Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20140701-00555 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                          FCC Form 312
                                                                      Schedule A, Question A20, Exhibit E
                                                                                             July 1, 2014
                                                                                             Page 1 of 15

                                                 Exhibit E
                                     Assignee Parties to the Application

              Assignee Fox Television Stations, Inc. (“FTS”) is a controlled subsidiary of Fox
Television Holdings, Inc. (“FTH”). FTH is wholly owned by Fox Entertainment Group, Inc.
(“FEG”). FEG is wholly owned by FEG Holdings, Inc., which is in turn wholly owned by 21st
Century Fox America, Inc. (“21CFA”) (formerly known as News America Incorporated).
21CFA is wholly owned by Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc. (formerly known as “News
Corporation” and referred to herein as “21CF”), a public company. All information provided
below describes attributable interests upon consummation of the proposed transaction.

              Line 1:       Name and address
              Line 2:       Citizenship
              Line 3:       Positional Interest
              Line 4:       Percentage of votes
              Line 5:       Percentage of total equity1

                                   Fox Television Stations, Inc. (Assignee)
                         (a)                                  (b)                                     (c)
    1.   Fox Television Stations, Inc.        Fox Television Holdings, Inc.           Jack Abernethy
         444 North Capitol Street NW          1211 Avenue of the Americas             c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
         Suite 740                            New York, NY 10036                      1211 Avenue of the Americas
         Washington DC 20001                                                          New York, NY 10036
    2.   Delaware Corporation                 Delaware Corporation                    US
    3.   n/a                                  Stockholder                             President
    4.   n/a                                  91.5%2                                  0%
    5.   n/a                                  91.5%                                   0%

                         (d)                                   (e)                                      (f)
    1.   Ellen Agress                         Roger Ailes                             Bonnie I. Bogin
         c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
         1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas             1211 Avenue of the Americas
         New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                      New York, NY 10036
    2.   US                                   US                                      US
    3.   Senior Vice President                Chief Executive Officer, Chairman &     Assistant Secretary
    4.   0%                                   0%                                      0%
    5.   0%                                   0%                                      0%

          The percentage set forth in response to Schedule A, Question A20 is the percentage of total equity (voting
plus non-voting) held by each party to the application. No holder of debt or non-attributable equity will be an
attributable party under the FCC’s “equity-debt plus” standard.
         The remaining voting and equity interests of FTS are held by certain indirect, wholly-owned Delaware
subsidiaries of FTH or 21CF, the ultimate parent of both FTH and FTS.

                                                                                    Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                                 FCC Form 312
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                     (g)                                      (h)                                   (i)
1.   Joseph M. Di Scipio                     Randall F. Kender                     John P. Nallen
     c/o Fox Television Stations, Inc.       c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     400 North Capitol Street NW             1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas
     Suite 890                               New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036
     Washington DC 20001
2.   US                                      US                                    US
3.   Vice President                          Assistant Secretary                   Director
4.   0%                                      0%                                    0%
5.   0%                                      0%                                    0%

                     (j)                                      (k)                                   (l)
1.   Gary D. Roberts                         Mei-lan Stark                         Elisabeth Swanson
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas             1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                      New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                      US                                    US
3.   Assistant Secretary                     Assistant Secretary                   Executive Vice President, Chief
                                                                                   Financial Officer
4.   0%                                      0%                                    0%
5.   0%                                      0%                                    0%

                    (m)                                       (n)
1.   Paula M. Wardynski                      Bruce Eddy
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas             1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                      New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                      US
3.   Vice President                          Vice President, Assistant Treasurer
4.   0%                                      0%
5.   0%                                      0%

                                         Fox Television Holdings, Inc.
                    (a)                                      (b)                                    (c)
1.   Fox Television Holdings, Inc.           Fox Entertainment Group, Inc.         John P. Nallen
     1211 Avenue of the Americas             1211 Avenue of the Americas           c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     New York, NY 10036                      New York, NY 10036                    1211 Avenue of the Americas
                                                                                   New York, NY 10036
2.   Delaware Corporation                    Delaware Corporation                  US
3.   n/a                                     Stockholder                           Director, Chief Operating Officer, &
4.   n/a                                     100%                                  0%
5.   n/a                                     100%                                  0%

                                                                                Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                                  Exhibit E
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                     (d)                                   (e)                                   (f)
1.   Ellen Agress                         Roger Ailes                          Bonnie I. Bogin
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                   US
3.   Senior Vice President                Director, Chairman                   Assistant Secretary
4.   0%                                   0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                   0%

                     (g)                                   (h)                                  (i)
1.   Joseph M. Di Scipio                  Randall F. Kender                    Bruce Eddy
     c/o Fox Television Stations, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     400 North Capitol Street NW          1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     Suite 890                            New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
     Washington DC 20001
2.   US                                   US                                   US
3.   Vice President                       Assistant Secretary                  Vice President, Assistant Treasurer
4.   0%                                   0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                   0%

                      (j)                                  (k)                                  (l)
1.   Gary D. Roberts                      Mei-lan Stark                        Paula M. Wardynski
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                   US
3.   Assistant Secretary                  Assistant Secretary                  Vice President
4.   0%                                   0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                   0%

                                     Fox Entertainment Group, Inc.
                    (a)                                   (b)                                  (c)
1.   Fox Entertainment Group, Inc.        FEG Holdings, Inc.                   Ellen Agress
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas          c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                   1211 Avenue of the Americas
                                                                               New York, NY 10036
2.   Delaware Corporation                 Delaware Corporation                 US
3.   n/a                                  Stockholder                          Senior Vice President
4.   n/a                                  100%                                 0%
5.   n/a                                  100%                                 0%

                                                                                 Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                              FCC Form 312
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                     (d)                                   (e)                                   (f)
1.   Roger Ailes                          Bonnie I. Bogin                        Richard Borsini
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Executive Vice President             Vice President & Assistant Secretary   Vice President
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                     (g)                                    (h)                                   (i)
1.   Joseph Burke                         Charles Gordon Carey                   Leonard Carollo
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Senior Vice President                President, Chief Operating Officer &   Vice President, Tax Audits
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                     (j)                                   (k)                                    (l)
1.   Christopher J. Coy                   Bruce Eddy                             Michael Doodan
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Vice President & Assistant           Senior Vice President                  Senior Vice President
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                    (m)                                    (n)                                   (o)
1.   Robert B. Gannon                     Christine Lawton                       Greg Gelfan
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Senior Vice President, Assistant     Vice President                         Senior Vice President
     Secretary & Controller
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                                                                                Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                             FCC Form 312
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                     (p)                                   (q)                                  (r)
1.   James Gianopulos                     Harris Kane                           Paul F. Haggerty
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                    US
3.   Executive Vice President             Vice President                        Senior Vice President
4.   0%                                   0%                                    0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                    0%

                     (s)                                   (t)                                  (u)
1.   David Hill                           Andrew Hubsch                         David F. DeVoe, Jr.
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                    US
3.   Executive Vice President             Senior Vice President                 Executive Vice President & Deputy
                                                                                Chief Financial Officer
4.   0%                                   0%                                    0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                    0%

                     (v)                                   (w)                                  (x)
1.   Randall F. Kender                    K. Rupert Murdoch                     Paula M. Wardynski
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                    US
3.   Vice President & Assistant           Chief Executive Officer, Chairman &   Senior Vice President, Assistant
     Secretary                            Director                              Secretary & Treasurer
4.   0%                                   0%                                    0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                    0%

                     (y)                                   (z)                                   (aa)
1.   John P. Nallen                       Janet Nova                            Laura A. Cleveland
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                    US
3.   Senior Executive Vice President,     Executive Vice President              Secretary
     Chief Financial Officer, Director
4.   0%                                   0%                                    0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                    0%

                                                                                  Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                               FCC Form 312
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                    (bb)                                   (cc)                                    (dd)
1.   Rodney Parnther                      Gary D. Roberts                        Robert D. Tharaeparambil
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Assistant Controller                 Vice President & Assistant Secretary   Vice President & Assistant Secretary
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

1.   Rita Tuzon
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036
2.   US
3.   Senior Vice President
4.   0%
5.   0%

                                          FEG Holdings, Inc.

                    (a)                                    (b)                                   (c)
1.   FEG Holdings, Inc.                   21st Century Fox America, Inc.         Ellen Agress
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     1211 Avenue of the Americas
                                                                                 New York, NY 10036
2.   Delaware Corporation                 Delaware Corporation                   US
3.   n/a                                  Stockholder                            Senior Vice President, Deputy
                                                                                 General Counsel
4.   n/a                                  100%                                   0%
5.   n/a                                  100%                                   0%

                     (d)                                   (e)                                    (f)
1.   Leonard Carollo                      Laura Cleveland                        Christopher Coy
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Vice President, Tax Audits           Secretary                              Vice President, Assistant Secretary
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                                                                                  Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                               FCC Form 312
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                     (g)                                    (h)                                    (i)
1.   Robert Gannon                         Paula Wardynski                        John P. Nallen
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                    US                                     US
3.   Senior Vice President, Assistant      Senior Vice President, Assistant       Senior Executive Vice President,
     Secretary, Controller                 Secretary, Treasurer                   Chief Financial Officer, Director
4.   0%                                    0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                    0%                                     0%

                     (j)                                     (k)
1.   Janet Nova                            Robert Tharaeparambil
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                    US
3.   Executive Vice President, Deputy       Vice President, Assistant Secretary
     Group General Counsel, Director
4.   0%                                    0%
5.   0%                                    0%

                                    21st Century Fox America, Inc.
                    (a)                                    (b)                                    (c)
1.   21st Century Fox America, Inc.        Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.         Ellen Agress
     1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas            c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                     1211 Avenue of the Americas
                                                                                  New York, NY 10036
2.   Delaware Corporation                  Delaware Corporation                   US
3.   n/a                                   Stockholder                            Senior Vice President, Deputy
                                                                                  General Counsel
4.   n/a                                   100%                                   0%
5.   n/a                                   100%                                   0%

                     (d)                                    (e)                                   (f)
1.   Bonnie I. Bogin                       Raymond Boudiette                      Charles Gordon Carey
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                    US                                     US
3.   Vice President, Assistant Secretary   Senior Vice President                  Chief Executive Officer, Chairman,
4.   0%                                    0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                    0%                                     0%

                                                                                 Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                              FCC Form 312
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                      (g)                                    (h)                                  (i)
1.    Leonard Carollo                       Laura Cleveland                      Christopher Coy
      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
      1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
      New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.    US                                    US                                   US
3.    Vice President, Tax Audits            Secretary                            Vice President, Assistant Secretary
4.    0%                                    0%                                   0%
5.    0%                                    0%                                   0%

                      (j)                                    (k)                                  (l)
1.    David Devoe, Jr.                      Brian Egenton                        Ted Exarhakos
      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
      1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
      New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.    US                                    US                                   US
3.    Executive Vice President              Vice President                       Senior Vice President, Benefits
4.    0%                                    0%                                   0%
5.    0%                                    0%                                   0%

                      (m)                                    (n)                                 (o)
1.    Robert Gannon                         Greg Gelfan                          Paul Haggerty
      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
      1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
      New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.    US                                    US                                   US
3.    Senior Vice President, Assistant      Senior Vice President, Deputy        Executive Vice President
      Secretary, Controller                 General Counsel
4.    0%                                    0%                                   0%
5.    0%                                    0%                                   0%

                      (p)                                     (q)                                (r)
1.    Randall Kender                        Jeremy Kaufman                       K. Rupert Murdoch
      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
      1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
      New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.    US                                    US                                   US
3.    Vice President, Assistant Secretary   Assistant Secretary                  Director
 4.   0%                                    0%                                   0%
5.    0%                                    0%                                   0%

                      (s)                                    (t)                                 (u)
1.    John P. Nallen                        Janet Nova                           Jeffrey Palker
      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
      1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
      New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.    US                                    US                                   US
3.    Senior Executive Vice President,      Executive Vice President, Deputy     Senior Vice President, Associate
      Chief Financial Officer, Director     General Counsel                      General Counsel
4.    0%                                    0%                                   0%
5.    0%                                    0%                                   0%

                                                                                Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                             FCC Form 312
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                     (v)                                    (w)                                 (x)
1.   Rodney Parnther                       Michael Petrie                       Gary Roberts
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                    US                                   US
3.   Vice President, Assistant             Vice President                       Vice President, Assistant Secretary
4.   0%                                    0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                    0%                                   0%

                     (y)                                    (z)                                  (aa)
1.   Robert Tharaeparambil                 Paula Wardynski                      Gerson Zweifach
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.    c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas           1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                    New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                    US                                   US
3.   Vice President, Assistant Secretary   Senior Vice President, Assistant     General Counsel
                                           Secretary, Treasurer
4.   0%                                    0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                    0%                                   0%

                                                                                       Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                                    FCC Form 312
                                                                                                         Exhibit E
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                                           Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
                         (a)                                    (b)                                   (c)
    1.    Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.        The Murdoch Family Trust                                          3
                                                                                       Kingdom Holding Company
          1211 Avenue of the Americas           c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP       c/o Kingdom Centre
          New York, NY 10036                    100 West Liberty Street                Floor 66
                                                Reno, NV 89501                         P.O. Box 2
                                                                                       Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11321
    2.    Delaware Corporation                  Nevada Trust                           Saudi Arabia
    3.    n/a                                   Stockholder                            Stockholder
    4.    n/a                                   38.4%                                  6.6%4
    5.    n/a                                   13.59%                                 2.34%

                         (d)                                     (e)                                   (f)
    1.   K. Rupert Murdoch                      Ellen Agress                           Raymond J. Boudiette
         c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
         1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
         New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
    2.   US                                     US                                     US
    3.   Stockholder, Chief Executive           Senior Vice President, Chief Privacy   Senior Vice President, Internal
         Officer, Chairman & Director           Officer & Deputy General Counsel       Audit
    4.   39.4%5                                 0%                                     0%
    5.   14.34%5                                0%                                     0%

         It is FTS’s understanding that the stock of 21CF ultimately owned and controlled by Kingdom Holding
Company (“KHC”) and its principal, HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, is owned directly by
KHC, a company organized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, or by certain direct and indirect subsidiaries of KHC,
all of which are Cayman Islands companies and all of which, through KHC, ultimately are controlled personally by
Prince Alwaleed. Additional information regarding KHC is provided below.
         In order to ensure compliance with the Communications Act, and in accordance with Article IV, Section 5
of 21CF’s Restated Certificate of Incorporation, 21CF has suspended the voting rights of 35 percent of the Class B
Common Stock of 21CF held by non-U.S. stockholders or those who are deemed to be non-U.S. stockholders. The
Audit Committee of 21CF’s Board may modify the voting suspension percentage to reflect changes, if any, in
21CF’s foreign ownership based on its assessment of the information reasonably available to it. Accordingly, as a
non-U.S. stockholder, KHC will have voting rights with respect to the Class B Common Stock it owns in accordance
with the voting percentage suspension.
         As a result of Mr. K. Rupert Murdoch’s power to appoint certain managing directors of the trustee of the
Murdoch Family Trust (the “Trust”), Mr. Murdoch may be deemed to be a beneficial owner of the shares
beneficially owned by the Trust. Mr. Murdoch, however, disclaims any beneficial ownership of such shares.
Excluding the shares beneficially owned by the Trust as to which Mr. Murdoch disclaims beneficial ownership, the
percentage of 21CF’s voting and equity ownership interests attributable to Mr. Murdoch are 1.0 percent and less
than 1 percent, respectively. See note 6, below.

                                                                                 Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                              FCC Form 312
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                     (g)                                   (h)                                    (i)
1.   Delphine Arnault                     Charles Gordon Carey                   Leonard Carollo
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Director                             President, Deputy Chairman, Chief      Vice President, Tax Audits
                                          Operating Officer & Director
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                      (j)                                  (k)                                    (l)
1.   Joseph Burke                         Christopher J. Coy                     David F. DeVoe, Sr.
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Senior Vice President                Vice President, Tax                    Director
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                     (m)                                   (n)                                   (o)
1.   Robert P. Gannon                     James W. Breyer                        Paul F. Haggerty
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Senior Vice President, Assistant     Director                               Executive Vice President, Finance-
     Secretary & Controller                                                      Global Tax Benefits
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                     (p)                                   (q)                                   (r)
1.   Julie Henderson                      James R. Murdoch                       Gerson Zweifach
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas            1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                     New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                     US
3.   Executive Vice President and Chief   Co-Chief Operating Officer, Director   Chief Compliance Officer, Senior
     Communications Officer                                                      Executive Vice President & Group
                                                                                 General Counsel
4.   0%                                   0%                                     0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                     0%

                                                                                Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                             FCC Form 312
                                                                                                  Exhibit E
                                                                                               Page 12 of 15

                      (s)                                  (t)                                 (u)
1.   Jacques Nasser                       Lachlan K. Murdoch                   John P. Nallen
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                   US
3.   Director                             Non-Executive Co-Chairman of the     Senior Executive Vice President &
                                          Board, Director                      Chief Financial Officer
4.   0%                                   0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                   0%

                      (v)                                 (w)                                  (x)
1.   Reed Nolte                           Janet Nova                           Laura A. Cleveland
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 100361                  New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                   US
3.   Senior Vice President, Investor      Executive Vice President & Deputy    Secretary
     Relations                            Group General Counsel
4.   0%                                   0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                   0%

                      (y)                                 (z)                                  (aa)
1.   Michael Regan                        Robert Silberman                     Robert D. Tharaeparambil
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                   US
3.   Executive Vice President,            Director                             Vice President, Tax
     Government Affairs
4.   0%                                   0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                   0%

                      (bb)                               (cc)                                 (dd)
1.   Paula M. Wardynski                   Jeffrey Palker                       Roderick I. Eddington
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                   US                                   Australia
3.   Assistant Secretary & Senior Vice    Senior Vice President, Deputy        Director
     President, Finance                   General Counsel
4.   0%                                   0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                   0%                                   0%

                                                                                   Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                                FCC Form 312
                                                                                                     Exhibit E
                                                                                                  Page 13 of 15

                      (ee)                                   (ff)                                (gg)
1.   Viet Dinh                               Ted Exarhakos                        Del Mayberry
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.      c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.   c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas             1211 Avenue of the Americas          1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036                      New York, NY 10036                   New York, NY 10036
2.   US                                      US                                   US
3.   Director                                Senior Vice President, Benefits      Senior Vice President
4.   0%                                      0%                                   0%
5.   0%                                      0%                                   0%

1.   Gary Roberts
     c/o Twenty-First Century Fox, Inc.
     1211 Avenue of the Americas
     New York, NY 10036
2.   US
3.   Senior Vice President
4.   0%
5.   0%

                                          The Murdoch Family Trust
                     (a)                                     (b)
1.   The Murdoch Family Trust               Cruden Financial Services, LLC
     c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP       c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP
     100 West Liberty Street                100 West Liberty Street
     Reno, NV 89501                         Reno, NV 89501
2.   Nevada Trust                           Delaware Limited Liability Company
3.   n/a                                    Sole Trustee
4.   n/a                                    100%
5.   n/a                                    0%

                                                                                      Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                                   FCC Form 312
                                                                                                        Exhibit E
                                                                                                     Page 14 of 15

                                     Cruden Financial Services, LLC
                          (a)                                (b)                                 (c)
    1.   Cruden Financial Services, LLC       David F. DeVoe, Sr.                 Arthur Siskind
         c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP     c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP    c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP
         100 West Liberty Street              100 West Liberty Street             100 West Liberty Street
         Reno, NV 89501                       Reno, NV 89501                      Reno, NV 89501
    2.   Delaware Limited Liability Company   US                                  US
    3.   n/a                                  Officer & Managing Director         Officer & Managing Director
                                              6                                   6
    4.   n/a
    5.   n/a                                  0%                                  0%

                          (d)                                (e)                                   (f)
    1.    Gina Cass-Gottlieb                  Jessie Angelo                       Richard Oldfield
          c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP    c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP    c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP
          100 West Liberty Street             100 West Liberty Street             100 West Liberty Street
          Reno, NV 89501                      Reno, NV 89501                      Reno, NV 89501
    2.    Australia                           US                                  United Kingdom
    3.    Managing Director                   Managing Director                   Managing Director
          6                                   6                                   6
    5.    0%                                  0%                                  0%

                          (g)                                (h)
    1.    Mark Devereux                       The Murdoch Family Trust
          c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP    c/o McDonald, Carano, Wilson LLP
          100 West Liberty Street             100 West Liberty Street
          Reno, NV 89501                      Reno, NV 89501
    2.    United Kingdom                      Nevada Trust
    3.    Managing Director                   Member
    4.                                        0%
    5.    0%                                  100%

          As the sole trustee of the Murdoch Family Trust, Cruden Financial Services, LLC (“Cruden”), has the
power to vote and dispose of the 21CF shares held by the Murdoch Family Trust. Cruden is managed by its
Managing Directors, who are appointed by Mr. K. Rupert Murdoch, Prudence MacLeod, Elisabeth Murdoch,
Lachlan Murdoch and James Murdoch. Elisabeth Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, James Murdoch (all of whom are
U.S. citizens) and Prudence MacLeod (an Australian citizen) are children of K. Rupert Murdoch.

                                                                                         Fox Television Stations, Inc.
                                                                                                      FCC Form 312
                                                                                                           Exhibit E
                                                                                                        Page 15 of 15

                                        Kingdom Holding Company7
                         (a)                                    (b)                                    (c)
    1.   Kingdom Holding Company                HRH Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin       Mohamed Fahmy
         c/o Kingdom Centre                     Abdulaziz Alsaud                        c/o Kingdom Holding Company
         Floor 66                               c/o Kingdom Holding Company             Floor 66
         P.O. Box 2                             Floor 66                                P.O. Box 2
         Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11321             P.O. Box 2                              Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11321
                                                Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 11321
    2.   Saudi Arabia                           Saudi Arabia                            Saudi Arabia
    3.   n/a                                    Stockholder, Officer & Director         Chief Financial Officer
    4.   n/a                                    100%                                    0%
    5.   n/a                                    100%                                    0%

          As noted above in Footnote 3, certain of the 21CF shares attributed to KHC are held by certain direct and
indirect subsidiaries of KHC. Further, as reflected in KHC’s FCC Form 323 ownership reports, KHC has sought
attribution exemptions for certain officers and directors of KHC (and officers and directors of these subsidiaries), for
individuals whose duties and responsibilities are unrelated to the broadcast licensee.

Document Created: 2014-07-01 14:37:53
Document Modified: 2014-07-01 14:37:53

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