Attachment Pro Forma Narrative

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20140110-00017 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC Form 312
Application for Pro Forma Assignment

                         PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT

       Digital Generation, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Digital Generation”) and The New
Online Company, a Delaware corporation (“New Online”) request authority for the pro forma
assignment to New Online of the earth station licenses held by Digital Generation.

        Digital Generation is the licensee of transmit/receive earth station facilities licensed
under call signs E980336 and E090202 (the “Licenses”). The contemplated pro forma
transaction is part of a corporate restructuring that will enable these earth stations and other parts
of Digital Generation’s existing business to remain under the ownership and control of Digital
Generation’s current shareholders and management once other business operations and assets of
Digital Generation are acquired by a third party. The applicants wish to effectuate this
restructuring on or about February 3, 2014, and anticipate doing so in conjunction with closing
the disposition of Digital Generation’s other business.

        To effectuate this corporate restructuring, Digital Generation will assign the Licenses and
transfer the associated earth station facilities to its wholly-owned subsidiary, New Online, just
prior to closing. Through a series of integrated transactions at closing, the current stockholders
of Digital Generation, a publicly traded company whose stock is widely held, will become the
stockholders of New Online. Immediately after closing, the owners of New Online’s capital
stock, New Online’s senior officers, and a majority of New Online’s directors, will be the same
as Digital Generation’s immediately prior to closing. Therefore, the proposed assignment is pro
forma in nature.

         New Online is a Delaware corporation headquartered at 750 West John Carpenter
Freeway, Suite 700, Irving, Texas 75039. 1 Upon the closing of the pro forma transaction, New
Online will be a publicly traded company owned by the public stockholders of Digital
Generation in existence just prior to closing. The parties expect that Alex Meruelo will
beneficially own approximately 14.4% of New Online’s voting stock, based on holdings of
Digital Generation stock as of January 3, 2014. 2 Alex Meruelo is a U.S. citizen whose address
of record is 9550 Firestone Blvd, Suite 105, Downey, CA 90241. Currently, no other person or
entity holds 10 percent or more of Digital Generation’s voting stock, and no other person or
entity is expected to hold more than 10 percent of New Online’s voting stock immediately
following the closing of the pro forma transaction.

        The ownership and control of the Licenses before and after the proposed transaction are
depicted below:

       The name of New Online may be changed prior to or in connection with closing. The
       parties will update the Commission of any name change at the appropriate time.
       Mr. Meruelo holds his interests through control of Meruelo Investment Partners LLC, a
       Delaware limited liability company, and as the trustee of the Alex Meruelo Living Trust,
       which is a California trust.


        Upon the closing, the following individuals are expected to be the directors and senior
officers of New Online, all of whom can be reached c/o New Online, 750 West John Carpenter
Freeway, Suite 700, Irving, Texas 75039. Those who currently serve in that capacity for Digital
Generation are indicated with an asterisk (*):

       Name                           Title
       Scott K. Ginsburg*             Director
       Xavier A. Gutierrez            Director
       John R. Harris*                Director
       Adam Klein                     Director
       Cecil H. Moore Jr.*            Director
       Neil H. Nguyen*                Director, Chief Executive Officer &
       Craig A. Holmes*               Executive Vice President and Chief
                                      Financial Officer
       Andy Ellenthal*                Executive Vice President – Sales and
       Sean N. Markowitz*             General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

       An additional director will be appointed shortly before the closing of the transaction.

        Grant of the requested authority will serve the public interest by enabling the corporate
restructuring of the existing licensee and the continued use of the licensed facilities.


Document Created: 2014-01-10 19:11:03
Document Modified: 2014-01-10 19:11:03

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