Attachment Consummation

This document pretains to SES-ASG-20060411-00612 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


& DowLohnes                          RECEIVED                                                    Kevin P. Latek
                                                                                  B amrtanps Ciiniatessimscon
                                        JUL 0 5 2006
                                       Satelte Diision

                                                June 26, 2006             RECEIVED
                                                                            JuN 2 6 2006
       Marlene H. Dortch, Esq.
       Secretary                                                       Foden Communtos Conmison
       Federal Communications Commission                                      Gites t Secrean
       445 12th Street, S.W.
       Washington, DC 20554

                      Re:    Earth Station EOOO732, SES—ASG—2006041 1—0061 1
                             Earth Station EO30231, SES—ASG—20060411—0061 1
                             Earth Station E40275, SES—ASG—20060411—00612
                             Earth Station E970508, SES—ASG—20060411—00613
                             Earth Station E030019, SES—ASG—20060411—00614
                             Notice of Consummation:

       Dear Ms. Dortch:

              On behalf of Media General Communications, Inc., we hereby inform the Commission
       that all acts necessary to consummate the above—referenced assignments of licenses, granted by
       the Commission on June 8 and 26, 2006, were accomplished as of June 26, 2006.

              If you have any questions concering this matter, please contact the undersigned.
                                                 Respectfully submitted,


Dow Lohnes PLLC                            Hnsuneron. 0c | Anaon, cA              s1hn tampts en c sat oo
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Document Created: 2006-07-05 12:00:02
Document Modified: 2006-07-05 12:00:02

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