This document pretains to SES-ASG-20060829-01558 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                               RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: PARNASSO8, LP                                                   Pile Number:SES—ASG—20020722.01021
Authorzation Type: Consent To Assignment                          Class of Suaion:. Fived Earth Sutions
                                     Grant Date:   Monday, December2, 2002

        Parnassos, Lp
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       Comeast of Forida/Pennsylvania, LP
       1500 MarkeSveet
       Phiadeiphia, PA 19102
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        Under the authority of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the consent of the Federl
        Communications Commission is hereby granted t the transiction idicatedabove. The Commission‘s consentto
        the above is based on the representitions made by the aplicants hatthe statements contained n, or made in
        comecton withthe applieationae ree and that thundertakingsof the partesupon whichthis ransaction is
        authoried will be caried out in good faits The actual consummation of voluntry transictons shall be
        complted within 60 daysfrom the date heeof,and notice in leter form threofshall promply be furished the
        Commision by the buyer showing the date the acis necessry to effect the trinsiction were completed. Upon
        firmishing the Commission with such writen notce, hi trmsaction will be considered completed for all
        perpose related to theabove described sation(s)
 apormionit reoumestents
        Upon consummationthassignar must dliver the pernit/iceme,including any modifeations threof tothe
        assince, t is hereby direted tht, upon consummation, a copy of this content be postd with the staon
        authorization(s) as required by the Commision‘s Rules and Repultion. The assignce is not auhorized to
        constrit nor operte said stations) unless and unil notifcation of consummation in leter form has been
        forwarded to the Commission.

                                                   (page L or1)                                          ECC Form 732

Document Created: 2006-09-07 09:08:48
Document Modified: 2006-09-07 09:08:48

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