Attachment Exhibit 1

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20100830-01393 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


      STATE OF RHODE ISLAND                 »                              SUPERIOR. COURT

       Global Broadcasting LLC

             vs.                                                       _   PB [D-' QZQZZJ/
      Global Broadcasting of Southern
      New England LLC, d/b/a WLNE
                  _ Defendant


             This cause came on to be heard upon thePlaintiffs Petition for Appointment of a Receiver
      and, upon consideration thereof, it is hereby                                                 >

                                ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED

             1. That Ma7ffcs Zlehowz) , of Providence, Rhode Island be and hereby is appointed
     Temporary Receiver(the "Receiver") ofthe Defendant. —

             2. That said Recetver shall, no later than five (5) days from the date hereof, file a bond in
     the sum of $ J"0, go0,""        with any surety company authorized to do business in the State of
     Rhode Island as surety thereon, conditioned that the Receiver will well and truly perform the
     duties of said office and duly account for all monies and property which may come into the
     Receiver‘s hands and abide by and perform all things which the Receiver will be directed to do by
     this Court.

            3. That said Receiver is authorized to take possession and charge of the property and
     assets of the Defendant, to collect the debts and property belonging to it and to preserve the same
    until further Order ofthis Court.

            4. That said Receiver is authorized, until further Order of this Court, in the Receiver‘s
     discretion and as said Receiver deems appropnate and advisable, to conduct the business of said
    Defendant, to borow money from time to time, to purchase, for cash or upon credit,
    ‘ merchandise, materials and other property, to engage appraisers and/or employees and assistants,
      clerical or otherwise, and to pay all such individuals and entities in the usual course of business,
      and to do and perform or cause to be done and performed all other acts and things as are
      appropriate in the premises:
                        .                                             prue Copy Attest
©           5. That, pursuant to and in compliance with Rhode Island Supre x Co                      ecutive
    Order No. 95—01, this Court finds that the designation of               Zhe, af s:d?s¢fi~i(9£rt   son for
    appointment as Receiver herein is warrauted and required bec                of the Receiver‘ sgé%gd
                            *BlltD."""                                ofice 0t Cletk 9 POPCIT Ensc
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                                                                               ce, Rhode island
                                                                      cCounties of Prov‘dence
                        N JIL 29 :A q 79

         Global Broadcasting LLC vs. Global Broadcasting of Southern New England, PB No.      , Page 2

     expertise and experience in operating businesses in Receivership and in administrating non—routine
     Receiverships which involve unusual or complex legal, financial, or business issues.

             6. That the commencement, prosecution, or continuance of the prosecution, of any
     action, suit, arbitration proceeding, hearing, or any foreclosure, reclamation or repossession
     proceeding, both judicial and non—judicial, or any other proceeding, in law, or in equity or under
     any statute, or otherwise, against said Defendant or any of its property, in any Court, agency,
     tribumal, or elsewhere, or before any arbitrator, or otherwisse by any creditor, stockholder,
     corporation, partnership or any other person, or the levy of any attachment, execution or other
     process upon or against any property of said Defendant, or the taking or attempting to take into
     possession any property in the possession of the Defendant or of which the Defendant has the
     right to possession, or the cancellation at any time during the Receivership proceeding herein of
     any insurance policy, lease or other contract with Defendant, by any of such parties as aforesaid,
     other than the Receiver designated as aforesaid, or the termination of telephone, electric, gas or
     other utility service to Defendant, by any public vtility, without obtaining prior approval thereof
     from this Honorable Court, in which connection said Receiver shall be entitled to prior notice and
     an opportunity to be heard, are hereby restrained and enjoined untfil further Order ofthis Couwt.

            7. That a Citation be issued to said Defendant, returnable to the Superior Court sitting at
    250 Benefit Street, Providence, Rhode Island on /9[/6/57> 7&, 2010, at 9:30 a.m. at which
    time and place this cause is set down for Hearing on the prayer for the Appointment of a
    Permanent Receiver; that the Clerk ofthis Court shall give Notice of the pendency ofthe Petition
    herein by publishing this Order Appointing Temporary Receiver once in The Providence Journal
    on or before #4&@ & wS7~ 4; 2010, and the Receiver shall give further notice by mailing, on or
    before 44667/2, 2010, a copy of said Order Appointing Tempo                 Receiver to each of
    Defendant‘s creditors and stockholders whose address is known or may become known to the

    ENTER:               _                   0_           BYORDER:

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    Associgdte Justice                                                             0&
    Dated: 7/27/IH)               |

                                                            ; ue Copy Attest

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STATE OF RHODE ISLAND                                                  SUPERIOR COURT

Global Broadcasting LLC


          v.                                                           P.B. 10—4425

Global Broadcasting of Southern New
England LLC, d/b/a WLNE


          This cause came on to be heard on the Petition for Appointment of Receiver for the

Defendant, and it appearing that the notice provided by the Order of this Court previously

entered herein has been given, and upon consideration thereof, it is hereby

                             ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that:
          1.     Matthew J. McGowan of Salter McGowan Sylvia & Leonard, Inc., Providence,

Rhode Island, be and hereby is appointed Permanent Receiver (the "Receiver") of the Defendant,

and of all the estate, assets, effects, property and business of Defendant of every name, kind,

nature and description, with all the powers conferred upon the Receiver by the Rhode Island

General Laws, by this Order, or otherwise, and with all powers incidental to the Receiver‘s said

          2.     The Recgiver shall, no later than five (5) days from the date hereof, file herein a

bond in the sum of _ vile
                          O; o o &A                      200—00/4100.($——————} with
corporate surety thereon authorized to do business in the State of Rhode Island conditioned that
the Receiver will well and truly perform the duties of said office.

          3.     The Receiver be and hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to take

possession and charge of said estate, assets, effects, property and business of the Defendant,

including cash surrender value of anygpsuqifigg gwned by the Defendant, and to preserve the
                                     eupy 1 st-..wacfii $40, M C

                                    i0 16 18 + A 10 us

same, and is hereby vested with title to the same; to collect and receive the debts, property and

other assets and effects of said Defendant, including such cash surrender value, with full power
to prosecute, defend, adjust and compromise all claims and suits of, by or against said Defendant

and to appear, intervene or become a party in all suits, actions or proceedingé relating to said

estate, assets, effects and property as may in the judgment of the Receiver be necessary or

desirable for the protection, maintenance and preservation of the property and assets of said


        4.       This appointment is made in succession to the appointment of Temporary

Receiver heretofore made by Order of this Court, and the Receiver shall take and be vested with

the title to all assets, property and choses—in—action which have heretofore accrued to the

Temporary Receiver with power to confirm and ratify in writing such agreements as are entered
into by such Temporary Receiver and to carry out and perform the same.

        5.       The Receiver is authorized until further Order of this Court, in the Receiver‘s

discretion and as said Receiver deems appropriate and advisable, to conduct the business of said
Defendant, to borrow money from time to time, to purchase for cash or upon credit,

merchandise, materials and other property, to engage counsel, accountants, business consultants,

appraisers and/or employees and assistants, clerical or otherwise, and to pay all such individuals

and entities in the usual course of business, and to do and perform or cause to be done and

performed all other acts and things as are appropriate in the premises.

        6.       The Receiver is authorized to incur expenses for goods and services and to

purchase for cash such merchandise, supplies and materials as in the Receiver‘s discretion may

be desirable or necessary for continuance of the business of the Defendant, after prior notice to

the Plaintiff.

        7.       The Receiver be and hereby is authorized and empowered to sell, transfer and

convey said Receiver‘s right, title and interest and the right, title and interest of said Defendant in

and to any real property or personal property, tangible or intangible, for such sum or sums of

money as to said Receiver appears reasonable and proper, at private sale or sales, provided,

however, that approval is first given for such sale or sales by this Court on application by the

Receiver, or after such notice as the Court may require.

        8.     The Receiver is hereby authorized and empowered to sell at private sale or by

public auction any or all of the assets referred to in Paragraph 7. The Receiver is also authorized

to engage an auctioneer and to insert such display ads within or without the State of Rhode

Island as the Receiver deems proper advertising for such a private sale or public auction sale.

Such a public auction sale or private sale conducted by said Receiver in accordance with the

provisions of this paragraph and after notice and approval of the Court shall be considered and is

hereby declared to be a commercially reasonable sale, and such sale shall constitute compliance
with the requirements of a commercially reasonable sale as set forth in Article 9 of the Uniform

Commercial Code as enacted in Rhode Island.

        9.     In fulfillment of the reporting requirements set forth in Rule 66(e) of the Superior

Court Rules of Civil Procedure, the Receiver shall file with the Court the Reports referred to in

said Rule, as and when the Receiver deems necessary or advisable under the circumstances, or,

in any event, as and when required by Order of this Court. In addition, the Receiver shall file

with the Court, on or before May 1 and October 1 of each year, a Receivership Control Calendar

Report in accordance with Rhode Island Superior Court Administrative Order No. 98—7.

        10.    The Receiver shall continue to discharge said Receiver‘s duties and trusts

hereunder until further Order of this Court; that the right is reserved to the Receiver and to the

parties hereto to apply to this Court for any other or further instructions to said Receiver and that

this Court reserves the right, upon such Notice, if any, as it shall deem proper, to make such

further Orders herein as may be proper, and to modify this Order from time to time.
        11.      Pursuant to and in compliance with Rhode Island Supreme Court Executive

Order No. 95—01, this Court finds that the designation of the aforedescribed person for

appointment as Receiver herein is warranted and required because of said Receiver‘s specialized
expertise and experience in administrating non—routine Receiverships which involve unusual or

complex legal, financial, or business issues.

          12.    All creditors or other claimants hereby are ordered to file under oath with the

 Receiver, Matthew J. McGowan, Esq., at Salter McGowan Sylvia & Leonard, Inc., 321 South

 Main Street, Suite 301, Providence Rhode Island 02903, on or before J?__Mg‘#_a                    l

 a%fa, !1 statement setting forth their claims, including, but without limiting the generality of the

 foregoing, the name and address of the claimant, the nature and amount of such claim, a

 statement of any security or lien held by the claimant to which such claimant is or claims to be

 entitled, and also a statement as to any preference or priority which the claimant claims to be

 entitled to over the claims of any other or all other claimants or creditors.

          13.    The commencement, prosecution or continuance of the prosecution, of any action,

 suit, arbitration proceeding, hearing, any foreclosure, reclamation or repossession proceeding,

 both judicial or non—judicial, or any other proceeding, in law, or in equity, under any statute, or

 otherwise, against said Defendant or any of its property, in any Court, agency, tribunal, or

 elsewhere, or before any arbitrator, or otherwise, by any creditor, stockholder, corporation,

 partnrership or any other person, or the levy of any attachment, execution or other process upon

 or against any property of said Defendant, or the taking or attempting to take into possession any

 property in the possession of the Defendant or of which the Defendant has the right to

 possession, or the cancellation at any time during the Receivership proceeding herein of any

 insurance policy, lease, or other contract with Defendant, by any of such parties as aforesaid,

 other than the Receiver designated as aforesaid, or the termination of telephone, electric, gas or

 other utility service to Defendant, by any public utility, without obtaining prior approval thereof

 from this Honorable Court, in which connection said Receiver shall be entitled to prior notice

 and an opportunity to be heard, are hereby restrained and enjoined until further Order of this

          14.   Notice be given of the entry of this Order by the Clerk of this Court by

 publicatifla copy of the annexed Receivership Notice in The Providence Journal on or before

 the a_iday of M2010, and by the Receiver mailing on or before the /27(1_;; of
%M_J 2010, a copy of said Receivership Notice to each creditor and member or

stockholder of said Defendant known as such to Receiver, or appearing as such on the books of

said Defendant, addressed to each such stockholder, member or creditor at his last known


          15.        This Order is entered by virtue of and pursuant to this Court‘s equity powers and

pursuant to its powers as authorized by the laws and statutes of the State of Rhode Island.

          ENTERED as an Order ofthis Court this /# day ofAugust, 2010.

Michael A. Silverstein
Associate Justice
Dated:                  S’//H(/%l‘>

F:\Contents\Global Broadcasting\Court Filings\Perm Rec‘ship Order.doc

Document Created: 2010-08-30 16:28:59
Document Modified: 2010-08-30 16:28:59

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