Attachment Amendment

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20070227-00267 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


   5 DOWLOhneS                                            C                          Lo   2C                                   Robert J. Folliard, III
                                                                                                              D 202.776.2357   E

                                                           March 30, 2007                      FILED/ACCEPTED

          VIA COURIER                                                                               MAR 3 0 2007
          Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.                                                            Federal Communications Commission:
          Secretary                                                                                Office of the Secretary
          Federal Communications Commission
          445 12th Street, SW
          Washington, DC 20554

                               Re:     Earth Station E980245
                                       FCC File No. SES—ASG—20070227—00267
                                       Amendment to Pending Assignment of License Application

          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                  On behalf of HITV License Subsidiary, Inc. ("HITV"), proposed assignee of the above—
          referenced earth station, we hereby submit an amendment to the pending assignment of license
          application (SES—ASG—20070227—00267), which was submitted electronically on February 27, 2007.

                  Exhibit E provides an updated description of current ownership and parties to the application.
          HITV does not propose to add any new officers or directors. Instead, HITV only proposes to remove
          certain individuals who will not be officers of HITV or its parent companies. HITV also proposes to
          simplify the ownership structure by removing GMC, LLC. HITV also resubmits Exhibit F which
          provides a description of the current use of the earth station and a statement that grant of the instant
          application serves the public interest. After reviewing the Commission‘s IBFS database, HITV
          discovered that Exhibit F does not appear in IBFS. HITV therefore resubmits this exhibit for the
          Commission‘s convenience.

                        Kindly contact the undersigned if you have any questions about this matter.

                                                                         Respectfully      submitted,

                                                                                      . Folliard, III

          ce:       Ms. Jeanette Spriggs (FCC) (via email)
                    John E. Fiorini, III, Esq. (counsel to Emmis Television License, LLC)

Dow Lohnes
Atromeys acrau   PLLC                                 WasHinGton, DC | Atianta, GA
Mioopnathaw                                                                                               1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Suite 800
                                                                                                          Washington, DC 20036—6802
                                                                                                          T 202.776.2000 _F 202.776.2222

                                                                                        Form 312
                                                                                      March 2007
                                                                                      Page 1 of 1

                                    ASSIGNEE EXHIBIT F

                             FCC Form 312 Schedule A Item A21

        This application seeks FCC consent to the assignment of the earth station license
identified at Item A8 of FCC Form 312 Schedule A (the "Earth Station"), from Emmis
Television License, LLC (the "Assignor") to HITV License Subsidiary, Inc. (the "Assignee").
The Earth Station is used in connection with the broadcast operations of a commercial TV
station, licensed to and owned by the Assignor, for news gathering and coverage of events of
interest to the local community. The parties to this application are concurrently filing an FCC
Form 314 assignment of license application in the Media Bureau‘s CDBS electronic filing
system for consent to assign the license for the commercial TV station associated with the Earth
Station. After consummation of the proposed transaction the Assignee will continue to use the
Earth Station in the same manner and for the same purposes as before the assignment.
Accordingly, grant of this FCC Form 312 would serve the public interest.

                                                                                                  Form 312
                                                                                               March 2007
                                                                                               Page 1 of 12
                                       ASSIGNEE EXHIBIT E

                                FCC Form 312 Schedule A Item A20

Ownership ofHITV License Subsidiary, Inc.

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                          eB)                                     (2.)                                 (3.)
1.       HITV License Subsidiary, Inc.            Douglas Greenlaw                       Gary Marshall
         1100 Wilson Boulevard                    148 River Street                       148 River Street
         Suite 3000                               Suite 100                              Suite 100
         Arlington, VA 22209                      Greenville, SC 29601                   Greenville, SC 29601
2.       Delaware Corporation                     USA                                    USA
3.       N/A                                      Director and Chief Executive           Director and Chief
                                                  Officer                                Operating Officer
4.       N/A                                      0%                                     0%
5.       N/A‘                                     N/A                                    N/A

                          4)                                      G)                                   (6)
 1.      Samuel G. Rubenstein                     Michael McHugh                         Robert Marcotte
         1100 Wilson Boulevard                    1100 Wilson Boulevard                  1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                               Suite 3000                             Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209                      Arlington, VA 22209                    Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                                      USA                                    USA
3.       Director, Secretary and Vice             Director and President                 Director
4.       0%                                       0%                                     0%
5.       N/A                                      N/A                                    N/A

‘ The respondent interprets Question 5 as seeking information about any parties, whose interests are
otherwise non—attributable, who acquire attributable status as a result of operation of the "equity debt plus"
rule (47 C.F.R. § 73.3555, Note 2(j)). There are no such parties in the reporting entity. As a result, Line 5
has been answered "N/A," unless there is a positional interest to report. Where applicable, the figure
represents the percentage of equity the party holds in the entity.


                                                                                Form 312
                                                                              March 2007
                                                                              Page 2 of 12

                          (7.)                        (8.)                          (9.)
 1.       Steven F. Tunney               Michael R. McDonnell           John C. Wellons
          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                      Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209             Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                             USA                            USA
3.       Vice President                  Treasurer and Vice President   Vice President and
                                                                        Assistant Treasurer
4.       0%                              0%                             0%
5.       N/A                             N/A                            N/A

                          (10.)                      (11.)                         (12.)
 1.       Dana E. Sterm                  Kara A. Parmelee               Joseph Pelican
          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                      Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209             Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                             USA                            USA
3.        Vice President and Assistant   Vice President and Assistant   Vice President and
         Secretary                       Secretary                      Assistant Secretary
4,       0%                              0%                             0%
5.       N/A                             N/A                            N/A

 1.        HITV Operating Co., Inc.
           1100 Wilson Boulevard
           Suite 3000
          Arlington, VA 22209
2.        Delaware Corporation
3.        N/A
4.        100%
5.        N/A


                                                                               Form 312
                                                                             March 2007
                                                                             Page 3 of 12

Ownership ofHITV Operating Co., Inc.

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                          (1.)                       (2.)                          (3.)
 1.      HITV Operating Co., Inc.       Douglas Greenlaw               Gary Marshall
         1100 Wilson Boulevard,         148 River Street               148 River Street
         Suite 3000                     Suite 100                      Suite 100
         Arlington, VA 22209            Greenville, SC 29601           Greenville, SC 29601
2.       Delaware Corporation           USA                            USA
3.       N/A                            Director and Chief Executive   Director and Chief
                                        Officer                        Operating Officer
4.       N/A                            0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A

                          (4.)                        (5.)                         (6.)
 1.      Samuel G. Rubenstein           Michael McHugh                 Robert Marcotte
         1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                            USA                            USA
3.       Director, Secretary and Vice   Director and President         Director
4.       0%                             0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A

                          (7.)                       (8.)                          (9.)
1.       Steven F. Tunney               Michael R. McDonnell           John C. Wellons
         1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                            USA                            USA
3.       Vice President                 Treasurer and Vice President   Vice President and
                                                                       Assistant Treasurer
4.       0%                             0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A


                                                                               Form 312
                                                                            March 2007
                             .                                              Page 4 of 12
                       (10.)                         (11.)                          (12.)
1.       Dana E. Stern                  Kara A. Parmelee               Joseph Pelican
         1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                            USA                            USA
3.       Vice President and Assistant   Vice President and Assistant   Vice President and Assistant
         Secretary                      Secretary                      Secretary
4.       0%                             0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A

1.       GMC Television Broadcasting
         Holdings, Inc.
         1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209
2.       Delaware Corporation
3.       N/A
4,       100%
5.       N/A


                                                                               Form 312
                                                                             March 2007
                                                                             Page 5 of 12
Ownership of GMC Television Broadcasting Holdings, Inc.

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                        (1.)                          (2.)                         (3.)
 1.      GMC Television Broadcasting    Douglas Greenlaw               Gary Marshall
         Holdings, Inc.                 148 River Street               148 River Street
         1100 Wilson Boulevard,         Suite 100                      Suite 100
         Suite 3000                     Greenville, SC 29601           Greenville, SC 29601
         Arlington, VA 22209
2.       Delaware Corporation           USA                            USA
3.       N/A                            Director and Chief Executive   Director and Chief
                                        Officer                        Operating Officer
 4.      N/A                            0%                             0%
 5.      N/A                            N/A                            N/A

                          (4.)                       (5.)                          (6.)
 1.       Samuel G. Rubenstein          Michael McHugh                 Robert Marcotte
         1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                            USA                            USA
3.       Director, Secretary and Vice   Director and President         Director
4.       0%                             0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A

                          )                          (8)                          (9)
 1.      Steven F. Tunney               Michael R. McDonnell           John C. Wellons
         1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                            USA                            USA
3.       Vice President                 Treasurer and Vice President   Vice President and
                                                                       Assistant Treasurer
4.       0%                             0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A


                                                                              Form 312
                                                                            March 2007
                             .                                              Page 6 of 12
                       (10.)                         (11.)                          (12.)
1.       Dana E. Stern                  Kara A. Parmelee               Joseph Pelican
         1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                            USA                            USA
3.       Vice President and Assistant   Vice President and Assistant   Vice President and Assistant
         Secretary                      Secretary                      Secretary
4.       0%                             0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A

 1.      GMC Television Broadcasting,
         1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209
2.       Delaware Limited Liability
3.       N/A
4.       100%
5.       N/A


                                                                               Form 312
                                                                             March 2007
                                                                             Page 7 of 12
Ownership of GMC Television Broadcasting, LLC

1.      Name
2.      Citizenship
3.      Positional Interest
4.      Percentage of votes
5.      Percentage of total assets

                         (1.)                        (2.)                          (3.)
1.       GMC Television Broadcasting,   Douglas Greenlaw               Gary Marshall
         LLC                            148 River Street               148 River Street
         1100 Wilson Boulevard,         Suite 100                      Suite 100
         Suite 3000                     Greenville, SC 29601           Greenville, SC 29601
         Arlington, VA 22209
2.       Delaware Limited Liability     USA                            USA
3.       N/A                            Manager and Chief Executive    Manager and Chief
                                        Officer                        Operating Officer
4.       N/A                            0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A

                          (4.)                       (5.)                          (6.)
 1.      Samuel G. Rubenstein           Michael McHugh                 Robert Marcotte
         1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                            USA                            USA                     0_
3.       Manager, Secretary and Vice    Manager and President          Manager
4.       0%                             0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A

                          (7.)                       (8.)                          (9.)
 1.      Steven F. Tunney               Michael R. McDonnell           John C. Wellons
         1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                            USA                            USA                     _
3.       Vice President                 Treasurer and Vice President   Vice President and
                                                                       Assistant Treasurer
4,       0%                             0%                             0%
5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A


                                                                               Form 312
                                                                             March 2007
                                  —                                          Page 8 of 12
                          (10.)                      (11.)                         (12.)
 1.       Dana E. Stern                  Kara A. Parmelee               Joseph Pelican
          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard          1100 Wilson Boulevard
          Suite 3000                     Suite 3000                     Suite 3000
          Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209            Arlington, VA 22209
 2.       USA                            USA                            USA
 3.       Vice President and Assistant   Vice President and Assistant   Vice President and
          Secretary                      Secretary                      Assistant Secretary
 4.       0%                             0%                             0%
 5.       N/A                            N/A                            N/A

 1.        MCG Capital Corporation
           1100 Wilson Boulevard
           Suite 3000
           Arlington, VA 22209
 2.        Delaware Corporation
 3.        Member
 4,        100%
 5.        N/A


                                                                                    Form 312
                                                                                  March 2007
                                                                                  Page 9 of 12
Ownership ofMCG Capital Corporation

MCG Capital Corporation ("MCG") is a publicly traded company. No individual owns
more than five percent ofits outstanding voting stock. MCG is controlled by its eight
member board of directors.

1.       Name
2.       Citizenship
3.       Positional Interest
4.       Percentage of votes
5.       Percentage of total assets

                          (1)                                 C)                        GJ
1.       MCG Capital Corporation                 Kenneth J. O‘Keefe         Steven F. Tunney
         1100 Wilson Boulevard                   1100 Wilson Boulevard      1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                              Suite 3000                 Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209                     Arlington, VA 22209        Arlington, VA 22209
2.       Delaware Corporation                    USA                        USA
3.       N/A                                     Chairman                   Director, Chief Executive
                                                                            Officer and President
4.       N/A                                     x*                         *
5.       N/A                                     N/A                        N/A

                          (4.)                                (5.)                      (6.)
1.       Robert J. Merrick                       B. Hagen Saville           Jeffrey M. Bucher
         1100 Wilson Boulevard                   1100 Wilson Boulevard      1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                              Suite 3000                 Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209                     Arlington, VA 22209        Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                                     USA                        USA
3.       Director, Chief Investment              Director, Executive Vice   Director
         Officer and Executive Vice              President—Business
         President                               Development
4.       J                                       J                          J

5.       N/A                                     N/A                        N/A

                          (7.)                                (8.)                      (9.)
1.       Edward S. Civera                        Kim D. Kelly               Wallace B. Millner, III
         1100 Wilson Boulevard                   1100 Wilson Boulevard      1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                              Suite 3000                 Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209                     Arlington, VA 22209        Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                                     USA                        USA
3.       Director                                Director                   Director
4,       *                                       *                          *

5.       N/A                                     N/A                        N/A

2 * — Owns less than 5% of MCG‘s voting stock.


                                                                                     Form 312
                                                                                   March 2007
                              —                                                   Page 10 of 12
                      (10.)                              (11.)                          (12.)
         Michael R. McDonnell               Robert S. Grazioli               John C. Wellons
         1100 Wilson Boulevard              1100 Wilson Boulevard            1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                         Suite 3000                       Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209                Arlington, VA 22209              Arlington, VA 22209
         USA                                USA                              USA
         Chief Operating Officer, Chief     Chief Information Officer and    Chief Accounting Officer,
         Financial Officer, Treasurer and   Senior Vice President            Assistant Treasurer and
         Executive Vice President                                            Senior Vice President
         *                                  *                                *

         N/A                                N/A                              N/A

                      (13.)                              (14.)                          (15.)
         Samuel G. Rubenstein               Dana E. Stern                    Kara A. Parmelee
         1100 Wilson Boulevard              1100 Wilson Boulevard            1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                         Suite 3000                       Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209                Arlington, VA 22209              Arlington, VA 22209
         USA                                USA                              USA
         General Counsel/Chief Legal        Assistant Corporate Secretary,   Assistant Corporate
         Officer, Chief Compliance          Senior Vice President and        Secretary and Vice
         Officer, Corporate Secretary and   Deputy General Counsel           President
         Executive Vice President
         *k                                 *k                               *

         N/A                                N/A                              N/A

                      (16.)                              (17.)                          (18.)
         Miriam E. Goldsmith                Joseph P. Pelican                Derek R. Thomas
         1100 Wilson Boulevard              1100 Wilson Boulevard            1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                         Suite 3000                       Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209                Arlington, VA 22209              Arlington, VA 22209
         USA                                USA                              USA
         Vice President, Assistant          Assistant Corporate Secretary    Executive Vice President—
         Corporate Secretary and            and Vice President               Risk Management &
         Assistant General Counsel                                           Underwriting
         *k                                 *k                               *k

         N/A                                N/A                              N/A

                       (19.)                              (20.)                         (21.)
         William B. Ford                    Kathryn E. Killeen               Robert L. Marcotte
         1100 Wilson Boulevard              1100 Wilson Boulevard            1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                         Suite 3000                       Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209                Arlington, VA 22209              Arlington, VA 22209
         USA                                USA                              USA
         Senior Vice President              Senior Vice President and        Senior Vice President
                                            Director of Sponsorship &
         *                                  *                                *

         N/A                                N/A                              N/A


                                                                  Form 312
                                                                March 2007
                              —                               Page 11 of 12
                      (22.)                    (23.)                (24.)
1.       Susan Camp               Mary Coan               Mary Cotturo
         1100 Wilson Boulevard    1100 Wilson Boulevard   1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000               Suite 3000              Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209      Arlington, VA 22209     Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                      USA                     USA
3.       Vice President           Vice President          Vice President
4.       *                        *                       *
5.       N/A                      N/A                     N/A

                      (25.)                     (26.)                  (27.)
1.       Richard M. Fruzzetti     Douglas H. Gilbert      Andrew Jacobson
         1100 Wilson Boulevard    1100 Wilson Boulevard   1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000               Suite 3000              Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209      Arlington, VA 22209     Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                      USA                     USA
3.       Vice President           Vice President          Vice President
4.       *                        *¥                      *

5.       N/A                      N/A                     N/A

                      (28.)                     (29.)                  (30.)
 1.      Ehssan Malekian          Stephen W. Mann         Michael McHugh
          1100 Wilson Boulevard   1100 Wilson Boulevard   1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000               Suite 3000              Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209      Arlington, VA 22209     Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                      USA                     USA
3.       Vice President           Vice President          Vice President
4_       *                        *¥                      *

5.       N/A                      N/A                     N/A

                     (31.)                      (32.)               (33.)
1.       Thomas P. McLoughlin     John S. Patton, Jr.     Michael Rhodes
          1100 Wilson Boulevard   1100 Wilson Boulevard   1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000               Suite 3000              Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209      Arlington, VA 22209     Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                      USA                     USA
3.       Vice President           Vice President          Vice President
4.       *                        *                       *

5.       N/A                      N/A                     N/A


                                                                       Form 312
                                                                     March 2007
                                                                    Page 12 of 12
                       (34.)                    (35.)                     (36.)
1.       Jennifer Smith             Salman Tajuddin            Alan Cuthbertson
         1100 Wilson Boulevard      1100 Wilson Boulevard      1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                 Suite 3000                 Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209        Arlington, VA 22209        Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                        USA                        USA
3.       Vice President             Vice President             Assistant Vice President
4.       *                          *                          *

5.       N/A                        N/A                        N/A

                       (37.)                     (38.)                    (39.)
 1.      James Jackson              Christopher J. Lee         Richard G. Singleton
          1100 Wilson Boulevard     1100 Wilson Boulevard      1100 Wilson Boulevard
         Suite 3000                 Suite 3000                 Suite 3000
         Arlington, VA 22209        Arlington, VA 22209        Arlington, VA 22209
2.       USA                        USA                        USA
3.       Assistant Vice President   Assistant Vice President   Assistant Vice President
4.        *k                        *k                         *k

5.       N/A                        N/A                        N/A


Document Created: 2007-04-02 17:05:24
Document Modified: 2007-04-02 17:05:24

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