Attachment Description

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20110919-01121 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


FCC Form 312
DG FastChannel, Inc.

                         DESCRIPTION OF TRANSACTION AND
                           PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT

        In the instant application, DG FastChannel, Inc. (“DG FastChannel”) requests authority
nunc pro tunc for the pro forma assignment of a single earth station license, Call Sign E980336,1
from Pathfire, Inc. (“Pathfire”) to DG FastChannel. On December 17, 2010, Pathfire merged
with and into DG FastChannel, with DG FastChannel being the surviving entity. As had been
reported previously to the Commission, Pathfire was a wholly owned subsidiary of DG
FastChannel prior to the date of merger.2 Accordingly, the requested authorization would result
in no change in the ultimate control of the license and, thus, this transaction is pro forma in

        Due to an administrative oversight, the parties inadvertently failed to file an application
for consent to assign the above-mentioned earth station license during the course of the
transaction. DG FastChannel recently became aware of the mistake in preparation for its 2011
regulatory fee submission. DG FastChannel regrets the oversight and, through this filing and its
contemporaneous request for special temporary authorization,3 is taking prompt action seeking to
rectify the oversight. DG FastChannel thus seeks authority for the pro forma assignment of the
earth station license.

         DG FastChannel provides digital media distribution and management solutions to the
television, media, and entertainment industries. It operates the largest domestic network
designed specifically for advertising spot distribution. Broadcasters rely on DG FastChannel’s
distribution system to deliver programming and advertisements to their stations via an IP-based
platform, eliminating the need for video tapes. DG FastChannel does not use the earth station
facility at issue to provide a telecommunications service subject to Title II of the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended. Rather, DG FastChannel utilizes the facility to carry
DG FastChannel’s own communications as part of its underlying business. Specifically, the
earth station facility is used to provide expanded capacity to DG FastChannel’s distribution
network and serves as a back up for other video distribution paths.4

        Without the additional capacity afforded by the earth station facility, DG FastChannel’s
distribution network may become congested, which could diminish the quality of service

       See File No. SES-LIC-20090304-00240.
       See File No. SES-T/C-20070531-00740.
       Concurrent with this filing, DG FastChannel is submitting a request for special temporary
       authorization to allow it to use the earth station facility while the instant assignment
       application is pending.
       DG FastChannel also holds an earth station license, Call Sign E090202, through which it
       operates one 4.6 meter antenna that transmits and receives data and video. See File No.

provided to its customers. Grant of the pro forma assignment would allow DG FastChannel to
continue to distribute programming and advertisements to broadcast stations at the high level of
quality and reliability to which its customers are accustomed. Therefore, the public interest
would be served by the grant of the requested assignment, because it would facilitate DG
FastChannel’s provision of video delivery service to its customers, which in turn would ensure
the continued availability of the broadcast and media services provided by those customers to the
public. Due to the non-substantial nature of the assignment, there are no public interest harms
that would weigh against these public interest benefits.

        DG FastChannel is a Delaware corporation and a publicly traded company headquartered
at 750 West John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700, Irving, Texas 75039. As a publicly traded
company, the stock of DG FastChannel is widely held. Based on publicly available SEC filings,
FMR LLC and affiliates beneficially owned approximately 15.5% of DG FastChannel’s voting
stock as of March 31, 2011. FMR LLC is a limited liability company formed under the laws of
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and its address is 82 Devonshire Street, Boston, MA
02109. There are no other stockholders holding 10 percent or more of DG FastChannel’s voting

        The following are the directors and senior officers of DG FastChannel, Inc., all of whom
can be reached c/o DG FastChannel, Inc., 750 West John Carpenter Freeway, Suite 700, Irving,
Texas 75039:

       Name                               Title
       Scott K. Ginsburg                  Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of
                                          the Board
       Neil H. Nguyen                     President and Chief Operating Officer
                                          and Director
       Omar A. Choucair                   Chief Financial Officer and Director
       William Donner                     Director
       Lisa C. Gallagher                  Director
       Kevin C. Howe                      Director
       David M. Kantor                    Director
       Cecil Moore                        Director
       John R. Harris                     Director
       Jeffrey A. Rich                    Director


Document Created: 2011-09-19 11:23:23
Document Modified: 2011-09-19 11:23:23

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