Attachment Consummation ltr

Consummation ltr

CONSUMMATION submitted by Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey & Leonard, L.L.P.

Consummation ltr


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20090311-00287 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                           Brooxs, PrercE, McLenxpow, HumyrparEy & Lsonarp, LLP
                                                          Arrornaeys ar Law
                                                     RapErcs, NortH CaROLINA
L.P. MeLENDON, JR.         erian 4. Memiccan       maiLine acoress         orFice aDDRESS
Epean 8. FiGHEm, Jn.       bavio kushnen           Post OrFICE BOX 1800    1600 wackovia carito center
w. crmn Furcem, onl        DeRek J. ALLEN          RALEIGH, N.C. azeoar    tso ravetTevicce stheer               Henay 5. rave
JAMEs T. WILLIAMS, JR      cuwron . Pi¥YaN                                 RALEIGH, N.C. 27601
waoe h. Hancrove           cor w ramsey                                                                           or counser.
M. DANIEL MeGiNN           rosert w. saunpens              TELEPHONE (e19)e3s0300
micHast o. mecker          Euzaeerv. caforierrE                                                               Patmiciaw. coopson
wiluan 6. MeNair           eimeens. shigLOs                FACSIMILE (919) ess.o304                               or counser.
Eowano C. wnscow i         vexnirer T. HanRop
Howanp L. WiLLiaMS         chanes 2. coste                                          . iee trove
cconer w. House            chanLes F. massHau it                                                                speciat counset
wnuam EH. cary             ratric« u. Johnson
Reid L. PHILLIPS           srephEN 6. HanTzeut.
rosery A. sincen           Anprew J. HALE                                                                        rounben ise7
worn H. ShatL              v. eenavin bavis
RANGALLA. UNDERWOOD        wuuaC. amBrose
s. eieH ropenBousH iv      canreu A. FRuTe                                                                Ausher L. srooks ne72—1958)
manic J, PRAK              lAiN MacowEEn                                                                  w. oLpEniEsS GB04—1968)
Jtc a. wilson              uessica 1. MaRUES                                                                L.P. MeLENDON Gaso—t96s)
manc 5. SisHOP             sama a. viehum                                                                  kennerh m enin nasa—978)
Jin wPHILLES, Jn.          Jotin 5. sUrORD                                                                C. LEonano, Jn, Gers—1983)
mack spemune               nicore a, caawroro                                                             claube c. rierce ora—188e)
sereney . ouernik          AvexAwbeR ELKAN                                                               Thomnton H. srooks aera—rese>
mank pavioson              kathEmmE J. cuayron                                                              6. NEIL DaNIELS Gr911—1097)
gorin w. ormaND im         kathusen A. GLEASON                                                           Huseat HumpHrey reas—2003)
rosert u. king i           susan m, Youne
v. RaNpaALL Tinstey        senuamin R. Nonman
s. xvie woostey            euzhsern E. spainroun                                                              creenssono OrFicE
romnest w. CampBetL, Jm.   Jennirer C. noBLe                                                                2000 RENAISSANCE PLAZA
mancus w. TRATHEN          bavio L. nEAL                                                                     230 NortH elm stager
sean c. srooks             saman AL. cHitues                                                                ereeNsBORO, N.C. 27401
JanEs C. ADaMS             eHnue 4. Lone
                                                           March 23, 2009
ALusoN M. Grimat           Anonew v. taipp                                                                    warren‘s pimecr ont.
Euzaserh 5. snewnoron      katheming A. soues
h. ArTHURr SoLICK i        von A. DUSERSTEm
u. EowIN TURUINGTON        Josern a. PonZ)
on m. choss, Jn.           ADaM P.M, TARLETON
JEnNIFER K. VAN zant       5.. oremen, in
kearns Davis               eric m. pavic
caviow. sar                cunt s. moree

   Via Overnight Delivery

  Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
  Federal Communications Commission
  9300 East Hampton Drive
  Capitol Heights, MD 20743

                           Re:     £850115, SES—ASG—20090311—00287
                                   Notice of Consummation of Assignment of License

  Dear Ms. Dortch

          The purpose ofthis letter is to inform the Commission of the consummation of the pro forma assignment
  of license of earth station E850115 from Young Broadcasting of Richmond, Inc. to Young Broadcasting of
   Richmond, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession. The assignment oflicense was consummated on March 13, 2009, pursuant
  to the Commission‘s grant of authority dated March 13, 2009 (File No. SES—ASG—20090311—00287).

          If any questions should arise during the course of your consideration of this matter, it is respectfully
  requested that you communicate with this office.


                                                              BROOKS, PIERCE, McLENDON,

                                                               HUMPHREY & LEONARD, LL.P.

                                                              St phen Hartzel{           /
                                                              Cjfinsel‘?é Yozfg Broadcasting ofRichmond, Inc. and
                                                              Young Broadcdsting ofRichmond, Inc., Debtor—In—Possession

Document Created: 2009-03-30 13:05:27
Document Modified: 2009-03-30 13:05:27

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