Attachment 20110831110351.pdf



Consummation Letter


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20110523-00609 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


           néeke~                                                      CINNAMON
                AVb 5 G Eul
                      llite Division
                                                  C                    MUELLER
                                                       A Professional Limited Liability Company
                                                                                                          Washington, D.C. Office
                                                                                                          1333 New Hampshire Ave, NW, FI 2
                                                                                                          Washington, DC 20036
            intemational Bureau                       307 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1020
                                                              Chicago, IIlinois 60601                     St. Louis Office
Scott C. Friedman                                           Telephone: 312—372—3930                       1714 Deer Tracks Trail, Ste 215
Admitted in Illinois and Wisconsin                           Facsimile: 312—372—3939                      St. Louis, MO 63131

                                                                August 24, 2011          Received & Inspected

         Marlene Dortch                                                                           Aug 25 2011
         Federal Communications Commission                                                  5       .
         Office of the Secretary                                                            FCC Mail Room
         9300 East Hampton Drive                                                                 Via Federal Express
         Capitol Heights, MD 20743                                                                   Confirmation#: 795116548352

                      RE:            CoBridge Telecom, LLC ("CoBridge");
                                     Zito Alabama, LLC ("Zito");
                                     Notification of Consummation of Receive—Only Earth Stations

         Dear Ms. Dortch:

                  Please accept this letter as notification that CoBridge assigned the registrations listed below
         to Zito in a transaction that closed on July 29, 2011.

                      Please update the following registrations to reflect this change:

           Facility           Location            File Number                              Original Grant Date       Assignee
          WK93                Clanton, AL         SES—ASG—20110523—00609                   10/30/1978                Zito Alabama,

          WK20                Haleyville, AL      SES—ASG—20110523—00609                   09/11/71978               E{gAlabama,

           E920511            Heflin, AL          SES—ASG—20110523—00609                   08/04/1995                .likgAlabama,

           E990160            Chilton, AL         SES—ASG—20110523—00609                   10/29/1999                %ECEAlabama,

                We also enclose a copy of this letter and ask that you please date—stamp and return it in the
         enclosed Federal Express envelope.

                      Please call me at 312—372—3930 with any questions. Thank you.

         RECEIVED                                                    S‘”g““"y’
               AUG 3 0 2011                                        ~~Scott C. Friedman
           Satellite Division                                        Attorney for CoBridge Telecom, LLC
         intemational Bureau

         CC:         Eleanor Lott (via email:
                     Colin Higgin (via email:

Document Created: 2019-04-14 18:46:34
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 18:46:34

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