Attachment Ownership

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20100429-00505 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                         FCC Form 312
                                             Application for Assignment of Authorization
                                                                               Exhibit E

                                Indirect Ownership of
                         Broadpoint Wireless License Co., LLC

      Below is the path of ownership for each of the disclosable interest holders
(“DIH”) in Broadpoint Wireless License Co., LLC (“Assignee”).

      Broadpoint Wireless Merger-Sub, LLC (“Broadpoint Sub”) will directly own
100% of Assignee. All other DIHs, as explained below, hold an indirect interest in
Assignee. Broadpoint Sub is a Delaware corporation and its principal business is
communications. Its address is: 170 S. Warner Road, Suite 104, Wayne, PA 19087.

       Broadpoint Wireless, LLC (“Broadpoint Wireless”) will own 100% of Broadpoint
Sub, which in turn, will own 100% of Assignee. Broadpoint Wireless is a Delaware
corporation and its principal business is communications. Its address is: 170 S. Warner
Road, Suite 104, Wayne, PA 19087.

       Broadpoint Holdco, Inc. (“Broadpoint Holdco”) will own 100% of Broadpoint
Wireless, which in turn, will own 100% of Broadpoint Sub, which in turn, will own
100% of Assignee. Broadpoint Holdco is a Delaware corporation and its principal
business is communications. Its address is: 170 S. Warner Road, Suite 104, Wayne, PA

        Alta Communications IX, L.P., will own 100% of Broadpoint Holdco, which in
turn, will own 100% of Broadpoint Wireless, which in turn, will own 100% of
Broadpoint Sub, which in turn, will own 100% of Assignee. Alta Communications IX,
L.P is a Massachusetts limited partnership and its principal business is communications.
Its address is: c/o Alta Communications, 200 Clarendon Street, 51st Floor, Boston, MA

        Alta Communications IX Managers Limited Partnership is the general partner of
Alta Communications IX, L.P., which in turn, will own 100% of Broadpoint Holdco,
which in turn, will own 100% of Broadpoint Wireless, which in turn, will own 100% of
Broadpoint Sub, which in turn, will own 100% of Assignee.1 Alta Communications IX
Managers Limited Partnership is a Massachusetts limited partnership and its principal
business is communications. Its address is: c/o Alta Communications, 200 Clarendon
Street, 51st Floor, Boston, MA 02116.

        Alta Communications IX Managers Limited Partnership’s interest in the Assignee is
calculated in accordance with Section 1.2112(a)(6) of the Commission’s rules. Because it
controls Alta Communications IX, L.P, which will own 100% of the Assignee, its interest in the
Assignee is treated as if it owns a 100%.

        Alta Communications IX Managers, LLC is the general partner of Alta
Communications IX Managers Limited Partnership, which in turn, is the general partner
of Alta Communications IX, L.P., which in turn, will own 100% of Broadpoint Holdco,
which in turn, will own 100% of Broadpoint Wireless, which in turn, will own 100% of
Broadpoint Sub, which in turn, will own 100% of Assignee.2

        Timothy L. Dibble and Brian W. McNeill are the managing members of Alta
Communications IX Managers, LLC, which in turn, is the general partner of Alta
Communications IX Managers Limited Partnership, which in turn, is the general partner
of Alta Communications IX, L.P., which in turn, will own 100% of Broadpoint Holdco,
which in turn, will own 100% of Broadpoint Wireless, which in turn, will own 100% of
Broadpoint Sub, which in turn, will own 100% of Assignee.3 Both these individuals are
United States citizens. Their address is as follows: Alta Communications IX Managers,
LLC, c/o Alta Communications, 200 Clarendon Street, 51st Floor, Boston, MA 02116.
At present, no other individual or entity holds a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest
in any of the entities listed in the ownership chain of Broadpoint Wireless License Co.,
LLC (“Broadpoint”), the Assignee of the FCC licenses. Should the proposed ownership
change such that there will be additional disclosable interest holders in Broadpoint, the
parties will update the subject application accordingly.

         Alta Communications IX Managers, LLC’s interest in the Assignee is calculated in
accordance with Section 1.2112(a)(6) of the Commission’s rules. Because it controls Alta
Communications IX Managers Limited Partnership, which controls Alta Communications IX,
L.P., which controls the entity that will own 100% of the Assignee, its interest in the Assignee is
treated as if it owns a 100%.
         Timothy L. Dibble and Brian W. McNeill’s interest in the Assignee is calculated in
accordance with Section 1.2112(a)(6) of the Commission’s rules. Because each has a controlling
interest in Alta Communications IX Managers, LLC, their interest in this entity is treated as if
they own a 100%. In addition, because Alta Communications IX Managers, LLC controls Alta
Communications IX Managers Limited Partnership, which controls the entity that will own 100%
of the Assignee, its interest in the Assignee is treated as if it owns a 100%.

Document Created: 2010-04-29 17:47:53
Document Modified: 2010-04-29 17:47:53

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