Attachment FRN Notification

FRN Notification

LETTER submitted by Cohen And Marks LLP

Supplement Inform for E960629


This document pretains to SES-ASG-20060524-00882 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                  CoHN AND MARKS LLP
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CGard                                                                        sc tenc@inrnaiiim
                                       November 7, 2006

via Ece couriER                                                                 FILED/ACCEPTED
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                               NoV —7 2006
Secretary                                     RECEIVED                         Fnten OfrotbeSramiey
                                                                                     Connurato Comniaie
Federal Communications Commission
Portals 11. Filing Counter, TW—A325             NOV 0 8 2005
445 12th Street, S.W
Washington, D.C, 20554                         Satatte Diision
   ATTN:    Intemational Bureau               InternationalBuroau
               Re:—    Domestic Fixed Satellite Earth Station E960629
                       File No. SES—ASG—20060524—00882
                       FRN: 0014964415

Dear Ms. Dortch

Pursuant to Section 25.119 (1 of the rules, the Commission is hereby notified that the license of
Domestic Fixed Satellite Earth Station E960629 was              ied from Stockton Christian Lif
College, Inc. to Your Christian Companion Network, Inc., effective October 25, 2006, in
accordance with authority granted on September 26. 2006 in the above—captioned application for
consent to assign. The FRN of Your Christian Companion Network, 0008598484 and this
FRN should now be associated with E960620

                                                    Very |>
                                                         u yours

                                                    Ri hard/\ Helmmk

Document Created: 2006-11-08 15:40:29
Document Modified: 2006-11-08 15:40:29

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