Attachment Exhibit E

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20110609-00698 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                EXHIBIT E


        ITC Global USA, LLC (“ITC”), a Florida limited liability Company, is the Assignee in

 the transaction described herewith. ITC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of ITC Global, LLC, a

 Delaware corporation. ITC Global is ultimately controlled by Joseph A. Spytek, a U.S citizen,

 who is the President, and is responsible for the day to day operations of ITC Global. Attached

 as an addendum is a chart listing the individuals and entities that hold a 10 percent or greater

 direct or indirect equity/voting interest in ITC. (Set forth below is each individual and entity

 listed on the addendum.

Name/Address/Citizenship/Organized            Principal Business         Percent of Interest Held
ITC Global, Inc.                              Communications             100% (Direct)

Organized: Delaware, USA
Joseph A. Spytek                              Communications             10.00% (owns 10% of ITC
c/o ITC Global USA, LLC                                                  Global, which in turn, owns
One Progress Plaza, Suite 700                                            100% of ITC)
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Citizenship: USA
Michael Monier                                Investment                 21.58% (owns 100% of Fine
c/o ITC Global USA, LLC                                                  Spotted Partners, LLC, which in
One Progress Plaza, Suite 700                                            turn, owns 21.58% of ITC
St. Petersburg, FL 33701                                                 Global, which in turn, owns
Citizenship: USA                                                         100% of ITC)
Erwin Noval                                   Investment                 10.01% (owns 10.01% of ITC
c/o ITC Global USA, LLC                                                  Global, which in turn, owns
One Progress Plaza, Suite 700                                            100% of ITC)
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Citizenship: USA
Charles Morgan                                Investment                 16.70% (owns 100% of SeaSpin
c/o ITC Global USA, LLC                                                  Pty, Ltd, Aphrodite Trust A/C,
One Progress Plaza, Suite 700                                            which in turn, owns 16.70 of
St. Petersburg, FL 33701                                                 ITC Global, which in turn,
Citizenship: Australia                                                   owns 100% of ITC)

Fine Spotted Partners, LLC              Investment   21.58% (owns 21.58% of ITC
c/o ITC Global USA, LLC                              Global, which in turn, owns
One Progress Plaza, Suite 700                        100% of ITC)
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Organized: USA
SeaSpin Pty, Ltd. Aphrodite Trust A/C   Investment   16.70% (owns 16.70% of ITC
c/o ITC Global USA, LLC                              Global, which in turn, owns
One Progress Plaza, Suite 700                        100% of ITC)
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Organized: Australia

Document Created: 2011-06-09 16:25:26
Document Modified: 2011-06-09 16:25:26

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