Attachment Consummation ltr

Consummation ltr

CONSUMMATION submitted by Bryan Cave

Consummation ltr


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20080616-00781 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                      John R. Wilner
                                                                      Voice: (202) 508—6041
                                                                                              FILE COPY

                                            February 24, 2009

                                                      meceiven . FCC
                                                                                                 Bryan Cave LLP
 Robert Nelson, Chief
 Satellite Division                                             frp 24 2000
                                                                                                 700 Thirteenth Street NW

                                                                                                 Washington, D.C. 20005—3960
 International Bureau                                                   ications Commission
                                                                ‘CommunicationS                  Tel {202) 508—6000
 Federal Communications Commission                    Federa!      Buf\g;“ | office              Fax (202) 508—6200
 445 12¢" Street, S.W.                                                                 
 Washington, DC 20024
                       Re:   Consummation Notice                                                 Kamburg
                             File No. SES—ASG—20080616—00781                                     Hong Kong
                             Stations EQ40257 and EO20130                                        Irvine

                                                                                                 Jefferson City
Dear Mr. Nelson:                                                                                 Kansas City

     On behalf of Time Warner Entertainment—Advance/Newhouse Partnership                         London
(TWEAN), this will provide notice that the assignments oflicense of Fixed Earth                  Los Angeles
Stations EQ40257 and E0O20130, Kansas City, Missouri, from KCCP Trust to                         Milan
TWEAN, were consummated on December 31, 2008.                                                    New York
          The underlying assignment application was granted by a Memorandum                      San Francisco
Opinion and Order adopted and released by the Commission on February 11, 2009                    Shanghai
(DA 09—73). As discussed in paragraph 29 of the Order, the subject licenses were                 St. Louis
assigned to the Assignee on December 31, 2008. This notice of consummation                       Washington, DC
could not be provided until after the application was granted.
                                                                                                 Bryan Cave International Trade
          Should there be any questions concerning this notice, please communicate               4 TRADE CONSULTING SuBSiDiaRY
                                                                                                 oFr non—Lawrer ProressionaLs
with the undersigned.

                                         Very truly yours,                                       Bangkok


                                                                                                 Kuala Lumpur

                                         44 L« / /d AJ/-                                         Manila
                                         John R. Wilner                                          Shanghai
                                         Counsel for Time Warner Entertainment—                  Singapore
                                          Advance/Newhouse Partnership                           Tokyo

JRW/vih                                                                                          Bryan Cave Strategies
                                                                                                 A GOVERNMENT RELATIONS AND
                                                                                                 POLITICAL AFFAIRS SUBSIDIARY


                                                                                                 Washington, DC

jrw/0024814/344146v1                                                                             St. Louis

Document Created: 2009-03-05 09:08:38
Document Modified: 2009-03-05 09:08:38

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