Attachment Young Broadcasting w

Young Broadcasting w

LETTER submitted by Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P.

Dismissal letter


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20091015-01325 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                          Brooxks, Prercr, McLenpox, HurrurEY & LEONARD, LLP.
                                                          ArrornEys at Law
                                                     RarEres, NortE CarROLINA
L.P. MCLENDON, JR.        BRIAN J. MGMILLAN        Matline appress           OFFICE ADDRESS
Eboan 5. FISHER, JR.      cavib kustner            Post OFFICE BOX 1s00      1600 WACHOVIA CAPITOL CENTER
w. ERWIN FULLER, JR.      cuwton R. PiNYAN         RALEIGH, N.C. azeoa       tso FAYETTEVILLE STREET                Hewry E. rrve
JAMES T. WILLIAMS, JF.    cor w. RaMsey                                      RALEIGH, N.C. 27eo1
wabe H. HaRGrove          RogeRtw. saunbenrs                                                                         or counset.
M, DANIEL McGINN          eineens. shiELOs                 TELEPHONE (er8) a38—0300
MICHAEL D. MEEKER         JenNirer T. Hanmon                                                                         w. ie LLoyp
WiLLiM 6. MCNAIRY         charLes &. comue                 FACSIMILE   (ers) ess.0304
                                                                                                             PARTNER AND sPECIAL COUNSEL
Epwarp c. wivskow in      chanLes F. MaRsHALL in
eeoree w. House           STEpHEN 6. HaRtzELL                                                                       rounpen 1se7
wiuaM PM. Cary            J. BENJANMIN Davis
REID L. PhiLLiPs          yuuac. amBnose
RogertA. siNGER           DARRELL A. FRUTH                                                                   AvsrEy L. BROOKS Gazz—1950)
JOHN H. SMALL             laIN macoween                                                                      wa. HoLperNESS (1s04—18se8)
RANDALL A. UNDERWOOD      Nicoe A, cRawroro                                                                     LP. MCLENDON (1820—1808)
5. LEIGH ropeNBOUGH Iv    ALEXANDER ELKAN                                                                     KENNETH M. BRIM (rasa—197 41
Mank J. PRAK              eATHICIA w. ecopson                                                                 C.1. LEONARD, UR. is22—1983)
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mMarc p, sisHOP           sara R. vizTHUM                                                                   THORNTON H.BROOKS trrz—19a0)
JiM W. PHILLIPS. Jr.      vouh s, surono                                                                        6. NEIL pANiELS te11—1997>
Mack spentine             KATHERINE J. CLAYTON                                                              HUBERT HUMPHREY Go28—2003)
gerrrey . oLevNik         KATHLEEN A. GLeason
MaRk pavinson             susan m. youne                                                                         ereeNsBono orfice
JOHN W. orMAND i1         BENJAMIN R. NORMAN                                                                   2000 RENAISSANCE PLAZA
Roment J. kiNG i1         EuzaErh E. seainHour                                                                  230 NORTH ELM STREET
v. RANDALL TiNstey
s. kvue woostey
                          PHicUiP J. LoNG
                          Anprew T. Tripp                    June 1, 2010                                      eRrEENSEORO. N.C. 27401
Fromnest w. CaMPBELL un   JosEPH A. PoNzI
MaRCUS w. TRATHEN         ADAM P.M. TARLETON                                                                     waiter‘s oirect piac.
JeA c. srooks             D.J. C‘BRIEN, 1t
vaMEs C. ADAMS it         Emic M. Davic
ALLISON M. GRIMM          cuNt s. Moree
ElzAsETH s. shewiNGTon    CHARNANDA T. RetD
h. arthuR soLCK it        EUzABETH 5. ostENDORF
u. EDWIN TuRrLiNGTON      Enic o. JoHnson
JOHN M. Choss. Jr.        MARY F. PERA
JEnNiIFER K. vaN zANT     wes J. CambDEN
kearNs pavis
pavic w. sar

      Via Overnight Mail

     Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
     Federal Communications Commission
     Office of the Secretary
     9300 East Hampton Drive
     Capitol Heights, MD 20743

                           Re:       Young Broadcasting Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
                                     Request for Dismissals of Assignment Applications

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

             This firm is counsel to Young Broadcasting Inc., Debtor—In—Possession ("Young"), the
     parent company of various FCC licensee companies. On behalf of Young and its licensee
     companies referenced below, this letter hereby requests dismissals of the following assignment
                                       Media Bureau Applications

     File Number_                             Licensee_                e
     BALCDT—20091014ACF                       KLFY, L.P., Debtor—In—Possession
     BALCDT—20091014ACK                       WATE, G.P., Debtor—In—Possession
     BALCDT—20091014ACO                       WKRN, G.P., Debtor—In—Possession
     BALCDT—20091014ACR                       Young Broadcasting Of Albany, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
     BALCDT—20091014ACV                       Young Broadcasting Of Davenport, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
     BALCDT—20091014ACW                       Young Broadcasting Of Green Bay, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
     BALCDT—20091014ACU                       Young Broadcasting Of Lansing, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
June 1, 2010
Page 2

File Number _  io             Licensee _     :        —          —          :
BALCDT—20091014ACP            Young Broadcastmg Of Rapxd City, Inc DebtorInPOSSCSSIOI}
BALCDT—20091014ACM            Young Broadcasting Of Richmond, Inc.,Debtor-In—Possessmn
BALCDT—20091014ACI            Young Broadcasting Of San Francisco, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
BALCDT—20091014ACA            Young Broadcasting Of Sioux Falls, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession

                                 International Bureau Applications

File Number _           —~_| Licensee
SESASG2009101501328           WATE, G.P., Debtor—In—Possesswn
SESASG2009101501329           WEKRN, G.P., Debtor—In—Possession
SESASG2009101501323           Young Broadcasting Of Albany, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
SESASG2009101501330           Young Broadcasting Of Richmond, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
SESASG2009101501327           Young Broadcasting Of San Francisco, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
SESASG2009101501325           Young Broadcasting Of Sioux Falls, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession

                                   Wireless Bureau Applications

File Number                   Licensee _ _                     —
0003997718                    KLFY, L.P., Debtor—In—Possesslon
0003997720                     WATE, G.PA, Debtor—In—Possession
0003997716                     WKRN, G.P., Debtor—In—Possession
0003997722                     Young Broadcasting Of Green Bay, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
0003997723                     Young Broadcasting Of Lansing, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
0003997724                     Young Broadcasting Of San Francisco, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession
0003997726                     Young Broadcasting Of Sioux Falls, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession

         Please contact the undersigned should any questions arise in connection with this matter.


                                                  sel toYoung Broadcasting Inc.,

ce:      Clay Pendarvis, Media Bureau
         Molly Fitzgerald, Media Bureau
         Shaleim Henry, Media Bureau
         Patrick Campbell, Paul Weiss, et. al.

Document Created: 2010-06-04 16:42:44
Document Modified: 2010-06-04 16:42:44

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