Attachment Consummation


CONSUMMATION submitted by Joseph E. Dunne III



This document pretains to SES-ASG-20071211-01688 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                              J@seph Eo Dunne ]UH[

                                 Attorney at Law              O R ’ G , NA L
                                     P.O. Box 92035
                               Durango, CO 81302—9205
                                                              Received & Inspected

                            April 17, 2008                       APR 18 2008

                                                               FCC Mail Room

                                                       BY OVERNIGHT EXPRESS

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                                             RECE'VED
Federal Communications Commission                                      APR 2 8 2008
The Portals                                                                   .
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                                                Satellite Division
                                                                      International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554

ATTN:            Analysis Branch, Satellite Division, International Bureau

RE:              Consummation of Assignment of Domestic Temporary
                 Fixed Earth Station E980234 from Skehan Televideo
                 Service, Inc. To Gabetech Services, Inc. (SES—ASG—

Dear Ms. .Dortch:

Gabetech Services, Inc. ("Gabetech")), by its undersigned attorney,
hereby informs the Commission that the assignment of license for
the above—referenced Domestic Temporary Fixed Earth Station
authorized by the Commission in SES—ASG—20071211—01688,
granted on April 8, 2008, was consummated by the Parties on
April 9, 2008.

The facility is now being operated by Gabetech in strict conformity
with the station‘s licensed parameters and the Rules and
Regulations of the Commission.

Telephone: (970) 385—7312       E—Mail:           Fax: (970) 385—7343

Any further questions concerning the Earth Station E980234
should be addressed to the undersigned, as counsel for the
licensee, or to Gabetech at:

                Gabriel W. Romero
                Gabetech Services, Inc.
                P.0. Box 15738
                Phoenix, AZ 85067

Remote respectfully requests that the enclosed copy of this letter,
marked "COPY," be stamped as received and returned to the
undersigned in the enclosed stamped self—addressed envelope.

Should any questions arise concerning this matter, kindly contact
the undersigned directly.

                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                GABETECH SERVICES, INC.

                                By: W?-ég‘*flm
                                   ;%)seph E. Dunne III
                                   Its Attorney

XC:   Gabriel W. Romero
      Michael Skehan

Document Created: 2019-04-15 03:35:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 03:35:36

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