Attachment E870510


CONSUMMATION submitted by Wiley Rein LLP



This document pretains to SES-ASG-20061201-02080 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



                                       MAR 0 7 2007
                                       Satelte Dvison
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                       March 5, 2007

weustepsincon          Marlene H. Dortch                                 FILED/ACCEPTED
                       Federal Communications Commission                      MAR — 52007
                       The Portals                                      FidealConmence   Cmnisin
                       445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                              Otceotpe    Sscniny
                       12th Street Lobby, TW—A325
                       Washington, DC 20554
                       Re:       Notice of Consummation
                                 Assignment of License for Receive—Only Earth Station E870510
                                 File No SES—ASG—20061201—02080
                       Dear Ms. Dortch:
                       On December 7, 2006, the Commission granted its consent to the assignment ofthe
                       Hicense for earth station E870510 from Piedmont Television ofYoungstown
                       License, LLC to NVT Youngstown Licensee LLC. An extension oftime to
                       consummate this assignment was granted through March 3, 2007 (see Artachment
                       A). This notification is to advise the Commission that the assignment was
                       consummated on March 2, 2007
                       If any questions should arise concerning this matter, kindly contact the undersigned
                       Respétfully yours,

                       Ce: (Jeanette Spriggs, FCC, via email)


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       Marlene H. Dortch, Esquire                                        Filea SES—A5d—200 thor—niozo
       Federal Communications Commission                                 CallSizn E$70570 GnmiDam C:
      445 12" Street,S.W., The Portals                                   (orotheridenifie             M
       Washington, D.C.     20554
              Re:     Requestto Extend Consummation DB@RNIE
                      for Earth Station E870510 |_LCmwm Buom Approvat                                      Lo
                      (File No. SES—ASG—INTR2006—03191)
      Dear Ms. Dortchs
              Piedmont Television of Youngstown License LLC (*Piedmont Youngstown") and NVT
      Youngstown License, LLC (‘NVT Youngstown") (collctively, the "Partics"), pursuant to 47
      C.F.R. § 1.46, hereby request an extension of30 days in which to consummate and notify the
      Commission of the assignment of the carth station license authorized by the Commission through
      the grant ofthe above referenced assignment application
              Earth station E70510is used in connection with the operation of ful—power television
      station WKBN—TV, Youngstown, Ohio. The assignment ofthe liense for the earth station is a
      part ofa arger transaction involving the assignment ofall ofPiedmont Youngstown‘s lienses to
      NVT Youngstown. The Media Bureau application to assign Piedmont Youngstown‘s broadcast
      Hicenses (File No. BALCT—20061 122ADL) was filed contemporancously with the earth station
      assignment application that is the subject of thisleter. The Media Bureau application was
      granted on January 8, 2007 and is notfinal until February 21, 2007.
               ‘The 60—day period in which to consummate the assignment olcense for earth station
      E870510 from Piedmont Youngstown to NVT Youngstown will expire prior t the partis®
      ability to finalize the transsction involving the associated broadeast cense assignments.
      Therefore, the parties request an additional 30 days in which to consummate and notify the
      Commission ofthe assignment ofarth station E870510 from Piedmont Youngstoun to NVT


  Marlene H. Dortch, Esquire
  February 1, 2007
          Should any questions arise concerning this extension request, please communicate
  direcily with the undersigned.

                                               foseph M. Di Scipi
                                              Counsel for Piedmont Television of
                                              Youngstown License LLC
  ces     Jeanette Spriges (FCC) (by email)
          Scott Katler (FCC) (by email
          Joanne Lucanit (FCC) (by email
          Gregory L. Masters, Esquire (Counsel for Assignce) (by email)

Document Created: 2007-03-07 15:36:32
Document Modified: 2007-03-07 15:36:32

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