Attachment Extension grant

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20080103-00006 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                           April 21,2008____

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554                                                           —p 4

          Re:__    Requestfor Waiver and Extension of Time in Which to Consz(r;mare Assignment
                   ofLicense, IB File No. SES—ASG—20080103—00006

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Vyvx, LLC ("Vyvx") and DG FastChannel, Inc. ("DG FastChannel") (together, the
"Applicants"), through their attorneys, respectfully request a waiver of Section 25.119(f) of the
Commission‘s rules and a 60—day extension of time in which to consummate the assignment of
FCC Call Sign E070247 (the "FCC License") from Vyvx to DG FastChannel.

          The Commission granted consent to the above—referenced assignment application on
February 26, 2008, and public notice of grant was issued on February 27, 2008. Public Notice,
Rep. No. 01011 (rel. Feb. 27, 2008). The Applicants continue to work toward finalizing other
aspects of the transaction, however, and have determined that they will not be able to close the
transaction within 60 days of the date of grant, i.e., by April 26, 2008. Therefore, the Applicants
respectfully request that the Commission extend its consent in the above—referenced proceeding
for 60 days, until June 25, 2008.

          Please contact the undersigned with any questions you may have regarding this matter.

                                        Respecifully submitted,

Kent D. Bressie
                  wl s     iss       wl
                                                    Jeffrey A. Marks
Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP                     Latham & Watkins LLP
1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 1200                    555 Eleventh Street, NW, Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20036                              Washington, D.C. 20004
Tel: 202—730—1337                                   Tel: 202—637—2120             

Counselfor Vyvx, LLC                                Counselfor DG FastChannel, Inc.

ce:       Scott Kotler (IB)
          Jeannette Spriggs (IB)

Document Created: 2008-04-24 17:00:05
Document Modified: 2008-04-24 17:00:05

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