Attachment Consummation


LETTER submitted by NBC WJAR License Company



This document pretains to SES-ASG-20060307-00380 for Assignment on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


             e                        |   2000 PENNSYLVANIA AvrE., Nw       mMorrison & rorRstER LLp
  _    _MORRISON       FOERSTER           Wasuincton, D.C.                  NEW YORK. SaN FRAaNCISCO,
                                                                            LOS    ANGELES,   PALO ALTO,
                                                                            SaAN   DIEGO,   WaSHINGTON.    D.C

                                          Trerernonre 202.887.1500          DENVER, NORTHERN VIRGINIA,
                                                     .                     ORANGE COUNTY, SACRAMENTO,
                                          FacsimIiE 2‘02'887'0763          waLNUT cREEK, CENTURY CiTY
                                          wWWW.MOFO.CO M                   TOKYO, LONDON. BELILNG,
                                                                            SHANCGHAT. HONG KONG.
                                                                           SINGAPORE, BRUSSELS

April 6, 2006                                                             Writer‘s Direct Contact

By Messenger                                 APR — 6 2006

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                        —      ications CommisstOn

Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
12th Street Lobby, Counter TW A—325
 Washington, D.C. 20554

        Application for Consent to Pro Forma Assignment of Earth Station License
        Call Sign EQ40275 (File No. SES—ASG—20060321—00476)

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

On behalf of NBC WCMH License Company ("LicenseCo"), proposed assignee in the
above—referenced application, the undersigned hereby notifies the Commission that all steps
necessary to consummate the pro forma assignment of the license of Earth Station E040275
from NBC Telemundo License Co. to LicenseCo were completed on March 23, 2006,
pursuant to prior Commission consent. See Public Notice, Report No. SES—00807 (rel.
March 29, 2006). Questions or correspondence with respect to this matter may be directed to
the undersigned or to Bill LeBeau, NBC/Telemundo senior regulatory counsel,

Very truly yours,

Wm%w A. M
 Margaret L. Tobey

 co: Jeanette D. Spriggs (FCC)
     F. William LeBeau (NBC)


                                             2000 PENNSYLVANIA AvE., NWw     morrIsoN & rorrster Lip
        MORRISON       | FOERSTER            Wasetnctonr, D.C.               NEW YORK. SaN FRaNcIsco,
                                                                             LOS   ANGELES,    PALO   aLTO,
                                             20006—18 88                     .
                                                                             siN   PIEGO.
                                                                                            WaSHINGTON.       D.C.

                                             TELEPHONE 29»2,887,[500         DENVER, NORTHERN VIRGLNIA,
                                                        .                    ORANGE COUNTY, SACRAMENTO,
                                             FacsimtrE 202.887.0763          wALNUT CREEK, CENTURY cITY
                                             wWWW.MOFO.CO M                  TOKYO, LONDON, BEIJING.
                                                                             SHANGHAL, HONG KONG.
                                                                             sCNGAPORE, BRUSSELS

 April 6, 2006                             A EC[ag{ VED                    Writer‘s Direct Contact
                                             APR — 6 2006        

                                      Fedaral Communications Commission
 By Messenger                                 Offica of Secratary
 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
  Secretary                                                               STAM
 Federal Communications Commission                                                 P & RETURN
 445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
  12th Street Lobby, Counter TW A—325
  Washington, D.C. 205534

         Application for Consent to Pro Forma Assignment of Earth Station License
         Call Sign E030231 (File No. SES—ASG—20060321—00477)

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

 On behalf of NBC WVTM License Company ("LicenseCo"), proposed assignee in the
 above—referenced application, the undersigned hereby notifies the Commission that all steps
 necessary to consummate the pro forma assignment of the license of Earth Station E03023 1
 from Birmingham Broadcasting (WVTM—V), L.L.C. to LicenseCo were completed on March
 23, 2006, pursuant to prior Commission consent. See Public Notice, Report No. SES—00807
 (rel. March 29, 2006). Questions or correspondence with respect to this matter may be
 directed to the undersigned or to Bill LeBeau, NBC/Telemundo senior regulatory counsel,
_ 202—637—4535.

 Margaret L. Tobey

 cc: Jeanette D. Spriggs (FCC)
     F. William LeBeau (NBC)


            —   1                            2000 PENNsYLVANIA AvrE., Nw         Morrison & rorrstER LLP
         M ORRIS O N      FOERSTER           Wasutncton, D.C.                    NEW YORK, saN FRANCISCO,
                                             20006—1888                           os a:
                                                                                 Los amories.. rato
                                                                                                PaLo :
                                                                                 san plEGO. WasHINGTON. D.C.
                                             T:itErpHons 202.887.1500            DENVER. NORTHERN VIRGENIA,
                                                                                 ORANGE COUNTY, SACRAMENTO,
                                             'FACSIMILE     202"887'0763         WaALNUT   CREEK,   CENTURY   CITY

                                             wWW.MOFO.CO M                       TOKYO, LONDON. BEIfING.
                                                                                 SHANGHaLT, HONG Koxc,
                                                                                 SINGAPORE, BRUSSELS

   April 6. 2006                                                                Writer‘s Direct Contact
                                               R EC E | VED           

                                                 APR — 6 2006

   By Messenger                           Federal Gommunicai lons Commissio
   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                          Office of Secratary              STAMP & RETURN
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
   12th Street Lobby, Counter TW A—325
   Washington, D.C. 20554

           Application for Consent to Pro Forma Assignment of Earth Station License
           Call Sign E00732 (File No. SES—ASG—20060307—00379)

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

   On behalf of NBC WVTM License Company("LicenseCo"), proposed assignee in the
   above—referenced application, the undersigned hereby notifies the Commission that all steps
   necessary to consummate the pro forma assignment of the license of Earth Station EO0O0732
   from NBC Telemundo License Co. to LicenseCo were completed on March 23, 2006,
   pursuant to prior Commission consent. See Public Notice, Report No. SES—00805 (rel.
   March 22, 2006). Questions or correspondence with respect to this matter may be directed to
   the undersigned or to Bill LeBeau, NBC/Telemundo senior regulatory counsel,

   Very truly yours,

VVM crngaut {— M‘JK
   Margaret L. Tobey

   cc: Jeanette D. Spriggs (FCC)
         F. William LeBeau (NBC)


                                                2000 PENNsYLVANIa Ave., Nnw    MORRISON & FOERSTER LLP

          M O RRIS O N     FOERSTER.            Wasuincton, D.C.               NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO.
                                                                               LOS ANGELES, PALO ALTO,
                                                20006—1888                     SaN   DIEGO, Wa§SsHINGTON,   D.C.

                                                T:irrrHone 202.887.1500        DENVER, NORTHERN VIRGINIA,
                                                                               ORaANGE COUNTY, SACRAMENTO,
                                                Facsintts 202.887.0763         wWaLNUT CREEK, CENTURY C(TY

                                                www . MOFO.CO M                TOKYO, LONDON, BEIIING,
                                                                               SHaNGHAI, HONG KONC.
                                                                               SINGAPORE, BRUSS ELS

                                                                              Writer‘s Direct Contact

    April 6, 2006
                                               APR — 6 ©2006

    By Messenger                        Federal mg’;g:gifch;stacr;mmissm

    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
    Secretary                                                                 STAMP & RETURN
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
    12th Street Lobby, Counter TW A—325
    Washington, D.C. 20554

            Application for Consent to Pro Forma Assignment of Earth Station License
            Call Sign EO030019 (File No. SES—ASG—20060307—00380)

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

    On behalf of NBC WJAR License Company ("LicenseCo"), proposed assignee in the above—
    referenced application, the undersigned hereby notifies the Commission that all steps
    necessary to consummate the pro forma assignment of the licenses of Earth Station E030019
    from NBC Telemundo License Co. to LicenseCo were completed on March 23, 2006,
    pursuant to prior Commission consent. See Public Notice, Report No. SES—00805 (rel.
    March 22, 2006). Questions or correspondence with respect to this matter may be directed to
    the undersigned or to Bill LeBeau, NBC/Telemundo senior regulatory counsel,

-   Very truly yours,

    Margaret L. Tobey

    cc: Jeanette D. Spriggs (FCC)
        F. William LeBeau (NBC)


                                             2000 PennsyLvanta AvrE., Nw    mor®tsoNn & rogrsrer Ltp
 — MORRISON           FOERST ER              Wasurncton, D.C.               NEW YORK. SaN FRANCESCG,
                                                                            LOS   ANGELES,   PALO   ALTO
                                                 6  [88
                                                        8                   SaN   DIEGO.   WaSHINGTON.
                                                                                                           ©   p.c.

                                            TreiErHons 202.887.1500         DENVER. NORTHERN VIRGENTA.
                                                                            ORANGE COUNTY, sACRAMENTO,
                                            FacsimiLs 202.887.0763          waLNUT CREEK, CENTURY ciTY
                                            wWwWW.MOFO.CO M                 TOKYO, LONDON, BEIJING,
                                                                            SHANGHALI, HONG KONCG,
                                                                            SINGAPORE, BRUSSELS

April 6, 2006                                                              Writer‘s Direct Contact
                                    HECE !VED                    

                                       APR — 6 2006
By Messenger                    Federal Communications Commission
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                   Office af Secretary            STAMP & RETURN
Secretary                                         .           .
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
12th Street Lobby, Counter TW A—325
Washington, D.C. 20554

      Application for Consent to Pro Forma Assignment of Earth Station License
      Call Sign E970508 (File No. SES—ASG—20060307—00381)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

On behalf of NBC WNCN License Company ("LicenseCo"), proposed assignee in the
above—referenced application, the undersigned hereby notifies the Commission that all steps
necessary to consummate the pro forma assignment of the license of Earth Station E970508
from NBC Telemundo License Co. to LicenseCo were completed on March 23, 2006,
pursuant to prior Commission consent. See Public Notice, Report No. SES—00805 (rel.
March 22, 2006). Questions or correspondence with respect to this matter may be directed to
the undersigned or to Bill LeBeau, NBC/Telemundo senior regulatory counsel,

Very truly yours,

Margaret L. Tobey

cc: Jeanette D. Spriggs (FCC)
    F. William LeBeau (NBC)


Document Created: 2019-04-10 07:17:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 07:17:37

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