Attachment Amendment


AMENDMENT submitted by DowLohnes



This document pretains to SES-ASG-20070316-00364 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


§           @WLOhneS |                                                                                               Kevin P. Latek
                                                                                              D 202.776.2594   E

                                                         April 3, 2007
        Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.
        Federal Communications Commission
        445 12th Street, S.W.
        Washington, DC 20554

                           Re:     FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070316—00360
                                   FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070316—00361
                                   FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070316—00362
                                   FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070316—00363
                                   FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070316—00364
                                   FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070316—00365
                                   FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070316—00366
                                   FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070316—00367
                                   Pro Forma Assignment of Earth Stations Licenses

        Dear Ms. Dortch:

                On behalf of Local TV, LLC, we hereby confirm a recent conversation with the
        Commission‘s International Bureau staff regarding the above—referenced proforma assignment
        applications.                                                                 —

                On January 18 and March 16, 2007, the International Bureau granted long—form applications
        for consent to assign the licenses subject to the above—referenced applications from New York Times
        Management Services to Local TV, LLC (FCC File Nos. SES—ASG—20070117—00122, SES—ASG—
        20070117—00123). The parties have not consummated that transaction. Subject to the grant of the
        above—referenced proforma assignment applications, New York Times Management Services will
        assign the appropriate earth station licenses directly to the wholly owned license subsidiaries of
        Local TV, LLC specified in the pertinent proforma assignment application. As such, the long—form
        and pro forma transactions effectively will occur simultaneously.

                 In addition, on March 16, 2007 the FCC‘s Media Bureau granted similar proforma
        assignment applications for the broadcast television station licenses associated with these earth
        stations. (FCC File Nos. BALCT—200703094ADW; —20070309¥ES; —20070309AEV;—
        20070309AEW; 20070309AEX; —20070309AFJ; —20070309AFK and —20070309AFM.)

                    Please contact me with any questions about this filing.

                                                            Ri:fipectfillly submlttif/l,;-" 4

        cc (via email): Jeanette Spriggs (FCC)
                           Jennifer Johnson (counsel to New York Times Management Services)

Dow Lohnes PLLC                                   WasHhington, DC | AttantA, GA               1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
                                                                                              Washington, DC 20036—6802
Attorneys at Law
                                                                                              T 202.776.2000   F 202.776.2222

Document Created: 2007-04-03 17:20:38
Document Modified: 2007-04-03 17:20:38

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