Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20130220-00192 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                            Description of Pro Forma Conversion

         Georgia Television Company (“GTC”) hereby seeks Commission consent to the pro
forma conversion of GTC, a Delaware corporation, into Georgia Television, LLC (“GTL”), a
Delaware limited liability company. While this change of corporate form does not qualify as an
“assignment” under state law, GTC is filing the instant assignment of license application to
reflect the conversion.

        Upon the conversion, the issued and outstanding shares of the capital stock of GTC
would automatically become limited liability membership interests in GTL. The instant
conversion qualifies for pro forma treatment because it involves no substantial change in the
ownership or control of GTC. Under the current structure, Cox Enterprises, Inc. (“CEI”)
controls and owns 100% of the capital stock of GTC. Following the conversion, CEI will
directly control and own 100% of the membership interests in GTL.

        The proposed pro forma conversion will be completed pursuant to the drafts of the
Certificate of Conversion, Certificate of Formation, and Plan of Conversion attached hereto.
While those drafts are subject to change prior to execution, any such changes are not expected to
be material.

       The parties have not exchanged any consideration in connection with the proposed pro
forma conversion.


                            CERTIFICATE OF FORMATION


                              GEORGIA TELEVISION, LLC

        This Certificate of Formation of Georgia Television, LLC (the "Company") dated
as of March __, 2013, is duly executed and filed to form a limited liability company
under the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act.

       FIRST:         The name of the limited liability company formed hereby is
Georgia Television, LLC.

        SECOND:       The address of the registered office of the Company in the State of
Delaware is c/o Corporation Service Company, 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400, in the
City of Wilmington, County of New Castle, Delaware 19808.

       THIRD:         The name and address of the registered agent for service of process
on the Company in the State of Delaware is Corporation Service Company, 2711
Centerville Road, Suite 400, in the City of Wilmington, County of New Castle, Delaware

        FOURTH:       The name and address of the authorized person is
Joan Como, 6205 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30328. The powers of
the authorized person shall terminate upon the filing of this Certificate of Formation.

       FIFTH:           The effective date of this Certificate of Formation shall be 11:59
p.m., March 31, 2013.


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of
Formation as of the date first above written.

                                               Joan Como
                                               Authorized Person

                               PLAN OF CONVERSION
                                           OF                                O@
                         GEORGIA TELEVISION COMPANY                                  4p’
                               CONVERTING TO
                           GEORGIA TELEVISION, LLC

       Pursuant to Section 266 of the Delaware General Corporation Law and this Plan
of Conversion dated February ___, 2013, Georgia Television Company, a Delaware
corporation, shall be converted into Georgia Television, LLC, a Delaware limited liability
company (the "Conversion"), as follows:

       1.      The name and type of the business entity prior to the Conversion is
               Georgia Television Company, a Delaware corporation (the

               The name and type of the business entity after the Conversion shall be
               Georgia Television, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (the

               The terms and conditions of the Conversion shall be as follows:

               a.     The effective date of the Conversion shall be 11:59 p.m. on March
                      31, 2013 (the "Effective Date").

               b.     For United States federal income tax purposes, it is intended that
                      (i) the Company shall be an entity disregarded as an entity separate
                      from its owner pursuant to section 301.7701—3(b) of the Treasury
                      Regulations, and (ii) the Conversion shall be a liquidation under
                      section 332 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

               As of the Effective Date, the issued and outstanding shares of the capital
               stock of the Corporation shall, by virtue of the conversion and without any
               action by the holder thereof, be and become a limited liability company
               membership interest of the Company.


       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Plan of Conversion to
be executed, effective as of the date first written above.

                                               GEORGIA TELEVISION COMPANY

                                                       Shauna Sullivan Muhl

                          CERTIFICATE OF CONVERSION
                          LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY
                         GEORGIA TELEVISION COMPANY
                               CONVERTING INTO
                           GEORGIA TELEVISION, LLC

        This Certificate of Conversion of Georgia Television Company dated as of March
        , 2013 is duly executed and filed to convert Georgia Television Company into a
limited liability company under the Delaware Limited Liability Act.

       1.      The name of the corporation immediately prior to 11:59 p.m. on March
31, 2013 (the "Effective Date" of this Certificate of Conversion) is Georgia Television

       2.     The date on which the original Certificate of Incorporation of Georgia
Television Company was filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Delaware is
April 24, 1985.

       3.     As of the Effective Date, the name of the limited liability company shall be
Georgia Television, LLC.

       4.     The conversion has been approved in accordance with the provisions of
Section 266 of the General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware.

       IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this Certificate of
Conversion as of the date first above written.

                                             GEORGIA TELEVISION COMPANY

                                             Shauna Sullivan Muhl

                                           Parties to the Application

Ownership of Georgia Television, LLC

        Georgia Television, LLC (“GT”) is a Delaware limited liability corporation that has one member,
Cox Enterprises, Inc. The contact address for the officers and directors of GT listed herein is: 6205
Peachtree Dunwoody Road, Atlanta, GA 30328, unless otherwise indicated. The officers and directors of
GT and member of GT are as follows:

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                        (1.)                               (2.)                                 (3.)
1.          Georgia Television, LLC            Douglas E. Franklin                  Maria Friedman
2.          Delaware Limited Liability         USA                                  USA
3.          N/A                                President and Director               Vice President
4.          N/A                                0%                                   0%
5.          N/A                                N/A1                                 N/A

                         (4.)                               (5.)                                (6.)
1.          Neil O. Johnston                   Shauna Sullivan Muhl                 Charles L. Odom
2.          USA                                USA                                  USA
3.          Vice President                     Secretary and Director               Vice President, Treasurer
4.          0%                                 0%                                   0%
5.          N/A                                N/A                                  N/A

                         (7.)                              (8.)                                  (9.)
1.          Timothy G. McVay                   William S. Hoffman                   Cody L. Partin
2.          USA                                USA                                  USA
3.          Vice President, General            Director                             Vice President, Real Estate
4.          0%                                 0%                                   0%
5.          N/A                                N/A                                  N/A

 The licensee interprets this question as seeking information about any parties, whose interests are otherwise non-
attributable, who acquire attributable status as a result of operation of the “equity debt plus” rule (47 C.F.R. §
73.3555, Note 2(i)). There are no such parties in the entity. As a result, this question has been answered “N/A,”
unless there is a positional interest to report. Where applicable, the figure represents the percentage of equity the
party holds in the entity


                           (10.)               (11.)                (12.)
1.          Carol Larner           Charles N. Bowen      Cox Enterprises, Inc.
                                                         6205 Peachtree Dunwoody
                                                         Atlanta, GA 30328
2.          USA                    USA                   Delaware Corporation
3.          Assistant Treasurer    Assistant Secretary   N/A
4.          0%                     0%                    100%
5.          N/A                    N/A                   N/A


Ownership of Cox Enterprises, Inc.

        Cox Enterprises, Inc. (“CEI”) is a Delaware corporation that has three classes of common
stock: Class A voting stock, zero shares of which are issued and outstanding; Class B Voting
stock 249,444,418 shares of which are issued and outstanding; and Class C nonvoting stock
322,165,296 shares of which are issued and outstanding. The address for CEI and the contact
address for the officers and directors of CEI listed herein is: 6205 Peachtree Dunwoody Road,
Atlanta, GA 30328, unless otherwise indicated. The officers and directors of CEI and those
stockholders with a five percent or greater interest in CEI are as follows:

1.      Name
2.      Citizenship
3.      Positional Interest
4.      Percentage of votes
5.      Percentage of total assets

                         (1.)                            (2.)                          (3.)
1.          Cox Enterprises, Inc.         James C. Kennedy                Jimmy W. Hayes
2.          Delaware Corporation          USA                             USA
3.          N/A                           Chairman of the Board and       President and Chief
                                          Director                        Executive Officer and
4.          N/A                           0%                              0%
5.          N/A                           N/A                             N/A

                          (4.)                           (5.)                         (6.)
1.          Anne Cox Chambers             Michael J. Ahern                Arthur M. Blank
2.          USA                           USA                             USA
3.          Vice President and Director   Director                        Director
4.          0%                            0%                              0%
5.          N/A                           N/A                             N/A

                          (7.)                           (8.)                         (9.)
1.          Janet M. Clarke               S. Taylor Glover                Brady L. Rackley III
2.          USA                           USA                             USA
3.          Director                      Director                        Director
4.          0%                            0%                              0%
5.          N/A                           N/A                             N/A


Officers, Directors, and Stockholders of Cox Enterprises, Inc. (cont.’)

1.      Name
2.      Citizenship
3.      Positional Interest
4.      Percentage of votes
5.      Percentage of total assets

                        (10.)                            (11.)                            (12.)
1.          Robert C. O’Leary               Christopher J. Williams          John M. Dyer
2.          USA                             USA                              USA
3.          Director                        Director                         Executive Vice President &
                                                                             Chief Financial Officer
4.          0%                              0%                               0%
5.          N/A                             N/A                              N/A

                        (13.)                            (14.)                             (15.)
1.          Marybeth H. Leamer              J. Lacey Lewis                   Gregory B. Morrison
2.          USA                             USA                              USA
3.          Exec. Vice President, Human     Senior Vice President, Finance   Sr. Vice President & Chief
            Resources & Administration                                       Information Officer
4.          0%                              0%                               0%
5.          N/A                             N/A                              N/A

                          (16.)                          (17.)                            (18.)
1.          Maria L. Friedman               Katherine Decker                 Robert F. Cahn, Jr.
2.          USA                             USA                              USA
3.          Sr. Vice President, Tax and     Vice President & Treasurer       Vice President of Human
            Treasury Services                                                Resources Development &
4.          0%                              0%                               0%
5.          N/A                             N/A                              N/A

                         (19.)                           (20.)                            (21.)
1.          Jack Polish                     James C. Kennedy, Jr.            Shauna S. Muhl
2.          USA                             USA                              USA
3.          Vice President and Controller   Vice President, Business         Vice President, General
                                            Development                      Counsel and Corporate
4.          0%                              0%                               0%
5.          N/A                             N/A                              N/A


Officers, Directors, and Stockholders of Cox Enterprises, Inc. (cont.’)

1.      Name
2.      Citizenship
3.      Positional Interest
4.      Percentage of votes
5.      Percentage of total assets

                         (22.)                           (23.)                             (24.)
1.          J. Leigh Scott                  Barry Ohlson                      Nancy Rigby
2.          USA                             USA                               USA
3.          Sr. Vice President, Family      Vice President, Regulatory        Vice President, Foundations
            Office & Real Estate            Affairs
4.          0%                              0%                                0%
5.          N/A                             N/A                               N/A

                        (25.)                             (26.)                            (27.)
1.          Joab M. Lesesne III             Roberto I. Jimenez                Randal Earley
2.          USA                             USA                               USA
3.          Vice President, Public Policy   Vice President, Corporate         Vice President, Audit Services
            & Government Affairs            Communications and Public
4.          0%                              0%                                0%
5.          N/A                             N/A                               N/A

                         (28.)                            (29.)                             (30.)
1.          Duane Ritter                    Cody L. Partin                    Charles N. Bowen
2.          USA                             USA                               USA
3.          Vice President, Corporate       Vice President, Real Estate &     Asst. Secretary
            Security                        Strategic Investment
4.          0%                              0%                                0%
5.          N/A                             N/A                               N/A

                         (31.)                            (32.)                             (33.)
1.          Mark Dawson                     Cathy Hubbard                     Carol Larner
2.          USA                             USA                               USA
3.          Asst. Vice President,           Asst. Vice President, Corporate   Asst. Vice President, Asst.
            Corporate Information           Accounting                        Treasurer
4.          0%                              0%                                0%
5.          N/A                             N/A                               N/A


Officers, Directors, and Stockholders of Cox Enterprises, Inc. (cont.’)

1.      Name
2.      Citizenship
3.      Positional Interest
4.      Percentage of votes
5.      Percentage of total assets

                         (34.)                            (35.)                             (36.)
1.          Catherine McGillivray            John Bell                         Andre Reese
2.          USA                              USA                               USA
3.          Asst. Vice President, Human      Asst. Vice President,             Asst. Vice President,
            Resources Technology Services    Information Systems               Information Systems
                                             Engineering                       Operations
4.          0%                               0%                                0%
5.          N/A                              N/A                               N/A

                         (37.)                            (38.)                             (39.)
1.          Betsy Vencius                    Don A. Stryszko                   Joey Yates
2.          USA                              USA                               USA
3.          Asst. Vice President, Benefits   Asst. Vice President, Risk        Asst. Vice President,
                                             Management                        Compensation
4.          0%                               0%                                0%
5.          N/A                              N/A                               N/A

                         (40.)                            (41.)                             (42.)
1.          George Markley                   Mary Vickers                      Keith Mask
2.          USA                              USA                               USA
3.          Asst. Vice President, Tax        Asst. Vice President, Tax         Asst. Vice President, Energy
                                                                               Management & Systems
4.          0%                               0%                                0%
5.          N/A                              N/A                               N/A

                         (43.)                            (44.)                             (45.)
1.          Mark Leuenberger                 Neil Campbell                     Barry Campbell
2.          USA                              USA                               USA
3.          Asst. Vice President, Supply     Asst. Vice President, Financial   Asst. Vice President, Aviation
            Chain Management & Fleet         Planning & Analysis
4.          0%                               0%                                0%
5.          N/A                              N/A                               N/A


Officers, Directors, and Stockholders of Cox Enterprises, Inc. (cont.’)

1.      Name
2.      Citizenship
3.      Positional Interest
4.      Percentage of votes
5.      Percentage of total assets

                           (43.)                    (44.)                 (45.)
1.          Paul Scolese              Dayton-Cox Trust A, Anne
                                      Cox Chambers, James Cox
                                      Kennedy, and Jimmy W.
                                      Hayes, Trustees, c/o Cox
                                      Enterprises, Inc.
2.          USA                       Ohio Trust
3.          Asst. Vice President,     N/A
            Government Affairs
4.          0%                        99.0%
5.          N/A                       N/A


Document Created: 2013-02-20 15:49:48
Document Modified: 2013-02-20 15:49:48

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