feeder LPs
                                      Directors*                                                                                   each hold less than 10% of the equity
                                                                                                                                   or voting interest in Tampnet Inc. and
                                                                                                                                      specific approval is not required
                                                                                                    EQT Infrastructure II           because they are insulated and hold
                                                    EQT Holdings B.V.
                                                                                                          (GP) Ltd.                  no more than 10% of the voting or
                                                                                                    (private corporation)              equity interest in Tampnet Inc.
                                                                                                              Next  Filer
                                                             Next        Filer
                                     Non-member                                                             E 0%     0%
                                                           E 100%       3.97%
                                      Directors*                                                            V 100% 91.54%
                                                           V 100%       8.46%

                                                   EQT Holdings II B.V.

                Directors†                                    Filer
                                                           E 3.97%
                                                           V 100%

                                Next      Filer                                 Filer
                              E 100%       0%                                E 3.97%
                              V 100%      100%                               V 8.46%

                                                                  The remaining LPs in EQT
EQT Netherlands                                             Infrastructure II Limited Partnership
Management B.V.                                              hold less than 10% of the equity or
                                                             voting interest in Tampnet Inc. and
                                                              specific approval is not required
                     EQT Infrastructure II                  because they are insulated and hold
                                                             no more than 10% of the equity or           EQT Infrastructure              EQT Infrastructure
                           GP B.V.
                             (LLC)                             voting interest in Tampnet Inc.           II (No.1) Feeder LP             II (No.2) Feeder LP

                      GP                                                                                 Insulated Next                  Insulated
                                Next      Filer                                                                          Filer                      Next   Filer
                              E 0%         0%                                                               LP E 70.18% 32.93%              LP E 21.36% 10.02%
                              V 100%      100%                                                                   V 100% 70.18%                   V 21.36% 21.36%

                                                                                    Page 3

                     E= Equity Interest
Specific Approval    V=Voting Interest
      Entity         Next = Interest in next entity in structure
                     Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

                                                                                                                                PAGE 3
EQT Infra II

                                               Page 2

                                                                            The members holding the remaining 1.04%
                                                                           membership interest in Brent Infrastructure II
                                      EQT Infrastructure II
                                                                         Holding S.à.r.l. are insulated from participating in
                                      Limited Partnership
                                                                          the active management and operation of Brent
                                                                                   Infrastructure II Holding S.à.r.l.
                                                   Next   Filer
                                                E 98.86% 46.92%
                                                V 100% 100%

           Non-Member Directors
      Name         Citizenship     Business
Michael Anatolitis   Cyprus       Individual
Karl Heinz Horrer   Germany       Individual
Jens Höllermann     Germany       Individual
Andrea Neuböck-
                     Austria      Individual
      Escher                                                      Brent Infrastructure
                                                                    Holding S.à.r.l.

                                                                           Next  Filer
                                                                         E 100% 47.46%
                                                                         V 100% 100%

           Non-Member Directors
      Name        Citizenship   Business
 Peter Veldman    Netherlands Individual                Non-member
  Victor de Roo   Netherlands Individual                 Directors

                                                                  Brent Infrastructure
                                                                     Holding B.V.

                                                                           Next  Filer
                                                                         E 100% 47.46%
                                                                         V 100% 100%

                                                                  Brent Infrastructure
                                                                          II SA

                                                                           Next Filer
                                                                         E 50% 47.46%
                                                                         V 100% 100%

                                                                        Page 7

                    E= Equity Interest
Specific Approval   V=Voting Interest
      Entity        Next = Interest in next entity in structure
                    Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

                                                                                                                                                                                PAGE 4
  EQT Infra I

                                                                                         Stockholm Pacific
                                                                                                                         SEP 5 Holding B.V.                  Paul de Rome
                                                                                                                                (LLC)                         (individual)
                                                                                        (I)    (LLC)                     (I)                           (I)

                                                                                                   Next          Filer             Next        Filer                     Next    Filer
                                                                                               E   20%            0%           E   40%          0%                   E   40%      0%
                                                                                               V   20%          2.64%          V   40%        5.28%                  V   40%    5.28%

                                                                                         Non-member Directors
                                                                                      Name        Citizenship Business                        Non-member
                                                                                  Victor de Roo   Netherlands Individual                       Directors
                                                                               Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands Individual

                                                                                                                                                                SEP 4 Holding B.V.

                                                                                                                                                                             Next   Filer
                                                                                                                                                                          E 29.41% 0%
                                                                                                                                                                          V 29.41% 13.2%

  Michael Focking              Trill B.V.               Harkla B.V.                 TomCo 2 B.V.           LEFA Holding B.V.               SkogCo B.V.
    (individual)                 (LLC)                     (LLC)                       (LLC)                     (LLC)                        (LLC)
(I)                    (I)                        (I)                         (I)                         (I)                        (I)

           Next   Filer             Next   Filer              Next   Filer                 Next   Filer                 Next   Filer               Next   Filer
        E 11.76% 0%              E 11.76% 0%               E 11.76% 0%                  E 11.76% 0%                  E 11.76% 0%                E 11.76% 0%
        V 11.76% 5.28%           V 11.76% 5.28%            V 11.76% 5.28%               V 11.76% 5.28%               V 11.76% 5.28%             V 11.76% 5.28%

                Non-member Directors
             Name        Citizenship Business               Non-member
         Victor de Roo   Netherlands Individual              Directors
      Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands Individual

                                                                         SEP 1 Holding B.V.

                                                                                        Next   Filer
                                                                                     E 44.87% 0%
                                                                                     V 44.87% 44.87%

                                                                                    Page 5

                      E= Equity Interest
                      V=Voting Interest
 Specific Approval    Next = Interest in next entity in structure
       Entity         Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

                      (I)   = Insulated (as determined in accordance with 1.993)

                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 4.1
  EQT Infra I

 Christian Sinding                Casper Callerstrom
   (individual)                      (individual)                                                                                              The remaining
(I)                               (I)                                                                                                        members in SEP 2
                                                                   Rakso Holding B.V. Non-member Directors                                   Holding B.V. each
           Next  Filer                      Next  Filer                   Name          Citizenship Business                              hold les than 10% in
         E 50%    0%                      E 50%    0%                Victor de Roo      Netherlands Individual                              SEP 2 Holding B.V.,
         V 100% 10.56%                    V 100% 10.56%           Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands Individual                                each hold less than
                                                                  Martijn Sibrenvan der                                                   10% of the equity or
                                                                                        Netherlands Individual
                                                                         Schaaf                                                              voting interest in
                                                                                                                                            Tampnet Inc., and
      Non-member                                                                                                                            specific approval is
       Directors                                                                                                                          not required because
                                                                                                                                            they are insulated
                                                                                                                                             and hold no more
                                                                                                                                              than 10% of the
                                                             EHKM Holdings
                   Rakso Holding B.V.                                                      Glen Matsumato         Marcus Brennecke            voting or equity
                                                            Cooperatief U.A.
                         (LLC)                                                                (individual)           (individual)          interest in Tampnet
                 (I)                                      (I) (cooperative)               (I)                     (I)                               Inc.

                             Next   Filer                            Next   Filer                  Next   Filer            Next   Filer
                          E 33.96% 0%                             E 16.98% 0%                   E 16.99% 0%             E 16.98% 0%
                          V 33.96% 10.56%                         V 16.98% 5.28%                V 16.99% 5.28%          V 16.98% 5.28%

        SEP 2 Holding B.V. Non Member Directors
              Name           Citizenship Business            Non-member
          Victor de Roo     Netherlands Individual            Directors
       Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands Individual

                                                                           SEP 2 Holding B.V.

                                                                                     Next   Filer
                                                                                  E 31.09% 0%
                                                                                  V 31.09% 31.09%

                                                                                 Page 5

                         E= Equity Interest
                         V=Voting Interest
 Specific Approval       Next = Interest in next entity in structure
       Entity            Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

                         (I)   = Insulated (as determined in accordance with 1.993)

                                                                                                                                                            PAGE 4.2
EQT Infra I

                                      Steep Bay B.V.         Geltis Holding B.V.              HAS Invest B.V.              Fengyu B.V.          LGA Amsterdam B.V.
  Qarlbo Associates
                                          (LLC)                     (LLC)                          (LLC)                      (LLC)                   (LLC)
 (I)                            (I)                          (I)                            (I)                      (I)                        (I)

              Next   Filer                    Next   Filer              Next   Filer                  Next   Filer               Next   Filer             Next   Filer
           E 33.33% 0%                     E 22.22% 0%               E 11.11% 0%                   E 11.11% 0%                E 11.11% 0%              E 11.11% 0%
           V 33.33% 7.92%                  V 22.22% 5.28%            V 11.11% 2.64%                V 11.11% 2.64%             V 11.11% 2.64%           V 11.11% 2.64%

                 Non-member Directors
              Name        Citizenship Business               Non-member
          Victor de Roo   Netherlands Individual              Directors
       Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands Individual

                                                                           SEP 3 Holding B.V.

                                                                                       Next   Filer
                                                                                    E 23.76% 0%
                                                                                    V 23.76% 23.76%

                                                                                   Page 5

                       E= Equity Interest
                       V=Voting Interest
Specific Approval      Next = Interest in next entity in structure
      Entity           Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

                       (I)   = Insulated (as determined in accordance with 1.993)

                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 4.3
  EQT Infra I

                                                                                                The members of EQT
                                                                                                  IV Equity B.V. each
                                                                                                hold less than 10% of
                                                                                                 the equity or voting
                                                                                                 interest in Tampnet
                                                                                                    Inc. and specific
                                                                                                     approval is not
                                                                                                   required because
                                                                                                   they are insulated
                                                                                                   and hold no more
                      *Non-member Directors                                                         than 10% of the
                   Name          Citizenship Business                                               voting or equity
              Victor de Roo      Netherlands Individual                                          interest in Tampnet                      The remaining
           Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands Individual                                                       Inc.                        members of EQT IV
           Martijn Sibrenvan der                                                                                                      Equity B.V. each hold
                                 Netherlands Individual
                  Schaaf                                                                                                              less than 10% of the
                                                                                                                                         equity or voting
                                                                                                                                        interest in EQT IV
                                                                                                CBTJ XIII Holding B.V.                Equity B.V. and each
                                                                                                         (LLC)                        hold less than 5% of
                                                                                                    (I)                                the equity or voting
                                                                                                                                       interest in Tampnet
                                                                                                                   Next   Filer                 Inc.
                                  The members of EQT                                                            E 65.95% 0%
The members of EQT                                              The members of EQT                              V 65.95% 9.32%
                                      Greater China II
 Expansion Capital II                                            Opportunity Equity
                                  Equity B.V. each hold
  B.V. each hold less                                             B.V. each hold less
                                    less than 5% of the
than 5% of the equity                                           than 5% of the equity
                                      equity or voting
 or voting interest in                                           or voting interest in
                                   interest in Tampnet
     Tampnet Inc.                                                    Tampnet Inc.

                                                                                                                                                The remaining
                                                                                                                                              members of CBTJ
    EQT Expansion                  EQT Greater China II            EQT Opportunity                                                         Financial Services B.V.
     Capital II B.V.                   Equity B.V.                   Equity B.V.                                                             each hold less than
(I)      (LLC)                     (I)    (LLC)                  (I)    (LLC)                                                               10% of the equity or
                                                                                                                                              voting interest in
            Next   Filer                      Next   Filer                  Next   Filer                                                        CBTJ Financial
         E 41.36% 0%                       E 40.11% 0%                   E 18.35% 0%                       EQT IV Equity B.V.                   Services B.V.,
         V 41.36% 9.55%                    V 40.11% 9.26%                V 18.35% 4.28%                          (LLC)                       each hold less than
                                                                                                          (I)                               10% of the equity or
                                                                                                                                              voting interest in
                                                                                                                       Next   Filer           Tampnet Inc. and
                                                                                                                    E 91.88% 0%              specific approval is
      Non-member                                                                           Non-member               V 91.88% 14.13%        not required because
       Directors*                                                                           Directors*                                       they are insulated
                                                                                                                                              and hold no more
                                                                                                                                               than 10% of the
                        EQT OppGreChEC                                                                                                         voting or equity
                                                                                                          EQT 4M Equity B.V.
                             B.V.                                                                                                           interest in Tampnet
                       (I)   (LLC)                                                                        (I)                                        Inc.

                                   Next   Filer                                                                        Next   Filer
                                E 23.08% 0%                                                                         E 15.38% 0%
                                V 23.08% 23.08%                                                                     V 15.38% 15.38%

                          E= Equity Interest
                          V=Voting Interest
  Specific Approval       Next = Interest in next entity in structure                      Page 5
        Entity            Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

                          (I)   = Insulated (as determined in accordance with 1.993)

                                                                                                                                                                     PAGE 5
 EQT Infra I                                                           Page 4        Page 4.1       Page 4.2               Page 4.3

                                                                                                                       CBTJ Financial
                                                                                                                        Services B.V.

                                                                                                                                Next    Filer
                                                                                                                              E 100%     0%
                                                                                                                              V 100%    100%

                                                                                                                     EQT V Verwaltung
                                                                                                                          GmbH                           Karl Heinz Horrer
            Non-member Directors                                                                                           (LLC)
       Name         Citizenship           Business                                                                   GP                                 LP
   Victor de Roo    Netherlands          Individual            Non-member                                                       Next    Filer                     Next        Filer
 Martijn Sibren van                                             Directors                                                     E 0%       0%                     E 100%         0%
                    Netherlands          Individual
    der Schaaf                                                                                                                V 100%    100%                    V 100%        100%
Nathalie Ouwerkerk Netherlands           Individual

                                                                                SEP Holdings B.V.

                                                                                       E 0%
                                                                                       V 100%

                                                                     Next  Filer                           Next  Filer
                                                                  E 99.99% 0%                           E 99.99% 0%
                                                                  V 100% 100%                           V 100% 100%

                                                           EQT Infrastructure                     EQT Funds
                                                                 Limited                     Management Limited
                                                          (private corporation)              (private corporation)

                                                   GP of EQT
                                                                   E 0%
                                              (General Partner) LP V 100%

                                                        Next    Filer             Next     Filer          Next     Filer
                                                      E 0%       0%             E 50%       0%          E 50%       0%
                                                      V 100%    100%            V 100%     100%         V 100%     100%

                                                                                                                                                   EQT V GmbH & Co.
                                                                                   EQT Infrastructure
                     IGPE LP                                                                                                                               KG
                                                                                                                                                  (limited partnership)

 Insulated LP of EQT                                               2nd GP of EQT                                                         2nd GP of EQT
                           Next       Filer                                            Next             Filer                                                Next     Filer
    Infrastructure                                                 Infrastructure                                                        Infrastructure
                     E      0%         0%                                            E 0%                0%                                                E 0%        0%
(General Partner) LP V      0%         0%                       (General Partner) LP V 100%             100%                          (General Partner) LP V 100%     100%

                                                                                                 EQT Infrastructure
                                                                                                (General Partner) LP

                                                                                 GP of all LPs in EQT
                                                                                                            Next      Filer
                                                                                 Infrastructure Fund
                                                                                                          E 1%       0.47%
                                                                                                          V 100%     100%
                         E= Equity Interest
                         V=Voting Interest
 Specific Approval       Next = Interest in next entity in structure                                     Page 6
       Entity            Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

                         (I)   = Insulated (as determined in accordance with 1.993)

                                                                                                                                                    PAGE 6
 EQT Infra I

The limited partners of the limited partnerships that make up
  the EQT Infrastructure Fund each hold less than 10% of the
equity or voting interest in Tampnet Inc. and specific approval
 is not required because they are insulated and hold no more                       Page 5
    than 10% of the voting or equity interest in Tampnet Inc.

     EQT Infrastructure
      (No. 1) Limited
        Partnership          Next   Filer
                          E 84.99% 39.79%              The remaining LPs each hold no more than
                          V 100% 80.67%                  10% of the equity or voting interest in
                                                        Tampnet Inc. and specific approval is not
     EQT Infrastructure                                 required because they hold less than 5%
                                                        equity or voting interest in Tampnet Inc.           The remaining shareholders each hold
      (No. 3) Limited                                                                                         no more than 10% of the equity or
        Partnership                                                                                          voting interest in Tampnet Inc. and
                                 Next    Filer
                          E      10%    4.68%                                                                  specific approval is not required
                          V      10%     10%                                                                because they hold less than 5% equity
                                                                                                              or voting interest in Tampnet Inc.
                   EQT Infrastructure Fund (comprising 4 limited partnerships)

                                                       Next   Filer
                                                    E 98.65% 46.82%
                                                    V 100% 100%

                                                                                      Brent Holding
                                                                                    Guernsey Limited
                                                                                  (private corporation)

                                                                                              Next  Filer
                                                                                            E 100% 47.46%
                                                                                            V 100% 100%
                   Non-member Directors
              Name         Citizenship            Business
        Michael Anatolitis   Cyprus              Individual
        Karl Heinz Horrer   Germany              Individual
        Jens Höllermann     Germany              Individual
        Andrea Neuböck-
                             Austria             Individual
                                                                                 Brent Infrastructure I

                                                                                              Next Filer
                                                                                            E 50% 47.46%
                                                                                            V 100% 100%

                         E= Equity Interest
                         V=Voting Interest
  Specific Approval      Next = Interest in next entity in structure
        Entity           Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.                                Page 7

                         (I)   = Insulated (as determined in accordance with 1.993)

                                                                                                         PAGE 7

                                                       Page 3                                   Page 6

           Non-Member Directors
      Name         Citizenship      Business
 Peter Veldman     Netherlands     Individual            Non-member
  James Arrol           UK         Individual             Directors
Martijn Sibren van
                   Netherlands     Individual
   der Schaaf
                                                                   Brent Infrastructure I

                                                                                   Next   Filer
The remaining shareholders each hold less than 5% of the
                                                                                E 94.92% 94.92%
     equity and voting interest of Brent Holding AS.
                                                                                V 100% 94.92%

                                                                     Brent Holding AS
                                                                   (private corporation)

                                                                                  Next      Filer
                                                                                E 100%      100%
                                                                                V 100%      100%

                                                                      Brent Invest AS
                                                                   (private corporation)

                                                                                   Next      Filer
                                                                                 E 100%      100%
                                                                                 V 100%      100%

                                                                        Tampnet AS
                                                                   (private corporation)

                                                                                  Next      Filer
                                                                                E 100%      100%
                                                                                V 100%      100%

                                                                       Tampnet Inc.
                                                                   (private corporation)

                                                                                E 100%
                                                                                V 100%

                                                                      Tampnet Licensee

                     E= Equity Interest
Specific Approval    V=Voting Interest
      Entity         Next = Interest in next entity in structure
                     Filer = Interest in Tampnet Inc.

Document Created: 2015-08-28 14:11:06
Document Modified: 2015-08-28 14:11:06

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