Attachment Consummation


CONSUMMATION submitted by Dow Lohnes PLLC



This document pretains to SES-ASG-20070316-00364 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                        John S. Logan
5\,       DOWLOhneS
                                                                                                 D 202.776.2640   _E

                                                            May 7, 2007

            Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                               .
            Secretary                                                                         MAY —7 2007
            Federal Communications Commission                                                         uxk          .
            445 12th Street, S.W.                                                       Federal oc%lgn;nggt's"ef‘;mm,‘sm
            Washington, DC 20554

            Attention:      International Bureau

                            Re:       Earth Station E880774
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00364

                                      Earth Station E880982
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00122 & SES—ASG—20070316—00364
                                      Notice of Consummation

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    On behalf of Local TV Pennsylvania License, LLC, we hereby inform the Commission that all
            acts necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignment of licenses and subsequent pro forma
            assignment of licenses, granted by the Commission on January 18, March 16 and April 4, 2007, have
            been accomplished as of May 7, 2007.

                    Please contact me if there are any questions.

                                                              Respectfully submitted,

            ce via email:
                     Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                     Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     WasHincTon, DC | ATLANTA, GA                 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                 Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                T 202.776.2000   F 202.776.2222

0 DOWLOhl‘leS                                                                                                                      John S. Logan
                                                                                                             D 202.776.2640   E

                                                            May 7, 2007

            Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.
            Secretary                                                              MAY — 7 2007
            Federal Communications Commission                             Federal Communications Commission
            445 12th Street, S.W.                                                  Office of the Secretary
            Washington, DC 20554

            Attention:      International Bureau

                            Re:       Earth Station E872101
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00122 & SES—ASG—20070316—00360

                                      Earth Station E880052
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00360

                                      Earth Station E020032
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00360
                                      Notice of Consummation

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    On behalf of Local TV Oklahoma License, LLC, we hereby inform the Commission that all acts
            necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignment of licenses and subsequent pro forma
            assignment of licenses, granted by the Commission on January 18, March 16 and April 4, 2007, have
            been accomplished as of May 7, 2007.

                    Please contact me if there are any questions.

                                                              Respectfully sul)\{x%Btted,


            ce via email:
                     Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                     Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     WasHincton, DC | Atlanta, GA                             1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                             Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                            T 202.776.2000   F 202.776.2222

0 DowLohnes                                                                                                                      John S. Logan
                                                                                                          D 202.776.2640   E

                                                            May 7, 2007

            Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.
            Secretary                                                                     MAY — 7 2007
            Federal Communications Commission                                      Federal Communications Commission
            445 12th Street, S.W.                                                        Office of the Secretary
            Washington, DC 20554

            Attention:      International Bureau

                            Re:       Earth Station E5173
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00122 & SES—ASG—20070316—00361

                                      Earth Station E920286
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00361
                                      Notice of Consummation

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    On behalf of Local TV Arkansas License, LLC, we hereby inform the Commission that all acts
            necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignment of licenses and subsequent proforma
            assignment of licenses, granted by the Commission on January 18, March 16 and April 4, 2007, have
            been accomplished as of May 7, 2007.

                    Please contact me if there are any questions.

            ce via email:
                     Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                     Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     WasHington, DC | AttaNTA, GA                          1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                          Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                         T 202.776.2000   F 202.776.2222

z’i DOWLOhnes                                   ts                      o                                                         John S. Logan
                                                                                                        D 202.776.2640      E

                                                           May 7, 2007

            Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                     F”_ED/ACCEPTED
            Federal Communications Commission                                                      NAY «_ 7 2007
            445 12th Street, S.W.                                                   Foderal        C
              ashington , DC 20554                                                            ral Office
                                                                                                     Communications  Commission
                                                                                                         of the Secretarym

            Attention:      International Bureau

                            Re:       Earth Station E5063
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00122 & SES—ASG—20070316—00366

                                      Earth Station E910432
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00366

                                      Earth Station E940157
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00366
                                      Notice of Consummation

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    On behalf of Local TV Tennessee License, LLC, we hereby inform the Commission that all acts
            necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignment of licenses and subsequent pro forma
            assignment of licenses, granted by the Commission on January 18, March 16 and April 4, 2007, have
            been accomplished as of May 7, 2007.

                    Please contact me if there are any questions.

                                                              Respectfully submitted,

            ce via email:
                     Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                    Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     Wasnincton, DC | Atlanta, GA                        1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                        Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                       T 202.776.2000     F 202.776.2222

0 DowLohnes                                                                                          D 202.776.2640
                                                                                                                             fohn $. Logan

                                                            May 7, 2007

            Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                     F"-ED/ACCEPTED
            Secretary                                                                      MAY L 72007
            Federal Communications Commission
            445 12th Street, SW.                                                       Federal Communications Commission
            Washington, DC 20554                                                             Office of the Secretary

            Attention:      International Bureau

                            Re:       Earth Station E880108
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00367
                                      Notice of Consummation

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    On behalf of Local TV Virginia License, LLC, we hereby inform the Commission that all acts
            necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignment of license and subsequent proforma
            assignment of license, granted by the Commission on March 16 and April 4, 2007, have been
            accomplished as of May 7, 2007.

                    Please contact me if there are any questions.

                                                        /Re          ectfilllf s@ted,

            ce via email:
                     Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                     Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     WasHinston, DC | AtiaNnTa, GA                   1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                    Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                   T 202.776.2000     F 202.776.2222

0 DowLohnes                                                                                                                        John . Logan
                                                                                                             D 202.776.2640   E

                                                           May 7, 2007

            Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                FILED/ACCEPTED
            Secretary                                                                     .
            Federal Communications Commission                                             MAY — 7 2007
            445 12th Street, S.W.                                                  Federal Communications Commission
            Washington, DC 20554                                                         Office of the Secretary .

            Attention:      International Bureau

                            Re:       Earth Station E3683
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00122 & SES—ASG—20070316—00365

                                      Earth Station E8190
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00122 & SES—ASG—20070316—00365

                                      Earth Station E050127
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00365
                                      Notice of Consummation

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    On behalf of Local TV Illinois License, LLC, we hereby inform the Commission that all acts
            necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignment of licenses and subsequent proforma
            assignment of licenses, granted by the Commission on January 18, March 16 and April 4, 2007, have
            been accomplished as of May 7, 2007.

                    Please contact me if there are any questions.


            ce via email:
                     Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                    Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     Washington, DC | ATlaNTA, GA                            1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                            Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                           T 202.776.2000    F 202.776.2222

                                                         _0                                                               John S. Logan
b\, DOWLOhneS
                                                                                                    D 202.776.2640   &E

                                                              May 7, 2007

            Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                        MAY — 7 2007
                                                                                    Federal Communications Commisgion
            Federal Communications Commission                                              Office of the Secretary
            445 12th Street, S.W.
            Washington, DC 20554

            Attention:      International Bureau

                            Re:     Earth Station E5430
                                    SES—ASG—20070117—00122 & SES—ASG—20070316—00363

                                    Earth Station E910615
                                    SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00363

                                    Earth Station E950143
                                    SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00363
                                    Notice of Consummation

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    On behalf of Local TV Alabama License, LLC, we hereby inform the Commission that all acts
            necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignment of licenses and subsequent proforma
            assignment of licenses, granted by the Commission on January 18, March 16 and April 4, 2007, have
            been accomplished as of May 7, 2007.

                    Please contact me if there are any questions.

                                                                    ectfully submitted,

            cce via email:
                      Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                      Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     WasHington, DC | AtianNtA, GA                   1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                    Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                   T 202.776.2000   F 202.776.2222

                                                            ~        ‘      TT CBHC.fe                                             John S. Logan
                                                                                                            D 202.776.2640   E

                                                            May 7, 2007

            Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                               «>
            Secretary                                                                         MAY —7 2007
            Federal Communications Commission                                          Federal Communications Commission
            445 12th Street, S.W.                                                             Office of the Secretary .
            Washington, DC 20554

            Attention:      International Bureau

                            Re:       Earth Station E950146
                                      SES—ASG—20070117—00123 & SES—ASG—20070316—00362
                                      Notice of Consummation

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

                    On behalf of Local TV Iowa License, LLC, we hereby inform the Commission that all acts
            necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignment of license and subsequent proforma
            assignment of license, granted by the Commission on March 16 and April 4, 2007, have been
            accomplished as of May 7, 2007.

                    Please contact me if there are any questions.

                                                                Respectfully submitted
                                                                /                   ////,,/

            ce via email:
                     Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                    Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                     WasHinaton, DC | ATLaANTA, GA                           1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
Attorneys at Law                                                                                            Washington, DC 20036—6802                                                                                           T 202.776.2000   F 202.776.2222

Bece:    Kevin G. Levy
        John R. Feore, Jr.
        Kevin P. Latek

Document Created: 2007-05-08 11:43:29
Document Modified: 2007-05-08 11:43:29

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