Attachment EXHIBIT E

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20120725-00692 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                   FCC FORM 312
                                                                                                      EXHIBIT E
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                                          NEXSTAR BROADCASTING, INC.*

            Name / Address               Citizenship       Positional Interest        Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                        Votes      Total Assets
Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400                                                   --            --
Irving, Texas 75039
Nexstar Finance Holdings, Inc.
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400                      Sole Shareholder            100%         100%**
Irving, Texas 75039
Perry Sook
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.       President and CEO, Director        0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Tom Carter
                                                             Executive Vice
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.                                          0             0
                                                            President & CFO
Irving, Texas 75039
Brian Jones                                             Executive Vice President
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.        and Co-Chief Operating            0             0
Irving, Texas 75039                                             Officer
Timothy Busch                                           Executive Vice President
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.        and Co-Chief Operating            0             0
Irving, Texas 75039                                             Officer
Rick Rogala
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.          Senior Vice President           0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Shirley Green                                          Vice President - Controller
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.                   &
                                                                                          0             0
Irving, Texas 75039                                            Secretary
Elizabeth Ryder
                                                         Vice President & General
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.
                                                                 Counsel                  0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Richard Stolpe
                                                       Vice President & Director of
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.                                          0             0
Irving, Texas 75039

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                                          NEXSTAR BROADCASTING, INC.*

            Name / Address               Citizenship       Positional Interest       Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                       Votes      Total Assets
David Raucher
                                                            Vice President –
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.                                         0             0
                                                        Information Technology
Irving, Texas 75039
Marc Montoya
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.       Sr. Vice President - eMedia       0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Blake Russell
                                                          Sr. Vice President -
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.                                         0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Erik Brooks
ABRY Partners                                                  Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Jay Grossman
ABRY Partners                                                  Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Royce Yudkoff
ABRY Partners                                                  Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Brent Stone
ABRY Partners
                                            U.S.                                         0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                              Director
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Tomer Yosef-Or
ABRY Partners
                                            U.S.               Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

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*       The general managers of the stations Nexstar currently owns are also vice presidents of Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. These vice
presidents have no voting rights and do not hold any percentage of equity in Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc.

**       Nexstar Finance Holdings, Inc. holds 100 percent of the total equity of Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc. However, Nexstar Broadcasting Inc.
is party to a credit facility under which Bank of America, N.A. is administrative agent. Because the debt under this credit facility is purely bank
debt (and does not raise any EDP issues), the debt is not included in the percentage of total assets calculation.

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                                         NEXSTAR FINANCE HOLDINGS, INC.

            Name / Address               Citizenship       Positional Interest       Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                       Votes      Total Assets
Nexstar Finance Holdings, Inc.
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400                                                  --            --
Irving, Texas 75039
Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400                      Sole Shareholder           100%          100%
Irving, Texas 75039
Perry Sook
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.       President and CEO, Director       0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Brian Jones                                             Executive Vice President
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.        and Co-Chief Operating           0             0
Irving, Texas 75039                                             Officer
Timothy Busch                                           Executive Vice President
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.        and Co-Chief Operating           0             0
Irving, Texas 75039                                             Officer
Tom Carter
                                                             Executive Vice
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.                                         0             0
                                                            President & CFO
Irving, Texas 75039
Shirley Green                                          Vice President - Controller
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400      U.S.                   &
                                                                                         0             0
Irving, Texas 75039                                            Secretary
Erik Brooks
ABRY Partners                                                  Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Jay Grossman
ABRY Partners                                                  Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

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                                    NEXSTAR FINANCE HOLDINGS, INC.

            Name / Address          Citizenship     Positional Interest   Percent of    Percent of
                                                                            Votes      Total Assets
Royce Yudkoff
ABRY Partners                                           Director              0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Brent Stone
ABRY Partners
                                       U.S.                                   0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                       Director
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Tomer Yosef-Or
ABRY Partners
                                       U.S.            Director               0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

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                                         NEXSTAR BROADCASTING GROUP, INC.

            Name / Address                 Citizenship          Positional Interest       Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                            Votes*     Total Assets*
Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400                                                       --             --
Irving, Texas 75039
ABRY Broadcast Partners II, L.P.
                                         Delaware Limited
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                                  Shareholder              47.30          23.4
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
ABRY Broadcast Partners III, L.P.
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor        Delaware Limited          Shareholder              41.20          30.7
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                 Partnership
Other Members of the General Public
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.
                                               U.S.                Shareholders             7.2**          35.8
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400
Irving, Texas 75039
Perry Sook                                                    Chairman of the Board,
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400         U.S.         President and CEO, Director      3.7            7.0
Irving, Texas 75039                                                & Shareholder
Tom Carter
                                                                  Executive Vice
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400         U.S.                                           0              0
                                                                 President & CFO
Irving, Texas 75039
Brian Jones                                                  Executive Vice President
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400         U.S.          and Co-Chief Operating           0              0
Irving, Texas 75039                                                  Officer
Timothy Busch                                                Executive Vice President
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400         U.S.          and Co-Chief Operating           0              0
Irving, Texas 75039                                                  Officer
Rick Rogala
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400         U.S.            Senior Vice President          0              0
Irving, Texas 75039

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                                         NEXSTAR BROADCASTING GROUP, INC.

            Name / Address                Citizenship       Positional Interest        Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                         Votes*     Total Assets*
Shirley Green                                           Vice President - Controller
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400       U.S.                   &
                                                                                           0              0
Irving, Texas 75039                                             Secretary
Elizabeth Ryder
                                                          Vice President & General
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400       U.S.
                                                                  Counsel                  0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Richard Stolpe
                                                        Vice President & Director of
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400       U.S.                                          0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
David Raucher
                                                             Vice President –
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400       U.S.                                          0             0
                                                         Information Technology
Irving, Texas 75039
Marc Montoya
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400       U.S.       Sr. Vice President - eMedia        0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Blake Russell
                                                           Sr. Vice President -
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400       U.S.                                          0             0
Irving, Texas 75039
Erik Brooks
ABRY Partners                                                    Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Jay Grossman
ABRY Partners                                                    Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Royce Yudkoff***
ABRY Partners                                                    Director                  0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

                                                                                                                                  FCC FORM 312
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                                                 NEXSTAR BROADCASTING GROUP, INC.

              Name / Address                        Citizenship              Positional Interest            Percent of            Percent of
                                                                                                              Votes*             Total Assets*
Brent Stone
ABRY Partners
                                                        U.S.                                                    0                      0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                                                 Director
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Tomer Yosef-Or
ABRY Partners
                                                        U.S.                      Director                      0                      0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Lisbeth R. McNabb
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.                    U.S.                      Director                      0                          0
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400
Irving, Texas 75039
Geoff Armstrong
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.                    U.S.                      Director                      0                          0
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400
Irving, Texas 75039
I. Martin Pompadour
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.                    U.S.                      Director                      0                          0
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400
Irving, Texas 75039
Michael Donovan
c/o Nexstar Broadcasting Group, Inc.                    U.S.                      Director                      0                          0
5215 N. O’Connor Boulevard, Suite 1400
Irving, Texas 75039

*Certain of the officers and directors collectively hold the remaining 0.6% of votes and 3.1% of assets.

** No member of the general public holds a 5% or greater voting interest.

***Mr. Yudkoff is the ultimate beneficiary of the ABRY Broadcast Partners interests (see the remaining attributable interest schedules).

                                                                                                                         FCC FORM 312
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                                              ABRY BROADCAST PARTNERS II, L.P.*

             Name / Address                     Citizenship            Positional Interest          Percent of            Percent of
                                                                                                      Votes              Total Assets
ABRY Broadcast Partners II, L.P.             Delaware Limited
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor               Partnership                    --                       --                    --
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
ABRY Capital, L.P.                           Delaware Limited
                                                                                                                       1% Capital/20%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor               Partnership           Sole General Partner             100%
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

*       The partnership agreement of ABRY Broadcast Partners II, L.P. includes the Commission's insulating language for limited partners;
therefore, the limited partners of ABRY Broadcast Partners II, L.P. are not listed here.

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                                                                   ABRY CAPITAL, L.P.*

               Name / Address                           Citizenship               Positional Interest               Percent of               Percent of
                                                                                                                      Votes                 Total Assets
ABRY Capital, L.P.
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                   Delaware Limited
                                                                                           --                              --                     --
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                            Partnership
ABRY Holdings, LLC
                                                    Delaware Limited
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                                                Sole General Partner                  100%                     1%**
                                                    Liability Company
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Royce Yudkoff
ABRY Partners                                                                       Limited Partner
                                                            U.S.                                                          0                   29.75%**
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Jay Grossman
ABRY Partners                                                                       Limited Partner
                                                            U.S.                                                          0                     5%**
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Peni Garber
ABRY Partners                                                                       Limited Partner
                                                            U.S.                                                          0                     1%**
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Peggy Koenig
ABRY Partners                                                                       Limited Partner
                                                            U.S.                                                          0                    8.0%**
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
* The partnership agreement of ABRY Capital, L.P. includes the Commission's insulating language for limited partners which are not natural persons.
Thus, to the extent that a corporation is a limited partner, such corporation has a non-attributable interest in the Assignee and is not listed here. However,
natural persons who are limited partners of ABRY Capital, L.P. do have attributable interests in the Assignee and are listed here.

** The percent of total assets is based on the capital contributions of each partner. Each partner also is entitled to a percentage of profits which is
similar, but not necessarily the same, as their percent of capital contributions. Because this entity has no debt, there are no multiple ownership issues
present in this application involving the Commission's "equity-debt-plus" calculation, and due to the difficulty of calculating the percent of total assets

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based on a combination of the partners' percent of capital and percent of profits, the percent of total assets reported for these partners is based solely on
their capital contributions.

                                                                ABRY HOLDINGS, LLC

               Name / Address                          Citizenship               Positional Interest                Percent of              Percent of
                                                                                                                      Votes                Total Assets
ABRY Holdings, LLC                                  Delaware Limited                      __                           __                      __
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                   Liability Company
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
ABRY Holdings Co.                                     Massachusetts               Majority Member                     99.5%                    99.5%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                     Business Trust               (No officers or
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                                                          directors)
Heath Street Associates, LP
c/o ABRY Partners                                    Massachusetts
                                                                                        Member                         0.5%                     0.5%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                  Limited Partnership
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

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                                             ABRY HOLDINGS CO.

             Name / Address          Citizenship       Positional Interest      Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                  Votes      Total Assets
ABRY Holdings Co.                   Massachusetts
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor   Business Trust                                  --            --
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Royce Yudkoff
ABRY Partners                           U.S.             President, Sole
                                                                                  100%          100%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                     Trustee and Certificate
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                                   Holder
Peni Garber
ABRY Partners                           U.S.                  Clerk
                                                                                    0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Peggy Koenig
ABRY Partners                           U.S.              Vice President
                                                                                    0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Jay Grossman
ABRY Partners                           U.S.              Vice President
                                                                                    0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

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                                              ABRY BROADCAST PARTNERS III, L.P.*

             Name / Address                     Citizenship            Positional Interest           Percent of            Percent of
                                                                                                       Votes              Total Assets
ABRY Broadcast Partners III, L.P.            Delaware Limited
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor               Partnership                    --                        --                    --
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
ABRY Equity Investors, L.P.                  Delaware Limited
                                                                                                                        1% Capital/20%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor               Partnership           Sole General Partner              100%
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

*       The partnership agreement of ABRY Broadcast Partners III, L.P. includes the Commission's insulating language for limited partners;
therefore, the limited partners of ABRY Broadcast Partners III, L.P. are not listed here.

                                                                                                                                   FCC FORM 312
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                                                      ABRY EQUITY INVESTORS, L.P.*

              Name / Address                        Citizenship             Positional Interest             Percent of              Percent of
                                                                                                              Votes                Total Assets
ABRY Equity Investors, L.P.
                                                Delaware Limited
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                                                  --                       --                     --
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                         Partnership
ABRY Holdings III, LLC
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                    Delaware                Sole General
                                                   Corporation                  Partner                   100%                   1.03%**
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Royce Yudkoff
ABRY Partners                                                               Limited Partner                0                   27.44%**
                             th                        U.S.
111 Huntington Avenue, 30 Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Peni Garber
ABRY Partners                                                               Limited Partner                0                     1.72%**
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Peggy Koenig
ABRY Partners                                                               Limited Partner                0                     1.20%**
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Jay Grossman
ABRY Partners                                                               Limited Partner                0                     6.02%**
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
* The partnership agreement of ABRY Equity Investors, L.P. includes the Commission's insulating language for limited partners which are not
natural persons. Thus, to the extent that a corporation or other business entity is a limited partner in ABRY Equity Investors, L.P., that
business entity is not listed here. However, natural persons who are limited partners of ABRY Equity Investors, L.P. are listed here.

** The percent of total assets is based on the capital contribution of each partner. Each partner also is entitled to a percentage of profits which
is similar, but not necessarily the same, as their percent of capital contributions. Because this entity has no debt, there are no multiple
ownership issues present in this application involving the Commission's "equity-debt-plus" calculation, and due to the difficulty of

                                                                                                                                FCC FORM 312
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calculating the percent of total assets based on a combination of the partners' percent of capital and percent of profits, the percent of total
assets reported for these partners is based solely on their capital contributions.

                                                        ABRY HOLDINGS III, LLC

             Name / Address                       Citizenship             Positional Interest            Percent of             Percent of
                                                                                                           Votes               Total Assets
ABRY Holdings III, LLC
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor              Delaware Limited                   __                         __                     __
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                    Liability Company
ABRY Holdings III Co.                                                      Majority Member
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                Massachusetts
                                                                            (No officers or                 99.5%                 99.5%
                                                 Business Trust
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                                                   directors)
Heath Street Associates, LP
c/o ABRY Partners                               Massachusetts
                                                                                Member                      0.5%                   0.5%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor             Limited Partnership
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

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                                           ABRY HOLDINGS III CO.

             Name / Address          Citizenship       Positional Interest      Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                  Votes      Total Assets
ABRY Holdings III Co.
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor   Massachusetts
Boston, Massachusetts 02199         Business Trust                                  --            --
Royce Yudkoff
ABRY Partners                           U.S.             President, Sole
                                                                                  100%          100%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor                     Trustee and Certificate
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                                   Holder
Peni Garber
ABRY Partners                           U.S.                  Clerk
                                                                                    0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Peggy Koenig
ABRY Partners                           U.S.              Vice President            0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Jay Grossman
ABRY Partners                           U.S.              Vice President            0             0
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

                                                                                                 FCC FORM 312
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                                              Heath Street Associates, LP

             Name / Address            Citizenship            Positional Interest   Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                      Votes      Total Assets
Heath Street Associates, LP
c/o ABRY Partners                     Massachusetts                                   --              --
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor   Limited Partnership               --
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Royjo Holdings, LLC
c/o ABRY Partners                     Massachusetts            General Partner        100%          1.0%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor    Limited Liability
Boston, Massachusetts 02199             Company
Alexandra Yudkoff
c/o ABRY Partners                          U.S.                Limited Partner
                                                                                      33%           33%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Lindsey Yudkoff
c/o ABRY Partners                          U.S.                Limited Partner
                                                                                      33%           33%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
A Minor Child
c/o ABRY Partners                          U.S.                Limited Partner
                                                                                      33%           33%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

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                                                    ROYJO HOLDINGS, LLC

             Name / Address                  Citizenship       Positional Interest   Percent of    Percent of
                                                                                       Votes      Total Assets
Royjo Holdings, LLC
c/o ABRY Partners                           Massachusetts              --                --            --
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor          Limited Liability
Boston, Massachusetts 02199                   Company
Royjo Holdings Co
c/o ABRY Partners                           Massachusetts           Member
                                                                                       97%           97%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
The Alexandra Krupp Yudkoff Trust-1996
c/o ABRY Partners                                U.S.               Member
                                                                                        1%            1%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
The Lindsey Frederick Yudkoff Trust-1996
c/o ABRY Partners                                U.S.               Member
                                                                                        1%            1%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Trust for A Minor Child
c/o ABRY Partners                                U.S.               Member
                                                                                        1%            1%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

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                                           ROYJO HOLDINGS CO.

             Name / Address          Citizenship     Positional Interest   Percent of    Percent of
                                                                             Votes      Total Assets
Royjo Holdings Co
c/o ABRY Partners                   Massachusetts            --
                                                                               --            --
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor      Trust
Boston, Massachusetts 02199
Royce Yudkoff
c/o ABRY Partners                       U.S.            Sole Trustee
                                                                             100%          100%
111 Huntington Avenue, 30th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02199

Document Created: 2019-04-21 02:51:58
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 02:51:58

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