Attachment Response to Q36

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20130502-00358 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC Form 312                                                                  Exhibit 1

      Response to Question 36: Licenses Revoked or Applications Denied

       Neither Telesat Canada, which is the applicant, nor Loral Space &
Communications, Inc. (“Loral Space”), which is a shareholder of Telesat
Canada’s parent company, has had any FCC station authorization or license
revoked or had any application for an initial, modification or renewal of FCC
station authorization, license, or construction permit denied by the Commission.

       The following information involves entities owned by Loral Space:

        In an order issued April 1, 2003, the International Bureau declared null
and void authorizations held by Loral SpaceCom Corporation and Loral Space &
Communications Corporation to construct, launch and operate geostationary
Fixed Satellite Service Ka-band payloads at 89° WL, 81 ° W.L., 47° W.L., and 78°
E.L. 1 The Bureau affirmed its earlier decision not to extend the construction
milestones associated with these authorizations. 2

       In an order issued July 7, 2005, the International Bureau declared null and
void, by its own terms, Loral SpaceCom Corporation's authorization to launch
and operate a satellite at the 69° W.L. orbit location. 3

       In an order issued September 26, 2005, the International Bureau declared
null and void, by its own terms, CyberStar Licensee, LLC's Ka-band system
authorization to launch and operate satellites at the 93° WL and 115° W.L. orbital
locations. 4

1 See Loral SpaceCom Corporation and Loral Space & Communications Corporation, Memorandum

Opinion, Order and Authorization, 18 FCC Rcd 6301 (2003).
2 See Loral Space & Communications Corporation, Order, 16 FCC Rcd 11044 (2001).
3 See Loral SpaceCom Corporation (Debtor-in-Possession), Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC

Rcd 12045 (2005).
4 See CyberStar Licensee, LLC, Order, 20 FCC Rcd 15412 (2005).

Document Created: 2013-05-01 11:06:03
Document Modified: 2013-05-01 11:06:03

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