Attachment Granted Exten ASG

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20080820-01077 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                            E030139   SES—ASG—20080820—01077        1B2008002010
                            RAPID COMMUNICATIONS LLC

 HOGAN &                                                                           yyz"
  HARTSOhN                                                                         sssThreent  Steetit
                                                                                   +1.202.637.5600 Tel
                                            RECEIVED                               +1.202.637.5910 Fax

                                               DcC 0 3 2008              

November 24, 2008                             Satellite Divisipn                    l:\/latthew F. I\dNood
                                             International—Bureau                   +;‘2"%3“7" 5576

BY HAND DELIVERY                                                           FLep,
         |              .
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                   NOV+
Secretary                                                                whag       2 4 2008
Federal Communications Commission                                           Ofcg"Seations Commy
445 12th Street, S.W.                                                                ° Secratary "On
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re: File No. SES—ASG—20080820—01077
      Request for Extension of Time to Consummate Transaction Between
      Rapid Communications LLC, Assignor, and Shentel Cable Company, Assignee

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Shentel Cable Company ("Shentel"), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section 25.119(f) of
the Commission‘s Rules, respectfully requests a sixty—day extension of time to consummate the
assignment authorized in the above—referenced proceeding. See Satellite Communications
Services Information Re: Actions Taken, Public Notice, Report No. SES—01071 (IB rel. Sept. 24,
2008). In that Public Notice, the International Bureau authorized assignment of six receive—only
earth stations from Rapid Communications LLC to Shentel. Shentel requests additional time to
notify the Commission of consummation of the transaction, pending completion of other aspects
of the acquisition. Grant of the requested extension will facilitate consummation of the
transaction in the near term.                                            '

       Please refer any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

             *          _      _%              Matthew F. Wood
             éO c{t‘ltgs Extersed               Counsel for Shentel Cable Company
             to CenS—hmnate"                                        égé RSg—imgogfiw
ce:    Eleanor Lott
       Karl Kensinger
       Wayne D. Johnsen, Esq.           §
        Counsel for Rapid Communications |

                                           International Bureau

                                        UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                  RADIQ STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: RAPID COMMUNICATIONS LLC                                             File Number: SES—ASG—20080820—01077
Authorization Type: Consent To Assignment                               Class of Station:   Fixed Earth Stations

                                        Grant Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008


         9200 W CROSS DRIVE
         SUITE 600
         LUITTLETON, CO 80123

         500 SHENTEL WAY
         P.O. BOX 459
         EDINBURG, VA 22824

         E030139 COVINGTON , VA
         E6561 BELINGTON, WV
         E6625 WEBSTER SPRINGS , WV
         E873628 SUTTON, WV
         E873635 SUMMERSVILLE , WV
         E873636 WESTON, WV

         Under the authority of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the consent of the Federal
         Communications Commission is hereby granted to the transaction indicated above. The Commission‘s consent to
         the above is based on the representations made by the applicants that the statements contained in, or made in
         connection with, the application are true and that the undertakings of the parties upon which this transaction is
         authorized will be carried out in good faith. The actual consummation of voluntary transactions shall be
         completed within 60 days from the date hereof, and notice in letter form thereof shall promptly be furnished the
         Commission by the buyer showing the date the acts necessary to effect the transaction were completed. Upon
         furnishing the Commission with such written notice, this transaction will be considered completed for all
         purposes related to the above described station(s).

         Upon consummation the assignor must deliver the permit/license, including any modifications thereof to the
         assignee. It is hereby directed that, upon consummation, a copy of this consent be posted with the station
         authorization(s) as required by the Commission‘s Rules and Regulations. The assignee is not authorized to
         construct nor operate said station(s) unless and until notification of consummation in letter form has been
         forwarded to the Commission.

                                                      ( page 1 of 1 )                                              FCC Form 732

Document Created: 2019-04-14 18:45:41
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 18:45:41

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